The girl sensitively felt the attention of the equation and could not help looking at him. When she saw the equation for the first time, the girl was slightly stunned, but then his eyes shot two cold eyes! At the moment, the equation has hidden her aura, so other people can't tell the difference between the equation and normal people. Even if there is something special about this girl, she won't know the real identity of the equation,

"Hey, master, who's that girl? What's the relationship with the shopkeeper?"


, which equation does he have to squint at the old girl's eyes

His face was puzzled,

but after listening to Lao Li's words, the equation could not help shaking. If ordinary people heard this sentence, they would be scared. Although the equation was also trembling, it was not an ordinary person after all. In an instant, he realized that the girl was not a human!

"Can you see the girl in the white dress?"

The equation whispered to Yu Yien,

"well, you can see it!"

Yu Yien also probably heard the dialogue between the equation and the old Li just now, and knew that the girl should not be an ordinary person,

"look at her, you should have a deep hatred with the shopkeeper. You can look at the shopkeeper and I'll go to find out what the girl is!"

The equation tells Yu Yien,

"OK, you go!"

Yu Yien nodded and then went to the crazy man. Although he didn't want to take care of such a madman, he couldn't really ignore his life!

The equation arranged Yu Yi en, and then told Liu Bai to follow Yu Yi en. He walked to the girl with white skirt. When he looked up, he found that the girl had disappeared. The equation was slightly stunned, but then he laughed. He felt the direction of the aura slightly, and then walked in that direction.

In the quiet lane behind the shop, a woman in white stands in the middle of the road. The equation can only see her back, graceful, slender and graceful. But the equation doesn't pay attention to these things. What is this woman in his mind at this moment?

"You have a lot of courage. Oh, no, they all say that you are bold and bold. You are what you are talking about! Don't you think there is something strange about a woman in white standing on such a remote and quiet path on such a late day

The woman felt that the equation was close, so she turned her back to him and said,

"it's true that I am bold, but... I'm not color gall, I'm curious!"

The equation corrects the woman's statement,


The woman was slightly stunned and seemed to turn her head in surprise. Her face was as white as snow at the moment. Looking at it carefully, the whole person was vaguely transparent. I think... It should be that her aura can't support her for a long time. The equation seems to know what she is,

"what's strange about you?"

"I'm curious... What are you really?"

The equation took a step forward, tilted her head and looked at her face. The other side was startled violently, and there was a bit of fierce light in his eyes. It was like the instinct of animals. She would subconsciously resist the invasion of other races. This girl is now in this state,

"what do you mean?"

She asked the equation angrily. Seeing her body movements, she seemed to be ready to fight him,

"I said..."

the equation took a step forward without pressure, looked at the woman's smile and said,

"I wonder what kind of thing are you? Sword? No, you don't have so much anger; jade or gem? It's not like that. What are you... Exactly? "

The equation deliberately guessed this, which made the woman uneasy. She looked left and right, as if she was looking for a way to escape,

"who are you, exactly?"

She asked in a trembling voice that the spiritual cultivation of this instrument is not high and the spiritual power is not enough. Otherwise, she would not be so weak. The evolved human forms are all on the verge of falling. Therefore, she is afraid and worried. If a demon or God wants to receive her spiritual power, she will be finished.

"who am I? What I want to know now is... Who are you? Does it have anything to do with you that the man shopkeeper is crazy

The equation looked at the other person's eyes and said it word by word. The woman looked at his eyes and her eyebrows flowed. She was just about to open her mouth when she was interrupted by the equation,

"I want to listen to the truth!"

Looking at the woman's dodgy eyes, the equation knew that she was going to lie, so she reminded her loudly that the woman was scared, and then she reluctantly told the truth,

"I'm actually... A lock!"

"A lock?"The equation is in a daze? He didn't expect this beautiful woman to be a lock.

As the name implies, an ordinary object is carried or worn by gods, demons, demons or other races with aura for a long time. A spirit derived from various auras for years has no life, so it is difficult and difficult to practice life and then evolve into human form, and lock spirit itself is rare There are very few lock spirits in the shape of women. The equation meets one.

"Yes, I used to be a lock. It was the lock on a wooden box that Sun Sheng's mother married to. It was the wooden box that Sun Sheng held in his hand. It was his money box. I wanted to sleep with that wooden box every day. Can you imagine how much he has loved money?"

At last, the woman said what kind of spirit she was.

"sleeping with a money box? Is that too much exaggeration? "

The equation was a little stunned and couldn't help shaking her head. When the spirit heard the equation, she couldn't help biting her lips, making her hair white. Then she looked at the equation with a solemn expression, and her eyes were full of hate.

"he loves money to the point where he is crazy...

She pauses for a moment, and then goes on to say,

" I'm in my grandson When I was at home, my mother took good care of me. Although I had changed several owners before her, she was the best to me. She wiped me clean with soft dishcloth every day. She put her favorite beautiful clothes, clean cloth and all kinds of jewelry in the box. She really treated me very carefully all the time! "

The eyes of the spirit become a little ethereal, as if they are recalling the past. The gentleness in the eyes tells the equation that what she said is true. Her former master was really good to her,

"but... You can't make people crazy because the former master is not good enough to you. Is this a little too...

Before the equation was finished, he was urgently interrupted by the other party,

"I didn't start to attack him because of this!"

After hearing the equation for a long time, he couldn't help rubbing his ears,

"he killed his mother..."

he said bitterly. Hearing her words, the equation didn't respond for a long time, and he forgot her for a while. Then he murmured,

"what are you talking about?"

"I said... That Sun Sheng, he killed his own mother himself!"

The spirit magnified his voice and said again to the equation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!