The equation saw through the old man's trick at a glance, and complained that the owner of the shop was too greedy. If he hadn't found this thing, I'm afraid they would never have known that the two stone lions had such two beads in their mouths,

"shopkeeper, you can estimate the price of those two beads and sell them to me, otherwise... I will go I don't have time to wait for your boss here! "

Equation looked at the old shopkeeper's eyes, deliberately showed a look of impatience.

As soon as the equation said this, the old shopkeeper lost his mind immediately. The boss asked him to stabilize the buyer. If he left, the boss would be angry when he came back. So he took out the phone again and explained to the equation in a continuous voice,

"sir, you can wait for the last few minutes. I'll ask the boss for instructions to see what kind of price he is going to fix You report it, and then you can decide whether it is suitable or not? This thing... Originally is not for sale, you want this suddenly, he also wants to estimate the cost! Besides, you've been waiting for such a long time. It's not short of two or three minutes! "

Looking at the old shopkeeper's treacherous appearance, the equation pretended to be reluctant, frowned and said,

"OK, well, hurry up, my time is precious!"

"Ah, good and good..."

the shopkeeper listened to the boss's phone call and agreed to the equation. Before five minutes into the inner hall, he came out with two night pearls, with a smile on his face.

"Sir, our boss said that the night pearls are hard to find in the world, but since you have found them, they are It's predestined with you, so... These two beads will be sold to you at the market price of 3 million! "

When the old shopkeeper said the price, he did not wait for the equation to make any response, but Liu Bai was angry first,

"how much? Three million... Why don't your family grab money? Just two broken beads in the stone lion's mouth, you want three million? If it wasn't for the equation, I don't think you all know that there are such two beads in it! You are taking us as a rip off, trying to strike a stroke! "

Liu Baizhen's words made all the equations laugh,

"Liu Bai, its..."

"how about... Two million?"

Before the equation was opened, he was interrupted by the old shopkeeper's words. The original equation was to promise to come. Compared with the two dragon beads, the price of three million yuan was almost as low as the sea. But before he could speak, the old shopkeeper suppressed the price first! And a pressure is a million, it seems that... They do not understand the true value of these two beads.

"Two million..."

"OK, deal!"

Liu Bai, who still wanted to continue bargaining with the equation, shook his head at him. Although Liu Bai had some doubts about the action of the equation, he also retreated obediently and stopped talking,

"this... Sir, what did you just say? You mean... Deal? "

The old shopkeeper stared at the equation and asked, "I'm afraid I just heard what he said.

" yes, I said deal! "

The equation nodded for sure!

When he came out of the store, he had a satisfied smile on his face, while Liu Bai beside him was full of doubts and helplessness. Equation looked back at him and said with a smile,

"Liu Bai, you think these two beads are not worth the price, right?"

"Yes, it's too expensive to buy two small beads of unknown material for two million! Equation, have you been cheated! "

Liu Bai was really worried about being cheated by the equation. After listening to him, the equation couldn't help laughing,

"Liu Bai, do you know the real value of these two beads

"How many? Two such small beads, even if they are jade, are only a few hundred thousand at most! "

Liu Bai looked at the small box in the hand of the equation and said with indifference,

"several hundred thousand?"

After listening to Liu Bai's words, the equation immediately shook his head,

"Liu Bai, when did you see me do a loss making business? The value of these two beads is about 200 times or even 300 times of the price you said, and the most important thing is... These things can't be met if you want to meet them. They are in my hands now. Even if someone pays 200 million... I won't sell them! "

After listening to the equation, Liu Bai immediately widened his eyes,

"what? You don't sell 200 million? Is this bead really so rare? "

"Of course, it's very useful! All right, let's not talk about this. Let's go back to the ancient residence first. Dog, they are still waiting for us to eat! "

The dinner was set in a very low-key and luxurious private restaurant not far from the ancient residence. When in Rome, the restaurant was arranged by Qian Hong. It was a very famous local restaurant. The food materials, environment and taste were top-notch. Many celebrities in politics and business circles ate here, which shows the popularity of the restaurant!Equation, Zhang Xiaotian, Su Mengying, Yu Yien, Liu Bai and Li Zhaowen were sitting at the table. They were all peers and good friends, so the atmosphere was very relaxed.

"Mengying, Gouzi said that if you invite his girlfriend to dinner, you must eat well. So I asked Qian Hong to order the restaurant specially. It is said that the dishes in this shop are very good. You can eat more in a moment A little bit, or he'll come back and settle accounts with me! "

Equation said with a smile to Su Mengying that Zhang Xiaotian has been particularly fond of showing her love since she fell in love. When she goes out to have a meal, he wants to say, "how about my girlfriend? I can't eat this and that. I must pay attention to it!" Go out to play, he will say, "my girlfriend is afraid of height, my girlfriend is afraid of water, can't play these!" Go out to live in a hotel, he will also say "hotel to do spa, but also have fitness, my girlfriend needs!" This is a complete show of love!

"Equation, don't listen to his nonsense. I'm not so delicate! I fell into the pit. He was a man when I first met him. I liked his appearance. But when I fell in love, my God, it was even more sticky than 502. Oh, my God, I ruined his hand in my life

Su Mengying a helpless home appearance, but also caused a burst of laughter, these two are really every word, every word in show love ah!

"All right, here comes the food. Start eating, or you'll be full of dog food for these two people soon!"

Zhang Xiaotian and Su Mengying looked at each other, and then chuckled with a chuckle,

"well, equation, why didn't you bring the morning and night with you this time?"

Su Mengying asked as she ate,

"this time I came directly from Xiamen City, and she went abroad to attend a summit two days ago, but she didn't catch up with her. She was too busy, and I couldn't bear to toss her back and forth. When the matter of Hong Kong City was dealt with, I would go back to the capital and stay with her for a period of time!"

It's really a long time for the equation to come out this time. When you go back, you must accompany your girlfriend and family well,

"Mengying, you and equation talk first, I'll go to the bathroom!"

Zhang Xiaotian patted Su Mengying on the shoulder,

"well, good!"

Su Mengying nodded, and the equation could not be heard any more.

"you should go quickly, even the last bathroom should be reported. Can you stick a little bit more?"

"You are jealous. If you are not around, you will envy me if you have no one to stick to you."

Zhang Xiaotian naughtily made an ugly face at the equation, and then ran out of the private room! , the fastest update of the webnovel!