At present, the voice of the telephone receiver is generally loud. Li Zhaowen stands beside the equation with a slight embarrassment. The equation looks at his face and can't help laughing. He pats Li Zhaowen on the shoulder with understanding,

"my grandfather is like this. It is estimated that when he is with grandfather Li, he may be more than he is now!"

Li Zhaowen is comforted by the equation. Li Zhaowen smiles and nods to show his understanding. His grandfather always tells him about old man Bei and old man Bei,

"grandfather, I don't know if you've heard of the case of Gangcheng Qianren group...

after laughing, the equation becomes serious when talking about business, and Mr. Bei takes his grandson's tone seriously Come on, I also restrained my attitude,

"I heard that, why? What does this case have to do with you? "

BR, < BR,

, it's my case


Mr. Bei was surprised to hear the equation say so,

"yes, ocean! Well, good boy, such a moth should be picked out early! "

The old man was a soldier all his life. His character was very honest. He couldn't see this kind of thing most. So when he heard that his grandson picked out the moth, Chang Lijie, he couldn't help but be very proud!

"Ocean, if you want me to do anything, just tell me, my grandfather will do it for you!"

"You can do it without listening to what I'm saying?"

"As long as it's my grandson's request, we can do it!" he said with a helpless smile

The old man is old and strong, and his words are so confident that he can't help but feel warm in his heart,

"OK, I'll tell you!"

The equation talked about the case of Qianren group with the old man, and also talked about Chang Lijie's current means. Mr. Bei had a wide range of knowledge and understood the context of the matter at the moment. The old man promised that the equation would let him see the improvement of things before tonight, and then hung up the phone.

Equation is absolutely believe in his grandfather's ability, many things, he may ask his grandfather to sue his grandmother to find countless individuals, spend countless time to do, but in the end, it may not be able to succeed, and Mr. Bei... May be a phone call!

"What do you say, grandfather Bei?"

Li Zhaowen looked at the equation and asked,

"I said that I would see the effect tonight, but... I don't know what the effect is?"

Equation slightly some doubt shook his head, but since grandfather has promised to come down, then he will wait, he believes that grandfather will give himself a satisfactory result!

Several people were discussing. Zhang Xiaotian came in with Su Mengying, whose eyes were red, and his face was also covered with some unspeakable sadness,

"Gouzi, you and Mengying pack up your things, we will leave Hong Kong City and go back to the capital tomorrow!"

The equation says to Zhang Xiaotian,

"ah? Why is it so urgent? "

Zhang Xiaotian was stunned,

"well, Yien has found a way to not only strip the soul consciousness from your body, but also save your life!"


Before Zhang Xiaotian opened his mouth, Su Mengying exclaimed,

"well, although... I can't guarantee it, I still have to try!"

The equation nodded,

"well, yes, yes, we must try, we must... Have a try, if there is anything I can do for you, it doesn't matter, tell me, I can!"

Su Mengying's excited tears fell down again. Looking at some incoherent Meng Ying and the equations and everyone who worked hard for herself, Zhang Xiaotian turned around and wiped her face with the back of her hand,

"well, don't think about it too much. Since the goal is the same, we will work towards that goal. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up, nor can you Give up

Equation patted Zhang Xiaotian on the shoulder and said unswervingly!

Because of the news that Yu Yien brought back, the atmosphere of everyone was obviously much better. Li Zhaowen went home in advance to ask for leave with his grandfather. He had to follow the equation to help brother Xiaotian find a way to save his life!

At the beginning, the equation didn't agree that he would go with him. Zhao Wen has not yet awakened. He is not sure whether he will like the life after awakening. Moreover, he is the right and left hand of grandfather Li. He is responsible for a large part of the Li family's industry. If something happens to him, he can't account for it, and he can't make up for it ... he didn't want to go with Zhaowen!

But his idea was rejected by Zhaowen! Although Li Zhaowen doesn't know his identity, he likes this kind of fresh, adventurous and exciting life! And he was very just by grandfather Li's education. After knowing the real meaning of brother Xiaotian, he wanted to join in more! So he just let the equation agree with him and join in. Now he is going home to ask his grandfather's permission. His work... Still needs to be taken over!Sure enough, after more than an hour, the phone of the equation rang, and Mr. Li was shown on the screen. The equation shook his head helplessly and picked it up,

"Hello, grandfather Li, you are calling me a curse, aren't you? Zhao Wen is a good boy. I was short of manpower. I asked him if he would like to do something with me. He was also very difficult, because he took care of your old...

choose the equation first, so as to get less scolding,

"don't make nonsense! Zhao Wen has told me that he proposed to do things with you first, but he still made it up with me here. You two don't have the same caliber. Do you want to cheat me? You are so tender

Mr. Li's tone doesn't seem to be particularly angry,

"I'm ten thousand people at ease for you. I'm willing to put Zhaowen in your hands for two years. He's still too young to experience anything. Now his family is peaceful, and all the things handed over to him are promising things! But in case something unexpected happens in the future, the inexperienced will be in short supply

After listening to Mr. Li's words, the heart of the equation was finally put down,


but Mr. Li raised the heart of the equation again,

"this trillion article is going to work with you, so who will be in charge of this stall of my family? You also know what the garlic in our family looks like. In addition to Zhaowen, we really can't find anyone who can grasp the whole situation! "

Mr. Li is right. Zhaowen is the most outstanding of his children and grandchildren. Although the equation has taught all of them since the last time Mr. Li was rescued by the equation of emergency, the unfilial children have made some progress, but it is still difficult for them to lead the Li family!

"Grandfather Li, although they can't grasp the whole situation, you can! You find out the outstanding point of each person and what is suitable to do, let each of them be in charge of a stall, and then you can take charge of the overall situation! Sooner or later, they will accept the affairs of the company. In this way, they can train them in advance. After Zhaowen takes over the company in the future, they will be the right and left hand of Zhaowen! "

The equation made Mr. Li open his mind at once,

"yes, this method is good! Exercise them, in the future, Zhaowen will not be too tired, OK, that's it! I agree with Zhao Wen to work with you for a few years. When my body fails, you will have to give him back to me! "

Mr. Li agreed to Li Zhaowen's request and asked him to work hard with the equation for several years.

"grandfather Li, you can have a good reputation for twenty or thirty years!"

The equation is not flattery. Mr. Li was given aura by him. He said that Mr. Li would live another 20 or 30 years, which was a conservative estimate,

"20 or 30 years? Ha ha ha, ocean, are you taking your grandfather Li as an old goblin? Twenty or thirty years later, I will be in my twenties and twenties. How could it be? "

Although Mr. Li knows that the equation is to make him happy, he still wants to be happy. The biggest reason is that he really feels that his body has become stronger and more comfortable recently. Maybe... There is no problem living for another 20 or 30 years!

"Well, the matter has been finished. From now on, Zhaowen will be trained by you. You must train him well. At least you should look like a seven point one."

"Granddad Li, you are flattered. Don't worry! I will take good care of Zhaowen

The equation finished and hung up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!