Chao's aunt really made a very rich dinner. She also really listened to the old man's words and spent most of the day in the supermarket and bought three bags of things. If the equation of these things is not finished, I'm really sorry that my aunt is so complete and cooperative with myself!

"Grandfather, uncle, aunt... I'd like to propose a toast to you three. It's about to celebrate the new year. I'm here to wish you good health and all the best in advance. I wish you happiness and love to your uncle and aunt!"

Equation raised his glass and toasted to several elders,

"good, good..."

my grandfather drank the wine in the cup, while my father picked up the glass in a relaxed manner. His mother gave him a white eye and urged him to drink the wine!

"I see..."

my father drank the wine reluctantly. He was drinking wine when he heard him suddenly say,

"grandfather, father, mother, this year's new year's Day... I want to visit the family of equation!"

Hearing her words, everyone's eyes on the table looked at her. Her grandfather was smiling, her mother was slightly Zheng, and her father was not happy.

The equation was startled by the words in the morning and night. He originally wanted to have a happy meal first. After the meal, when everyone was happy and happy, it might be more appropriate to say this, but it seems that... Every day seems to be more anxious,


the equation opened a little awkwardly,

"grandfather, uncle, aunt, in fact "

" equation he proposed to me. We plan to hold an engagement ceremony after the new year, so... I should visit first! "

Every day and night, he said solemnly and solemnly. Listening to the equation, his face was tense,

"OK, OK, good engagement, but in my old man's opinion, it would be better if you married directly!"

My grandfather loved the equation. He wanted his granddaughter to marry him. But... After listening to the words every day and night, his father's expression was wonderful, black, white, smelly and long,

"equation, how can you marry my daughter

"What are you doing?" he asked solemnly? How can you talk like that

She pushed her husband toward her mother,

"what's wrong with me? This is my baby daughter. I'll ask him what's wrong? Isn't it something that every girl's father should worry about and care about? I need to know what kind of preparation this boy has made to marry our daughter

He looked at his wife with a "you don't understand" look at his father, then turned to the equation,

"come on, what advantages do you think you have to marry my daughter?"


the equation stopped and then opened the mouth,

"if the hardware is convenient, I don't want to say anything more. Chaojia is a big family. I must have seen all kinds of rare and exotic treasures, and my family background is big enough. All I can say is that our Fang family is not strong, just a common people's family, but I still have it It is hard work and has accumulated some capital, which is more than enough for a prosperous life every day! "

Equation does not want to say that he is the Bei family, and he also knows that Chaojia is not a snobbish family that only looks at family background,

"but if uncle is talking about feelings... I don't really have much to say, because the words spoken are beautiful, but whether they can be done or not depends on the future! Now, no matter how beautiful the words are, it's no use not to do it later, so... I can only say uncle and aunt, you two always look at my future performance! "

Equation finish saying, turn head to look at morning and evening, toward him gently nodded, smile sweetly. But when Chao's father saw the couple's affectionate eyes, he snorted softly in his nose,

"hum, that's a good voice! But where can you be better if you don't even want to say anything nice? "

"You have a lot to do with you..."

his grandfather looked at his son with disgust,

"what would you do when you married your daughter-in-law Xiaowen? When I was 20 years old, I couldn't even appreciate a piece of Ming Dynasty porcelain. It was Xiaowen who helped you. Hum, how could my in laws be willing to marry my daughter into our Chao family...

grandfather Chao was so cruel that she even made her mother laugh secretly in private,

"Dad, now I'm talking about Xiaoxihe equation, you say me What are you doing

"I mean, if you think about the mood when you married Xiaowen, you can understand the idea of the equation. You also know that equation is a good child, so why bother him because... The title of your father-in-law? Yan fan, the old ways are not popular now. You are not as enlightened as I amGrandfather Chao is really open-minded.

Chao yanfan was embarrassed by his father's words, but he felt that his father's words were reasonable. So he scratched his head unnaturally, turned his head and looked at his daughter's day and night,

"Xiaoxi, you are... Really willing to... Be willing to marry the boy of equation!"

After listening to my father's question, I first turned my head and looked at the equation, and then I turned to my father,

"Dad, as you know, I have been used to being independent since I was a child. Since I was nine years old, I have started to face the people outside. Over the years, I have seen a lot of people, of course... There are also many people who pursue me But... I'm sure what I like is the equation

"Besides, I never look at a person's family background all the time. No matter whether he has family background or not, I like him as long as he is sincere and hardworking enough!"

Finish that day and night, drink a glass of wine on the table.

After listening to his daughter's words, Chao yanfan could not help but lower his head and think for a moment,

"Yan fan... You were very strict with Xiaoxi since childhood. Did you not praise him for his thoughtfulness and depth at that time? You have promised Xiaoxi to let her decide what she wants to do in the future. As parents, we just need to see if this boy is a good boy. Other... Let Xiaoxi make her own decisions! "

Chao's mother said to her husband,

"yes, Xiaowen is right. Yan fan, you have to change your mind!"

He nodded to his grandfather. Equation happy looking at them, the family are helping himself to speak, his heart is very satisfied!

"Good, good... I can't tell you!"

Chao yanfan drank a glass of wine in a bit of depression,

"I said, but you, OK, Xiaoxi... As long as you decide, you can do it! Dad... Dad, mom and grandfather will support you, but...

half of what Chao yanfan said, he turned his head and looked at the equation,

"equation ah... You should remember that behind Xiaoxi is the whole Chao family, you can't bully her! Otherwise... I don't know what to do! "





























, he shook his father's voice and said to me in a gentle voice of! ”

the equation is neither humble nor overbearing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!