The equation is not surprising that the police will look at themselves like this, because they are strangers who come suddenly. Even if they have hatred and resentment, they will not be so cruel. So the doubt naturally falls on them!

"What do you... Do at Wang chunchuan's house?"

"Do business!" the policeman asked with an inquisitive attitude

The equation says weakly,

"do business? What business do you do with an honest peasant

The suspicion on the policeman's face was more obvious, but he looked at the pale and sickly face of the equation, and asked with some uncertainty,

"what's wrong with you

"He's blood sick!"

"That's what happened when I saw the blood in it just now!"

"Blood sickness? Didn't you just say that you did the first aid for the two brothers and sisters? Why are you still sick of blood? "

The police asked in a strange way,

"Mr. policeman, is this blood sickness and treating others contradictory

Yu Yien didn't understand the logic of the police,


the policeman nodded unnaturally and was right. Is there any inevitable contradiction between blood fainting and emergency treatment? Obviously, no!

"Well, tell me! What business are you doing with Wang chunchuan? "

The policeman looked at equation again,

"my name is equation. I am a director of the national cultural relics Association. I am invited to participate in a national cultural relics exhibition in Shenzhen these days!"

Equation took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to the police, and then went on to say,

"and brother Wang chunchuan is the decoration worker of the exhibition venue. We met there! One day, he came to me and said that he had several things that his father had dug out of the ground. He said that he wanted me to help identify the antiques! I agreed, but I was in the exhibition before and couldn't leave, so I made an appointment with him to come to his home to see what he said after the exhibition

The equation described the process of meeting Wang chunchuan at home.

"in my mobile phone, brother Wang sent me a message. You can have a look at it!"

The equation took out his mobile phone and the police took it. While looking at the chat record, he continued to ask,

"OK, we will check what you said! What's in Wang chunchuan's house... Do you know? "

"Brother Wang really didn't say that! Well, I'm going before I can say it! "

Equation was glad that he had specially told Wang chunchuan not to mention the word "golden thread jade clothes". When talking to him, he had better use "those two kinds of objects" instead, in order to avoid being looked at by those who have a heart!

"When did you arrive and how did you find the scene?"

The policeman nodded and continued to ask,

"we are the dragon head village that arrived less than two hours ago. We met the old man and asked the way of his old man. Then the uncle took us to the Wang's house. As soon as we opened the door, we saw this scene!"

When the equation mentioned the scene just now, I was still very uncomfortable,

"uncle? Ah, Mr. Huang, it's you! Mr. Huang, are they telling the truth? "

The police looked in the direction indicated by the equation and saw that the old man, whose face was still very ugly, was sitting on a chair that he did not know who had moved it. They are villagers, so many villagers know it,

"yes, it is! Officer Zhao, I want to report to you. I know... I know who killed the chunchuan family! It's that group, the group that came in the morning, it's them... They definitely killed the chunchuan family! "

BR, < BR,

, who's calling your nephew Wang Chuner's hand? Mr. Huang, who are you talking about? "

The policeman asked in a hurry,

"even the group, they also drive two jeeps! There were about seven or eight people and two foreigners with yellow hair, but I didn't see what they looked like! But there was a young man who got out of the car to ask me the way. I saw his face clearly

Uncle Huang thought of the young man who asked him for the way.

"really, what does that man look like

Seeing the clues, the police quickly took out the record book and began to remember it.

"well... It looks like a boy of twenty-four-five years old, with a narrow face, a high nose and Danfeng eyes. He looks like a boy who has never suffered a lot! Height... About 1.78 meters, very thin, oh, by the way, there is a mole in the corner of his eye! "

Listening to Mr. Huang's description, the equation suddenly felt that this person was very familiar,"The equation, how can I feel familiar with this person? Is it a bit like...

"Fang Zhan!"

The equation and the idea go together.

"Do you know that man?"

After hearing the dialogue between the equation and the day and night, the policeman turned his head and looked at them. The doubts about the equation that had just been eliminated rose again,

"well... I'm just doubting!"

The equation decided to tell the truth, if Fang Zhan really did it, he couldn't protect him. Of course... If it was true, he didn't want to protect him!

"Fang Zhan is my cousin. His grandfather is my grandfather's brother! In fact... We are not so familiar, we lived very close when we were young, but later their family moved! We haven't seen each other for more than ten years, but during the Spring Festival this year, my uncle took him to visit my family to pay New Year's greetings, and... To borrow money! "

The equation tells the police what they know about each other's exhibition,

"borrow money?"

The police caught hold of this point,

"yes, it's borrowing money! So... Mr. police, you can understand my feeling about a relative who has not seen him for more than ten years, but comes to borrow money when he meets him! "

The equation gave a helpless smile, and the policeman nodded, saying that he could understand,

"it seems that... This square exhibition is short of money!"

The policeman thought slightly,

"he said he would borrow three million yuan to open an antique shop and let me invest in him! As for me, I have made some small money in the antique business in the past two years. It is estimated that they came to me because they heard the news. I also wanted to have a fight with my relatives, so I didn't have much trouble, so I promised to invest 3 million yuan in his shop! Results... "

" what was the result? "

Seeing that the equation stopped, the policeman immediately raised his head and asked,

"at the antique exhibition in Shenzhen, I met him. He took the three million I invested for him and bought an antique agate necklace for his girlfriend!"

Now the equation mentioned this matter, or a little angry,

"what? Three million for a necklace? "

The police are shocked, the normal family's money view probably can't understand three million to buy a necklace this kind of thing!


The equation nodded, and the police shook their heads in anger,

"this is a black sheep! Lend money to your girlfriend to buy three million necklaces? How dare you spend it

"Yes, so I got angry on the spot and robbed the necklace and didn't pay any more attention to him! But as for how he got involved in this, I really don't know! "

The equation really doesn't know what the relationship between this exhibition and brother Wang is.

"I think..."

the police looked at the equation and speculated boldly and based,

"according to my estimation, his purpose... Should be the same as yours. They are all the antiques of Wang chunchuan's family! Maybe you and Wang chunchuan want to trade antiques... Fang Zhan knows, so he went to the Wang family one step ahead of you and took those antiques by cruel means! "

The police seriously said to the equation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!