In the No. 1 emergency room of the hospital, the old man who had been given the wrong drops was lying on the hospital bed, and a woman in her thirties was crying.

"Vice President sun..."

the nurse standing on the side saw vice president sun coming in and called out in a hurry,

"this is..."

he pointed to the woman who was suffering and asked,

"Oh, that's the patient's daughter..."


he nodded and walked towards the woman with a heavy expression "Well... You are the daughter of Zhao Guixiang! I'm vice president sun of... County hospital! "

"Vice President? Well, since you are the Dean, tell me, how did my mother die? She just came to your hospital for a drop of pneumonia. Why did she die here? She's fine in the morning

"Oh, first of all, on behalf of the hospital, I would like to express my deepest regret and deep mourning for the death of the old man Zhao Guixiang! Secondly, the specific cause of death is still under investigation. You can understand that the human body is a very magical and complex structure. In the case of old man Zhao Guixiang, we need to do a lot of further tests and examinations, so we will have to wait for some time to give you the specific answer to the specific cause of death! "

Vice President sun began to use the procrastination policy,

"but initially it seems that allergy may be the most possible possibility. There may be some drug allergies. The old people didn't tell our doctors and nurses when they told the history of allergies...

this began to shirk responsibility again,

" my mother has never been allergic! I've lived for more than 60 years, and I've never heard of her allergy to any drugs or things! "

When the woman heard vice president Sun said this, she quickly retorted,

"Oh, we didn't say that it must be caused by allergy. It's not true that we have to wait until the test report comes out to find out the specific cause of death of the elderly!" Vice President sun drew it back again,

"when will the inspection report come out?"

The woman looked anxiously at her old mother who was still lying in the hospital bed,

"I'm not sure about this... But we promise that we will make it as soon as possible!"

"What about my mother? Has she been allowed to lie in that cold morgue and never be able to settle down in the earth? "

The woman grabbed her mother's cold hand and choked.

As soon as vice president sun listened to the woman's words, his face immediately showed a little happiness that was hard to hide. What the other side said reflected his mind,

"so... Your filial piety is respectable! After the funeral, we still need to save some blood samples for the elderly! It also saves... The old man has been lying alone in the morgue of the hospital for so many days...

his plot is about to succeed, and his eyes are shining with gloomy light,


the woman hesitated, but... It was obviously moved. Vice President sun looked at her, full of expectation and anxiety,

"that's good..."

"wait a minute!"

From the door of the emergency room came the sound of the equation.

Equation and all the time followed vice president sun and them all the way, but they were stopped outside the emergency room by several security personnel, but even so, equation's keen hearing was useful. Even though there was a door, they could hear what they said inside clearly.

Looking at the old man's daughter was about to be cremated by Vice President sun, he finally burst in. Because he was too aware of vice president sun's moves, and his body was cremated, that is, there is no evidence and no evidence. They can say what they want!

"You... Why haven't you left yet?"

Vice President sun can't help but feel a little nervous when he sees the equation and every day!

When the little doctor just came to report this matter, he did not pay attention to these two people, nor did he let the little doctor speak behind their backs. So they heard what they had just said clearly. Now they rushed in, they must want to say something unfavorable to themselves.

"How did you get in? This is the first-aid room. You are not allowed to enter

He was slightly annoyed,

"I don't seem to see any signs of rescue..."

the equation tilted and saw the old man lying in the hospital bed,


vice president sun cried out in a hurry,

"you don't need to call security, they are useless to me, I have hands and feet, Can walk... "Equation shook his head and looked at vice president sun jokingly, as if he was not talking to Vice President sun about a very serious matter, but seemed to be joking,

"however, before I leave, I have a word to say..."

after listening to his words, deputy director Sun looked at the security guard at the door in a hurry, which meant that they should take this man no matter what People pull out, can't let her talk nonsense!

The security guards understood the meaning of the deputy director, and when they saw the equation, they rushed in to pull him away, but... They overestimated themselves and underestimated the equation. They came in less than ten seconds, and they were all hit!

"I'll leave with that. Vice president sun doesn't have to make such a big battle for me to leave!"

Then, he looked at the old man's daughter,

"madam, what I just heard about the sudden death of your mother is not the version that vice president Sun said! Would you like to hear it? "

"You shut your mouth..."

vice president sun rushed to the equation in a rage. As soon as the equation was pushed, he staggered, and then his fat body sat on the hospital bed,

"what... Another version?"

People in Xiaoxian city are relatively simple and honest. In the eyes of some people who have a heart, they are easy to bully and cheat.

"about the death of your mother, I heard that the baby daughter of vice president sun, the little nurse responsible for dispensing and injecting your mother's medicine, took your mother's medicine wrong! That's why your mother died! So... He hopes that you can cremate the mother's body as soon as possible, and bury it in safety... "

the equation clearly says to the old man's daughter," what? "

The old man's daughter was stunned at first. Then she turned her head and looked at the vice president sun. She yelled at her and was stopped by the little nurse on the side.

"you have no conscience. You still cheat me. You return my mother and my mother... You son of a bitch!"

She cried out,

"you... What evidence do you have, I tell you, you can't be bloody? Otherwise... I'll call the police and I'll sue you for slander...

vice president sun is still strongly debating,

"don't worry, you want to call the police, I've already reported it for you, now the police are on the way, and later... You can see the lovely police uncle!"

She walked in all day and night, sneered at vice president sun. Then she turned her head and looked at the old man's daughter,

"I have already called the police and explained your situation by the way. In a moment, the police will come to you to learn about the situation. As for the old man... The police station said that they would send someone to take her old man's body to the funeral parlor, and then the forensic medicine would do the work Professional inspection! "

"Wuwuwuwu... Thank you, thank you..."

while the woman was crying, she said thanks to them in the equation,

"in fact, you don't have to thank us. We just had a bad time with Vice President sun. If we seize this opportunity, we will try harder to overthrow him..."

the equation said frankly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!