Seeing this, Yu Yien's expression changed slightly. He also took a big step to block in front of the equation and looked at those people in front of him with sharp eyes.

"It's OK, one!"

The equation reaches out and pulls Yu Yi en back.

"You don't have to be nervous. I don't mean anything else, and I won't do anything! If I have other ideas, first, I won't save Gu Huan so easily; second, I won't come here alone to meet with the town master gu! "

The equation chuckled indifferently.

Seeing this, Gu waved his hand and motioned to his staff to step down.

"Why on earth did Mr. Fang come to see me?"

The equation thought for a moment.

"I can help you hide Gu Huan's real situation from the mirror owner, and you... Help me find a way out of here!"

After listening to the equation, Gu Zhenzhu was stunned, and then... He couldn't help laughing.

"If I know how to get out of here, do you think I'll stay here? I have already let myself go. Why should I be ruled like this? "

Gu shook his head, but the equation laughed.

"You don't know, but... Someone must know it!"

Listen to his words, gu town master Leng Leng, can immediately react to come over.

"You mean... How could that be? How could he tell us how to leave the mirror world? "

Gu Weizhi shook his head in a hurry and then laughed bitterly, as if the equation had told a big joke.

The equation looked at Gu Weizhi for a long time, and suddenly... He showed a smile of disdain and contempt.

"It seems that... The town master Gu is just like this! For the sake of their own stability and wealth, even their own women were killed, and their sons were almost poisoned, and they could bear it! "

"Mr. Fang, please pay attention to your words!"

The good-natured town master Gu finally couldn't help it. He yelled loudly.

Gu Huan, on the other side, was stunned when he heard the equation. He looked at the equation and looked at his father. It seemed that he could not understand the equation.

"Brother Fang..."

Gu huangang was about to open his mouth, but he saw the equation turn around.

"Gu Huan, I think I may have come to the wrong place. Town master Gu... Is not the person I imagined! En... Let's go! "

Finish saying, he goes to the front door of the study directly, Yu Yi en also hastily followed up.

"Elder brother Fang... Elder brother Fang..."

GU Huan looked at the back of the equation and then turned to look at his father.

Gu Huan is not a fool. In fact, his actual age is even older than the equation. He is only protected too well. He understands the equation just now!

He understood that he seemed to have a special relationship with the camp owner, that his mother did not leave for no reason to cause trouble; he also understood that his body was not weak for no reason, and that there seemed to be some problems in the camp owner's body, which could not be separated from the mirror master. He understood that all these things were very clear to his father, It's just that he... Pretends not to know.

Gu Huan looks at his father. In his eyes... He has never been disappointed. Then he turned his head and ran after the equation.

"Huan'er, huan'er..."

GU Weizhi frowned and watched his son go after the equation. He collapsed on his seat with his rare decadence.

"Did I really do something wrong?"

Yu Yien followed the equation and hesitated for a moment or opened his mouth.

"Do you want to... Take advantage of the relationship between master Gu and master mirror to get out of here?"

Equation heard Yu Yien's words, did not have to nod again.

"So to speak, in fact... I hope to bring back all the people who want to come back to our world. After all... This is not their home. The town Lord is now content with the status quo for his son, and the camp owner has no spare time to fight against the mirror master every day. If they don't change their mind, it's very difficult for me to know the way to leave here, because I can get close to the mirror master... It's almost impossible! So... I want to arouse the rebellious mind of town master Gu and ask him to get the message from the mirror master that we are leaving here. "

The idea of the equation is very good, but the key point is on the town master.

"I see!"

Yu Yien nodded, and then he looked at the equation with some puzzlement.

"But... Since you can cure Gu Huan's physical deficiency, the camp leader's problem... You should also be able to solve it!"

After listening to Yu Yien's words, the equation couldn't help laughing,"Yes, but... My aura is inspired by my spirit stick. Although it can help people heal, it is too much for me. I first saved Chang Hong and then cured Gu Huan. My body can't bear it!"

He shook his head and went on to say,

"but... It's good to hang him like this! He must be thinking about it now, and he will think that I can cure his problem, so... I will wait for him to come to me on his own initiative, so that I can say something and ask for it! "

After listening to the equation, Yu Yien couldn't help looking at him with a smile,

"equation, have you found that you are more and more chicken thieves now! Compared with the little white flower at the beginning, you have changed! "

"Yes, I have changed. The reality has forced me. I can't do it without changing! I used to have a little life. What is it now? It's a real sword and a real gun. If you're not careful, you'll die! "

The equation sighed.

"Yes, the situation is changing! But... Even if you change again... You are still such a kind person... "

" brother Fang, brother Yu! Brother Fang, wait for me

Before Yu Yien finished his words, he heard Gu Huan's voice coming from behind him. They looked back and saw Gu Huan chasing them from the direction of the study.

Gu Huan ran to the front of the equation panting, holding his knee and gasping heavily.

"Fang... Brother Fang, don't be angry! I... I didn't know that my father was such a coward. I... "

after listening to him, the equation turned around and looked at him with a smile on his face.

Looking at the expression of the equation, Gu Huan could not help but feel some doubts,

"brother Fang, aren't you... Angry?"

"What are you mad at?"

Equation shook his head helplessly, then went to Gu Huan and patted him on the shoulder,

"I am not angry, you can't be angry with Gu Zhen Zhu! Town master Gu... He must not be a coward by nature, but... Because he has you, he has weaknesses and is willing to be subordinated to others. Can you understand? "

Equation looked at Gu Huan some ignorant eyes, equation smile, turned to explain to him seriously.

"Gu Huan, if you have someone you like very much, and then suddenly one day a powerful person threatens you to do something for him with the life of your favorite person, what will you do?"

"What? Hit him! Dare to threaten me with someone I like? Do you want to die? "

Gu Huan after all is too simple, too straightforward, let the equation helplessly help the forehead!

"The other side is a very powerful person. No matter how many contacts you use and how much force you can use, what should you do?"

The equation looked at Gu Huan carefully, and Gu Huan looked at the equation hesitantly,

"is there such a powerful person?"

The equation is angry again. Gu Huansheng was born in his family. In this mirror, it can be said that he is under one person and above ten thousand people. He is really used to lawlessness.

"Yes! Many... "

the equation nodded very seriously.

Looking at elder brother Fang, Gu Huan didn't look like he was joking, so he couldn't help but restrain his smile,

"then... I may really listen to him and do things for him to ensure the safety of my wife!"

Gu Huan has some helplessness, but still nods. , the fastest update of the webnovel!