It seems that the elder ghost guy has heard this rumor, and the equation can't help getting excited.

"Master ghost, there is no fire when there is no wind. If you and I have heard such rumors, it proves that this matter should be reasonable. Why don't we try him out?"


After listening to the equation, the ghost guy was stunned at first, and then his expression became loose and his face was filled with a smile.

"It works! We can send a man to Kunlun mountain to feign his brow. If the rumor is true, Chiyou will be panic stricken and eager to resist it. But if the rumor is false, his reaction should be relatively mild. At that time, those who try out will know something strange. "

Ghost guy's words fall, equation quickly nods to say is.

"That's it. If the rumor is true, Chiyou will protect the eye between his forehead."

Everyone nodded and agreed with them.

"But... Who is more suitable for the tempter?"

Li Zhaowen raised a very important question, and everyone was in a daze. At this point, Yu Yien slowly stood up and looked at the equation.

"Equation, I'll go..."

"I can go too!"

See Yu Yien stand out, Li Zhaowen a pair of I was late expression, pursed mouth also stood out.

Then, everyone was in a mess. Everyone was scrambling to be the one who tried to be the one who tried to be a tempter. What's more, they thought that the supermarket was on sale and they were fighting for welfare!


Equation helplessly pulled the neck to break everyone.

"This trial is very dangerous, all of you should not...

" if you are afraid of danger, you will not follow you here! "

"Yes, we are not afraid of danger. We are afraid we can't get rid of Chiyou!"

"As long as it is possible to eradicate Chiyou, I can..."

we all talked about it, but it made the heart of equation more and more warm.

"Originally, I wanted to go by myself..."

before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Lin Ziyu, who was standing next to him.

"How can you go? If something happens to you, we people who are called up by you may become a loose sand

"I'm not your leader. You don't need to listen to me..."

the equation tried to refute it again, but it was interrupted by everyone.

"You are not our leader, but... You are our mainstay. We all come to you and regard you as an example and a model for learning. But if something happens to you, all of us will lose our backbone, lose our focus and cohesion, and then we will become loose sand. At that time... Let alone subdue Chiyou, it is estimated that even we will become a loose sand I can't save my life! "

Liu Bai came out from behind Lin Ziyu, and then he continued.

After listening to Liu Bai's words, the equation calmed down. He sat back in his chair, then looked at the large group of people in front of him and fell into meditation.

Everyone knows what he is thinking about. It is not easy to choose a suitable person for such a serious and dangerous matter. It is really difficult to choose who to send or who not to send!

For a long time, I still have no way to make up my mind. In front of us, many people are rushing forward, trying to make the equation notice itself...

"equation, let me go!"

Seeing that the equation was really difficult to choose, Liu Bai stood out and directly said to him. And see Liu Bai stand out, the equation can't help but be stunned.

"Liu Bai, you..."

"I was originally the guard of Kunlun Xu. The holy King Dayu gave me spiritual power and ordered me to keep the beasts in Kunlun void, but I failed the trust of his highness. If not for the Fengshen's highness, you sacrificed yourself to suppress Kunlun Xu with Fengshen staff, I'm afraid... The boundary of Kunlun Xu would have been destroyed, and those monsters would have come out to harm the world! Then... The mission that the king gave me was a complete failure! So... Not only do people in the world want to thank you, but I want to thank you more! "

Liu Bai's expression was very serious, so that the other gods could not get in.

"So let me go this time! I will call on purple clothes with me, one in the light, the other in the dark, with her aura to cover up my aura, try to find out the truth and falsehood of things once again

At the end of the day, Liu Bai was not discussing with the equation, but decided on the matter. Even how to implement it had already been thought out.

"You... You can't go, my daughter is waiting for you!"

The ghost king suddenly spoke.

Hearing the ghost King mention his daughter, Liu Bai's eyes suddenly darkened, but soon... He covered up his lost look and looked at the ghost king with a smile."Master ghost king, tell her for me that if I can come back, I will find her; if not, forget me!"

The ghost king wanted to speak again, but he didn't know what to say, so he closed his mouth and retreated to one side.

Equation looked at Liu Bai and listened to what he said. He didn't open his mouth for a long time. He was thinking about something. Ying Zhao saw that he did not open his mouth, so he came up.

"I think... What Liu Bai said is feasible. You can have a try! It's just... It's dangerous! But this thing itself is very risky, so no matter who goes... This kind of danger exists! So don't worry about who will go, but decide to go... Don't think too much, just think about how to reduce the risk! "

The meaning of Ying Zhao is very clear, that is, whoever goes will be in danger, so don't worry about who will go, but pay attention to the danger when deciding who will go!

After listening to Yingzhao's words, the equation also knew that it was true, so he had to nod his head, then stood up and went to Liu Bai's face and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, that's settled. You... Pay attention to safety!"

"Well, I understand!"

Liu Bai nodded heavily.

In a depression of the western mountain, Chiyou is sitting on a rock and meditating! His expression is very dignified, also thinking about how the examiner can get the key to win.

"Your Highness, Feilian, he... Really doesn't care about those two women? One is his wife, the other is his confidant, so he gave up? "

Panyi came to Chiyou and spoke softly. He always did not believe in the equation, really gave up the day and night and Wu Yun, the character of Fengshen in memory is not like this!

"When did Feilian become so cruel?"

After listening to the words of Pingyi, Chi You's mouth rises a trace of radian.

"He's a cheap man now, but he's not. He's still a modern man called equation. In his bones, there is the character of the modern man called equation

Chiyou knows Cheng very well.

"By the way, what happened to the two women?"

"Speaking of those two women, I really admire them. They don't cry, they don't make any demands. They sit there quietly every day, neither flustered nor afraid. The two sometimes communicate with each other, but they don't discuss how to escape or how scared they are, but they recall the good life in the past or imagine the future. They also agreed to go shopping and eat together after they go back! This courage... Probably many men can't do it! "

There was admiration in the tone of the screen screen. After listening to Pingyi's words, Chiyou looked at him with some doubts.

"They don't... Don't they don't realize the danger they're in?"


Pingyi shook her head,

"I have lived in this world for so long, it is very clear to see people! They are very aware of their current situation, but they are happy to accept, may be a little nervous, but not flustered! Their performance makes me feel admirable for thousands of years

Pingyi objectively commented on the two girls.

"Yes, Feilian's side... There will always be some excellent people around him. How can his cheap woman be poor

Chi You sighed with self mockery and reluctance.

"Then they..."

before they finished their words, Xiaoshen ran over in a panic.

"Temple... Your highness! Fengshen's side... Sent someone here! "


Hearing the words of the visitors, Chiyou suddenly stood up. It is not good for him to be rash in sending people! Maybe... Are those two women bothering him? He said he didn't care, but he really cared about the lives of the two women.

Think of here, Chi You's mouth can not help but up.

"Come on, let's go and meet some people!"

With that, he walked to the people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!