Chapter 1256

But in the moment when Yuan Yue got up, she stretched out her hands and grabbed her skirt. She was slightly stunned.

"Yuan... Miss yuan..."

Liu Wanqing called in a trembling voice.


Yuan Yue was surprised to see Liu Wanqing grasp his hands, and then looked at her face strangely.

"I... I want revenge! I want to... I want to find out the murderer who killed my mother. I want to find out the bad people who made our Yancheng such a bad man. So... Help me, you and Dr. Fang... Help me and Wanyu, OK? "

Said that, Liu Wanqing's tears once again uncontrolled flow down, a, a hit on the ground.

It's the first time that Yuan Yue saw such a humble and humble expression on Liu Wanqing's face. In the past, she was so proud, but this time... She really lowered her status and begged her. Yuan Yue is not that hard hearted person. She is a pure knife mouth and a bean curd heart. She is very objective in looking at people and doing things, even if it is People who don't like it will be treated fairly in other things. Although she didn't like Liu Wanqing, she didn't kill all of them in her work. They came to Yancheng all the way to save the city, so...

"you don't have to say that. Even if you don't ask me... We will help you to understand the matter of Yancheng!"

Yuan Yue could not bear to, nodded at Liu Wanqing and patted her on the shoulder.

"OK, I'll go out and have a look. You... You can stay here with your mother for a while. Then... We'll bury my aunt, and then we'll start to investigate the matter of Yancheng."

"Well, good..."

Liu Wanqing nodded.

Yuan Yue saw that her mood was much more stable, so she turned around and walked out of the door of the room to leave time for her to be alone with her mother.

Besides the wife who died in the main room, several corpses were found in the kitchen and the back garden. After Liu Wanyu's identification, it was confirmed that one of them was their half sister, a housekeeper of the city Lord's mansion, and several servants' servants.

Liu Xiangying, the Lord of the city, was not found in the whole city Lord's house. There are two possibilities: one is that he has successfully escaped, and the other is that he has been captured by the gang!

All the rooms and the main hall of the restaurant are in a mess. It seems that they have been through some fighting! It seems that... There was a sudden attack on the city Lord's house before. However, there are many precious objects on the surface in the whole city Lord's house, which proves that the people who broke into the city Lord's house did not come for money, and also proved that the city Lord's house was suddenly attacked. Otherwise, those people would have to clean up some soft things when they ran away!

"Father, where the hell has he gone?"

Liu Wanyu looked at the two servants in the house who were lying down in the pond in the back garden and said to herself with worry.

Equation and Xiao looked at each other and then opened his mouth.

"Let's think about the good side first. The Lord Liu Shao can think about it well. If the Lord of Liucheng escapes successfully, where will he go

The equation asks a very critical question.

"Escape successfully?"

Liu Wanyu was shocked when she heard this.

"Did Dr. Fang find anything?"

He looked at the equation with hope. The equation was stunned and then opened his mouth.

"Well... Found some small details! Does the Lord of Liucheng have the habit of walking stick

Equation opened his mouth and asked. Liu Wanyu was stunned and then looked at him in surprise.

"How could doctor Fang know that my father... Because he had made mistakes in Qi training before, he often felt uncomfortable in his left leg, so he made a walking stick to help his left leg move!"

The equation can't help nodding after listening to Liu Wanyu.

"When I was in the main hall before, I found that there was a ground on the left side of the chair in the main hall. It seemed that after a long time of sliding and grinding, there was a round scratch. I thought for a long time what it might be, and finally I determined that it might be a walking stick! Just when I went to check the back door, I saw a mark on the wooden back door, which was similar to the trace of a round stick on it, and it was a new mark no more than 10 days and a half months. So I think... Liu Cheng Lord probably escaped through the back door! As for where it might have gone... It's up to you to think about it! "

The observation of the equation is meticulous, not to mention Liu Wanyu. Even Xiao and Xiaoqi are amazed.

"Brother, if you go back to our world, you can be a policeman! All kinds of big cases must be solved! "

Xiao Qi said admiringly."Not to mention, my original wish was to be a policeman, but the elder in my family was a policeman. In the process of solving a case, I sacrificed because of fighting with the gangsters, so... My wish to be a policeman was rejected by the adults!"

When you think back to your family, you can't help feeling very warm.

"Fortunately, I was lucky enough to join in the detection of several cases in the later period, which is also a long cherished wish to be a policeman."

Equation said to Xiao Qi with a smile.

"To be a policeman? Is your ambition to be a policeman

After comforting Liu Wanqing, Yuan Yue found the equation along with their voice, and just heard them talking about their volunteers.

"Now... It's in front of you."

Equation looked at Yuan Yue with a smile.

"What did you talk to Liu Wanqing?"

He was curious, wondering if yuan Yue would scold her.

"Don't worry about what you say, anyway... It's probably made sense. Please help her find the person behind her! Saying revenge... "

" I think, I think of a place, maybe... My father will go there! "

Before Yuan Yue finished, Liu Wanyu suddenly realized that she thought of a place her father Liu Xiangying might go to.

"Oh? Well, let's go and have a look at it at once

Equation heard Liu Wanyu said that he knew where his father might be, and immediately turned to look at Xiao.

"Deputy team Xiao, you take some people to stay in the city Lord's house. Pay attention to those people outside to see what their actions and symptoms are, and what kind of influence they are! Then... I took some people to find the leader of Liucheng. "

He arranged to.

"Doctor Fang, why don't I go with you! I'm not sure... "

Deputy Xiao is worried.

"It doesn't matter. These two things are very important! We can find out as soon as possible what's wrong with Yancheng as soon as possible! "

Heard the equation, Xiao deputy team nodded and agreed to his arrangement. , the fastest update of the webnovel!