Chapter 1405

Equation and pan Chengzhu first and then enter a room prepared by Captain Qi for them. Yu Yien and Qian Yuyang consciously guard at the door.

As soon as he entered the room, Lord pan was very excited and looked at him expectantly.

"Where are you from, right? Is that right? "

In the face of her question, she nodded calmly.

"It's the place with buildings and cars!"

He is outspoken!

Suddenly hearing such a direct answer to the equation, pan Chengzhu suddenly seemed to be relaxed. She sat down in the chair behind her. After a while, she covered her face and cried.

See pan Chengzhu similar to vent general cry, equation did not interrupt her, just quietly sat in a chair, quietly let her cry, the mood in the heart vent clean, the tears have been holding all cry out!

Lord pan cried for a long time. Slowly, her voice gradually calmed down, leaving only a few sobs. Seeing that she was almost venting, she couldn't help opening her mouth.

"How long has Lord pan been here?"

He asked.

Listen to the question of the equation, pan Chengzhu slightly Leng for a while, then thought about it.

"About forty years!"

"Forty years?"

When he heard the answer, he was stunned. He seemed to think of Yuan Yue.

"Forty years, then you..."

the equation didn't go on, but Lord pan understood what he meant.

"I haven't changed since I came here. I've always been 35 years old! This... I'm also very strange, and I don't know what changes have taken place in my body. Anyway... The past 40 years have passed like this

Pan Chengzhu's mood calmed down a lot, she said lightly.

But her words made her think of Yuan Yue.

In fact, there are two spaces between them and the modern world they live in. But since they exist, there must be some connection between them. They are not clear about this connection. However, at some specific time and place, some people may come to this space by some unexpected ways, and the modern society people who come here can't understand it There are more, but maybe most of them can't adapt to the life here, or they can't adapt to the sudden things. The probability is that they can't survive the life here and die! And those who insist on it are really powerful!

Yuan Yue, for example, even learned the art of witchcraft; for example, the city master pan, she even imitated the dam and sluice, and took the position of the city master! Their hearts are full of tenacity!

"I have a person like you who came here for no reason. You are all very powerful. She has learned some skills that she can't learn in that world, and you are even more powerful. You are the Lord of the city

He looked at the city master pan with a smile.

"Who wants to be the Lord of the city? At that time, I appeared in the water city, alone, who do not know! Local frequent floods, people are in danger, no one has time to take good care of others, I almost starved to death there! So... So I can only find a way to let myself live! I found the water city owner at that time and told him about repairing the dam and sluice. Because I work in the Water Conservancy Bureau in our world, I know a lot about this aspect. After spending simple drawings, they actually found craftsmen to make models. I modified them several times, and they actually made small dams and sluices in ten years. But the former city master died in the process of repairing the dam, so I took his place and became the city master of Shuicheng. "

Lord pan simply described the process of her becoming the Lord of the city, but the equation is clear. Even if he is concise now, in fact, only she can understand how much he suffered in that process.

"Hard work!"

He said softly.

"No, it's not hard. Now I see you and feel that I'm not alone. I... I really want to know how you came here? Did you want to come here or did you come here for no reason like me? I'd like to know whether the Xinjiang master knows the way to get out of here? "

Pan Chengzhu's meaning is very clear. What she wants to know most is whether she can leave here.

"I came here on my own initiative! We also know the way to come here and the way to leave, but... The person who can help us to leave has been punished and locked up by the boundary Lord because he let us in without permission, and the road to the other side has been blocked, so now... We can't leave for the moment! "

To tell you the truth, it's really nice to meet someone from the same place.

"That Xinjiang Lord means you want to go back, right? Well, if you want to go back, can you take me with you? I don't want anything. I just want to see my son Xiaowen, my poor son... "Lord pan mentioned his relatives in that world, and tears came down again.

"Son... Xiaowen?"

Hearing the name, a man suddenly appeared in his mind. He was surprised and his eyes fell on the face of Pan Chengzhu.

"You... When you left, your son was about eleven or twelve years old, right?"

Hearing such a question, master pan was stunned. She suddenly raised her head and looked at him. Her lips began to tremble slightly.

"You... How do you know?"

Pan Chengzhu's words once again affirmed the idea of equation. Equation could not help feeling that the things in this world were so strange that he met the missing mother of the little boy in those years. But now, equation feels that it's really artificial. The little boy in those years was already grey haired, but his mother was still young. Even if he went back to meet again, would he recognize it?

"Is your son... Xie Xiaowen?"

When he heard the name, the city master pan was stunned in the same place immediately. For a long time, he didn't slow down.

"You... How could you... You know my son? How... How is he? How's he doing? How is he doing now... "

Pan Chengzhu went up to him and took the arm of equation and asked eagerly.

"He's fine! It's just that he's old and looks much older than you. He's married and has children. He's been... Happy! "

At that time, the equation gave Xie Xiaowen a check, and also input some aura for him. How could he live a good life! , the fastest update of the webnovel!