Chapter 1433

Soon, the news of the suspension of the construction of Xiuling college spread in Haicheng as if it had wings! There are gossip people running to the construction site to see, sure enough, in addition to a few city patrol team members guarding the site, there is no construction workers in! Moreover, some of the construction tools on the site have been laid with linen, which looks like a long-term shutdown!

The city patrol team is very busy these days. All kinds of people come to look for it.

There are ordinary people.

"Lord of Xinjiang, isn't it true that the construction of Xiuling college is for our ordinary children to study? Why... Why don't you repair it? Can't we go to the college again? "

An aunt came to the city patrol team and asked about the Xiuling college. The expression of the equation was a little embarrassed!

"Auntie, there are a lot of things happened in the process of building the Xiuling college. I can't say that the Xiuling college can't be built, but judging from the current situation, it's time to suspend the construction. As for when to start again... I can't be sure!"

His tone was also filled with deep regret and unwillingness, giving people a feeling that even so, there was no way.

"Well, there's no hope again! If this is the case, you might as well not say that if the hope is not implemented, the child will be disappointed again....

the aunt sighed, looked at the equation unfriendly, turned her head and left angrily!

"Ah, you...

the young patrol member at the gate wanted to get angry when he saw the attitude of the other side, but he was stopped by the equation.

"Well, forget it! It's true that we're not right about this. It's understandable for the people to complain about it! "

"But you are the Lord of Xinjiang. How can they talk to you like that?"

The patrol didn't understand!

"Will the Xinjiang leader not make mistakes? If you make a mistake, admit it. This is what a normal person should do! I'm the premise of being the Lord of Xinjiang - I'm also an ordinary person! "

Equation smiles and shakes his head. As soon as he turns around to leave, he hears someone calling behind him. Looking back, it turns out that he was looking for several representatives of those big family investors who invested in the construction of Xiuling college. They stood not far away from the gate of the patrol team and looked at the equation with their heads poked. Some of them were furtive and some of them were not good meaning!

When he saw them, he immediately understood what they meant when they came to find themselves, so he turned around and waved to them with a smile, motioning them to come!

Those big families may think that the equation has always been privately seeking their investment in the construction of Xiuling college. That is to say, we all don't know about it, so we are still a little cautious for fear that others will see it and add unnecessary trouble to the equation!

Equation seems to understand their meaning, can't help laughing!

"You don't have to hide. You are the big investors of Xiuling college. All the city patrols know that!"

His words surprised the owners of these families. They couldn't help looking at the members of the patrol team at the door! They smile and nod to them.

"Hello everyone, please come in!"

Suddenly know that they are not the so-called "black door", the owners of one by one raised their heads, straightened their chests, and walked into the gate of the patrol team with a smile!

"Originally... I was going to introduce this college to the whole kuohaijiang at the ceremony of the completion of Xiuling college, but now... It may be a little difficult!"

He gave a long sigh.

You can't help but sigh when you hear the sigh of the equation.

"Yes, Lord Jiang, why can't we build our spiritual cultivation college? We don't mean anything else. You know, we don't care so much about the money invested. What we care about is... Do our children still have the chance to learn spiritual cultivation? We're all looking forward to it

This is what the owners care about.

Equation nodded, indicating that they can understand the mind of the owners.

"Come on, let's talk in my room! This matter... Can't be explained in one or two sentences! "

Equation takes you to your office room. Someone comes in to serve you tea. Then there are only four masters and equation left in the room!

"Well, as you can see, something happened during the construction of Xiuling college, which hindered its completion. Now it seems that this project will be put on hold for some time! But don't worry about the spiritual cultivation of your young masters. Even if others don't teach you, you children in your family... I have to teach them. It's a big deal... I'll open a small class for them in private! "

Equation for everyone to remove the heart knot!

After listening to the guarantee of the equation, it seems that the expression of the house owners is relaxed and joyful.

"But I called you in... For another reason!"The equation attracted the attention of all the family owners, and they immediately looked up at the equation.

"You can't use the money you've invested in Xiuling college, but... I have another idea, which is to build a hospital!"


Listen to the equation, the owners do not understand, where do they know what a hospital is!

"The hospital is..."

the equation organizes its own language.

"It's a place specially for people to see a doctor. It's like a folk medicine hall, but the scale of the hospital is much larger than that of the folk medicine hall! There are a lot of diseases that can be cured here, some difficult and miscellaneous diseases can be treated, and... This is a kind of half profit and half welfare medicine hall. Some minor diseases such as cat scratch dog scratch and headache fever are almost free of money here! Only more serious diseases need to spend money, of course... The more difficult the disease must be the more expensive! In this way... When people get sick, they know where to go and which doctor to look for. It not only creates convenience for them, but also creates profits for the whole Xinjiang and deals with a lot of employment problems! "

The equation is right. The owners are half clear and half confused. They probably understand the content, but they still can't understand some words, but they know it's a good thing anyway!

"That's a good thing! We support it

A homeowner took the initiative to say.

"Yes, Xinjiang leader, it doesn't matter. You can take the money and use it for what it is... Hospitals, pubs, whatever it is, you can arrange it and your character... We believe that what you do is good!"

Another family owner also said generously that money is not as big for them as the Bai family, but building a hospital or a school is not a problem.

"Well, since you all support me so much, I'll let it go!"

After listening to everyone's words, the corners of the equation seem to show a successful smile! , the fastest update of the webnovel!