Chapter 1450

After listening to the equation, Mrs. Bai looked at him gently and kindly for a long time!

"I feel like... I'm really your mother, you're really my son! Maybe... We may have been the real mother and son in the previous life

She said slightly excited!

"It's possible! I believe in fate, so... In the last life, we could really be mother and son! "

He suddenly thought that when he saw Mrs. Bai for the first time, he thought that she was very similar to her mother in Fang's family. If Mrs. Bai was her mother's previous life, he would believe it without doubt!

"Well, madam, aren't you two mother and son now? What are you talking about

The little maid Qing'er interrupts the lyric of these two in good time, looking at the meal on the table.

"Madam, if you don't eat any more... The food will be cold!"

"Yes, qinger is right. We are all known as mother and son. We don't need to emphasize what is real or not! If you eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold! "

Equation also said in a hurry, pregnant people mood fluctuations or not too big, bad for the fetus in the abdomen!

"Yes, why are we still sensational? Eat and eat... "

Mrs. Bai took up her handkerchief, wiped her eyes, picked up her chopsticks and continued to eat!

After having a full meal, he accompanied Mrs. Bai in the yard. Mrs. Bai hasn't been so full for a long time. Once she's full, she'll be in a good mood. Today's Mrs. Bai feels very relaxed, so she's chatting with her for a while! Ask him how he's been recently, and how he feels after being the leader of Shangjiang and Bai family!

"In fact, it's OK. I'm not very tired, but I'm busier than before."

Equation smiles, and then tells Mrs. Bai some recent events in kuohai frontier, which is to relieve her boredom and let her listen to the story!

After listening to what happened to vice team Xiao, Mrs. Bai sighed a pity.

"Deputy Xiao, I know, is a very serious and responsible person! Bai's family has a close relationship with the city patrol team, so I had a lot of contact with him before. I still have some impressions of him

Mrs. Bai's tone was filled with regret.

"I didn't expect that... He should be like this...

" yes, I feel a little responsible for the death of vice team Xiao. First of all, things started because of me. Later... When the sixth level God died because of poisonous insects, if I could check in advance whether there were the same poisonous insects in their bodies, his death would probably be avoided! "

In the heart of the equation, although we understand that he is not to blame for this, we can only blame the enemy on the other side. He is responsible for everything! But after all, it's because of the equation, so the equation more or less carries a little guilt.

"You can't think that way. If a person thinks like this, then everyone can't survive! "

Mrs. Bai shakes her head, indicating that the equation can't think like this. The equation also understands and nods!

"By the way, an interesting thing happened in the middle of it!"

Equation suddenly thought of himself also took a weapon thing, think is a relaxed thing, want to tell Mrs. Bai listen to.

"I originally had an artifact that was my exclusive weapon. In a battle, a piece of black iron was knocked off, but I didn't find it at that time. As a result, I found a long gun in the sixth level God. I felt a little familiar with it as soon as I saw it. Later, after the sixth level God died, I took away his long gun. The more I looked at it, the more familiar I felt. I took it out with my weapon Although it doesn't look like it, it feels very similar. In the end, I realized that this long gun was made by the man behind the scenes using the piece of black iron that fell from my artifact. Now... This long gun has listened to me very much! "

As he spoke, he released the long gun.

"Xiaofeng, go!"

Xiaofeng is a new name for spear! The wand is its father, and it's called Xiaofeng. Just because it's an ancient artifact and has too much prestige, it's not suitable for making small fights on weekdays. Xiaofeng has just become a small weapon!

As soon as he raised his hand, the long gun flew into the air, and "Shua Shua Shua" began to move. It seemed that he was performing for Mrs. Bai!

Looking at the breeze in the air, Mrs. Bai couldn't help looking happy!

"This spear is full of spirit. It's really a good weapon! You say... It's just made of a small piece of black iron on your artifact? That artifact of yours... "

Mrs. Bai looked at the equation with great satisfaction and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well done, you're powerful... That's my favorite thing to see!"Mrs. Bai is really like a mother looking at the equation, everything is OK!

Equation also smiles and nods to Mrs. Bai. Then he reaches out his hand and takes Xiaofeng back to his hand, intending to make him smaller and put him back on his body. Mrs. Bai takes a look at Xiaofeng with interest, but suddenly gives out a doubt.


Hearing Mrs. Bai's question, she followed her eyes curiously and looked at her own breeze.

"Adoptive mother, Xiaofeng, what's wrong with it?"

"How do you feel so familiar with the long gun making technique and style? I seem to have known you before

Mrs. Bai stares at Xiaofeng and frowns, as if she is remembering something.

And hear Mrs. white this words, the heart of the equation instantly toss up. Mrs. Bai even said that she was familiar with the way and style of making Xiaofeng. You know, now it has been confirmed that Xiaofeng was forged with a small piece of black iron on her Fengshen staff. If Mrs. Bai knew who forged Xiaofeng, wouldn't she be able to get clues from the other party?

"Really? How do you do, adoptive mother? I'd like to think about it. Who is the style of Xiaofeng like

He asked with a little excitement.

Mrs. Bai seemed to be tired. She went to the wooden chair on one side of the corridor and sat down. Then she lowered her head and recalled it carefully.

The equation stood aside and did not dare to disturb Mrs. Bai's thinking.

All of a sudden, Mrs. Bai suddenly realized that she raised her head and looked at the equation. The heart of the equation was also excited.

"I remember! The artifact of Qingyang is very similar to the way and style of this spear! It's also in the end of this pole that such a pattern similar to inverted triangle is carved! "

Mrs. Bai looked at the wind in her hand and pointed to the end of its long gun. There was a pattern like Mrs. Bai's description. , the fastest update of the webnovel!