Chapter 1471

Hear the words of the equation, Ling ranling City Lord can't help but slightly a Leng, can with even if have no all meaning, don't think of smile open.

"Ha ha ha, Xinjiang master? The Xinjiang leader can control me naturally, but... Do you think that my border city is far away from Haicheng and I don't know what happened in Haicheng? The people in my city don't know about the disappearance of Lord Mojiang, but I, the Lord of the city, still know about it. Take the Lord of the city against me? Well, you don't use such a bad trick very well

Ling ran had a look of elation.

After listening to Ling Ran's long speech, he and others can't help but look at each other, shrug their shoulders and sneer.

"Lord Lingcheng, if you say so, your news is really a bit closed. Don't you know... Have you chosen the Deputy Lord of Xinjiang?"

Yuan Yue looked at Ling ran and said with a sneer.

"On behalf of the king of Xinjiang?"

Obviously, Ling ran didn't pay attention to the so-called "daijiangzhu".

"What if there is a representative of Xinjiang? When Lord Mojiang was here, he was very tolerant of our border town. For so many years... I managed the border town well. There was no disaster or difficulty, and I never filled in any unnecessary trouble for Lord Mojiang. I never made trouble for Lord Mojiang when I could solve things in our city by myself! So... Even if he takes office on behalf of the Xinjiang leader, then what? There is a word "Dai" in front of the Xinjiang master and the Daijiang master. That's a big difference. Since it's a temporary replacement, the Daijiang master will be wise and protect himself. How can he meddle in my business in this remote mountainous area? Anyway, I've been galloping in the officialdom for so many years, and I haven't seen such a thoughtless substitute official! "

Ling Ran's words are solid. I think he has seen through the representative of Xinjiang! He felt that he had been in the officialdom for many years, and he knew the rules of officialdom very well. He thought that the daijiangzhu would continue the modus operandi of mojiangzhu to manage the whole broad sea area!

Before that, because Mo thought the border town was hard, he was more lenient to the management of the border town. As a result, he began to feel that everyone should be tolerant and relaxed to him.

"It seems that you are familiar with the Daijiang master."

Equation looking at Ling ran, light smile way.

"I'm not familiar with the Daijiang leader, but with the whole officialdom. Of course, you hairy boys will not understand... "

with that, lingran doesn't think it's right. How can you discuss the way of being an official with these hairy boys? My son was injured by them. Even if I didn't kill them immediately, I should put them in prison to suffer!

"Don't talk nonsense to me, I'll ask you, those two people... Will you hand them over?"

Lingran angrily pointed to Yuan Yue and Li Zhaowen.

"No way!"

The equation is still light.

"You... Good! Somebody...

"wait a minute!"

Before Ling ran finished speaking, the equation interrupted him.

"What? Regret it? You kids are also uneducated. You don't know how to be afraid until I call someone here? "

Lingran gave a cold hum to everyone.

"No, Lord Ling misunderstood!"

Equation smile, slowly from his sleeve out of the bright, engraved with a big "Xinjiang" word token, and then smile Yingying look to lingran.

"I'm the" acting official who doesn't understand "in the words of Lord Ling! My name is equation. If it's convenient... Lord Lingcheng can call me Lord fangjiang

Finish saying, the equation still keep smiling expression, calm look at the expression in front of the moment, stiff in the face of lingran.

At this time, lingran looked at the waist token in his hand, which was indeed the waist token of the Xinjiang master. Waist tag can be fake, but its unique aura can't cheat people. He couldn't believe that he moved his eyes from the waist tag to the face of the equation, and then from the face of the equation back to the waist tag. He came back and forth several times, and his face changed instantly!

"Oh, it's Fang Daijiang Lord. I'm really stupid! I didn't know that it was Fang Daijiang who came here. It's really a pity! It's just that... When the new deputy Xinjiang leader takes office, neither the junior official nor his children have seen the Deputy Xinjiang leader. Please forgive me for offending you. It's just the so-called "those who don't know are not guilty!"

Although the literal meaning of these words is very respectful, the lingran tone does not necessarily bring a bit of respect. Both inside and outside the words, they not only emphasize that the equation is a frontier master, but also emphasize that the equation has just taken office, so they do not know that the equation is a frontier master, and they do not find out their identity at the first time when they come to the border town So all the disrespect of my son and myself was because I didn't know that he was the daijiangzhu! It's not their fault!

"Oh, Lord Ling is serious. I passed by the border town by chance, and I didn't expect to disturb you. It's just that my younger brother's purchase was robbed by the young master. At that time... We didn't know that he was the son of Lord Ling, so we just taught him a lesson!"The equation is also understated!

"I don't know that he is the son of the Lord of the city! I don't know. I thought he was an arrogant, despotic, ignorant dandy who was taught by a nouveau riche! "

Yuan Yue deliberately added a sentence, angry lingran looked at her straight gnash teeth.

"Sister Moon, you will not be happy to say that! What happened to the upstart? Good luck

Li Zhaowen also added that he was so angry that he clenched his hands tightly.

"Even if there is a quarrel, you can't beat my son to a coma..."

"master Ling, what's the matter... You'd better go to your master's residence to have a detailed discussion! I, the Lord of Xinjiang, and you, the Lord of the city, are standing on the street discussing problems. No matter who is right or wrong, it's not very good-looking! "

Equation looked around, although the crowd had been scared away because of the arrival of lingchengzhu, there were still many bold people who liked gossip standing nearby. Since he took office, he has never regarded himself as a real Xinjiang leader, let alone put on the airs of a Xinjiang leader, and this time... Is the first time he has taken out the identity of a Xinjiang leader to suppress people.

Ling ran was obviously stunned. He glanced around and seemed to feel that it was not right, so he nodded his head and gave way to a position. He made a "please" gesture to the equation!

"Then... Fang Daijiang, this way, please!"

Equation slightly nodded at him, but also impolitely, took a step and strode forward, should be in front of him.

Even if it's Dai, it's the Lord of Xinjiang! , the fastest update of the webnovel!