Chapter 1511

Seeing this scene, Li Zhaowen, who always loves to be clean, hastened to cover himself and everyone else, leaving only three members of the Ling family to be baptized by rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs!

For a moment, no one interceded for the three members of the Ling family, and no one stopped the angry people. They knew that the deep hatred between them was hard for others to understand and feel. Their families and daughters were abducted, ruined and killed. They were exploited by lingran every day and they couldn't breathe. They didn't have enough food at home and they had to pay taxes to lingran. The children were crying with hunger every day. No one really understood that feeling!

So they just stood and watched the people wantonly vent their anger. Although the so-called concept of human rights exists in modern civilized society, it is often not understood by the people in some special periods! For example, a Murderer with bad deeds killed many people in some very cruel ways, and even cooked and ate the victims. When the victim's family saw the prisoner who had been arrested, it was a beating and kicking. At this time, who was right and who was wrong? If we pay attention to human rights, it means that criminals have their own legal punishment, and the victims' families can't do so. But when the victims' families face the murderer who killed their families, isn't it a human right to vent their anger? It's hard to draw a line!

So he didn't intend to stop them, but he was ready. He was afraid that if the people were too excited and couldn't control their emotions, he had already used aura as a barrier to separate them row by row. One was to maintain order, the other was to protect them from crowding, falling, trampling and so on.

After waiting for a long time, he saw that the anger of the people was almost gone, so he stopped them.

"People, please control your emotions for a while! Today... Let's come here to announce the final punishment of the three members of the Ling family in front of you. The main purpose is to make people happy, but I need you to recover your emotions and solve the three members as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night! "

At the beginning, the common people didn't listen to the equation, and they were still shouting and throwing things in their hands. But when they heard the last sentence of the equation, "don't dream too much at night", they stopped and thought that the equation was very reasonable. How can Ling ran say that he has been the Lord of the city for such a long time. If there is any change at that time, they will be finished!

So everyone gradually calmed down, staring at the equation.

Ling ran, Mrs. Ling and Ling Feng on the stage stand there in a mess. Ling Ran's face is angry and unwilling, Mrs. Ling's face is full of panic, and she can hardly stand. Ling Feng... Has a gloomy face and is still staring at Yuan Yue.

Seeing that everyone was basically calm down, he motioned to Li Zhaowen to take back the aura. He also took back the aura he had imposed on the people. Then... He turned to look at LV Yanlin!

LV Yanlin understood what he meant, nodded, and then took a step forward. He took out all the evidence of the three members of the lingran family in his hand!

"Folks in the border town! Today, the reason why we all gather in front of the gate of the city leaders is to have an open trial on the cases of corruption, bribery, extortion, murder, and snatching of the people's daughters, such as Ling ran, the former city leader, Ling Qiuyan, the wife of the city leader, and Ling Feng, the son of the city leader! Why do we need to make it public? Because the person under trial is the former leader of our border city. Since he is a prisoner, it proves that there is no leader in our border city at this moment. Therefore, this case is under the jurisdiction of our acting leader, and I will assist in the examination. But because of the special nature of the case, the Xinjiang leader and I discussed it again and again and decided to take such an open form to try the lingran family. "

As soon as LV Yanlin's words fell, someone in the crowd was shouting.

"Direct death penalty, no trial, we all agree!"

"Yes, all agree!"

"Let's have a rest!"

LV Yanlin will start to excite everyone again and quickly pacify them!

"Just as Fang Jiangzhu said, we should" avoid long night dreams. ". The case of the three of them must be based on solid evidence and the normal order of handling the case. Otherwise, if there is any change in the future, even if the person is dead, if someone uses the process of trial to correct the error, everyone will have nothing to say! is it? So in order to avoid such a situation, we'd better try this case smoothly step by step according to the proper procedure! "


After listening to LV Yanlin's words, the common people thought it was reasonable, so they nodded their heads and agreed!

He was very satisfied. The reason why he didn't say these words in person was that he knew very well in his heart. Although LV Yanlin was only a local civil servant in the hearts of the local people, he was the leader of Xinjiang, but he didn't have the same credibility and trust as LV Yanlin, so it was better for him to say this!Seeing that all of you agreed with what you said, LV Yanlin announced that the trial began!

It is said that the trial process should be completed, but in fact it is relatively simple. Because there are no city masters, then those steps that need the city master to speak or solve will naturally disappear, so the trial of the case is also very fast! Of course, the most important thing is... The evidence is solid, all the witnesses are available, they want to refute... They can't open their mouth.

So the procedure of the case trial step by step, first is to show the evidence. The account book, some gold and silver treasures moved from the underground warehouse, and the tools of torture stained with blood in the four story building are all powerful evidence of their family. Next is the witness, which is really the largest number of cases I have ever seen. First of all, the girls who were robbed by Ling Feng, then the concubines who were killed by Ling ran, and then the common people who were so poor that they starved to death by Ling ran, and even every common people present were able to testify as witnesses.

Looking at the three members of lingran's family, he was filled with emotion. What kind of mood did he have to face these poor people? When the city Lord... He is just for his own selfish desire. How can people be selfish to such a degree?

All the processes are finished, and it's finally the most thrilling and exciting moment.


LV Yanlin picked up the verdict that he had just written and stamped with his own seal, and read it out word by word.

"Now... The sentence is as follows! Ling ran, Ling Qiuyue and Ling Feng were all convicted of the crimes mentioned above. They were all sentenced to death and executed immediately. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!