Chapter 1517

When I got back to the inn, the two rooms had been cleaned up. Xiao Er even got two big wooden barrels in one room. Not far away from the room was the place where hot water was being heated, which was bubbling.

Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi are naturally very happy. It's windy and dusty here. After a day's walking in the Gobi, they are covered with sand and dust. It's a pleasure to take a hot bath at this time! So the two girls asked the boys to pour hot water into the big barrel, and then drove them out to enjoy the hot bath!

Three boys, you look at me and I look at you. They think it's a little early to take a bath and go to bed, so they come to a shabby little Pavilion in the backyard to chat and relieve their boredom!

"The man I met in the wine shop today... Seems unusual!"

Let's get to the point and say what we think.

"The pale young man?"

Qian Yuyang knows who he's talking about!


The equation nodded.

"What happened to him? I think... Isn't it an eight level spirit? Nothing special! And then... Look like you're happy on a cloudy day. If you're sick, where can you be? "

Li Zhaowen thought of the man's appearance with a disdainful expression, but the equation on one side shook his head.

"I think... He's not that simple! There is no evidence, just by feeling, I always feel that... There is a little exploration in his eyes when he looks at me! "

The equation is not very sure.

"Maybe... He also thinks you are not simple!"

Qian Yuyang analyzed.

"Some people are just curious about things that have nothing to do with him, but as long as he cares about them, he must understand them! That white faced man... Maybe he thinks the same way? "


The equation shakes its head and doesn't think too much. It's futile to think before things come. The equation won't waste time on this kind of thing without shadow.

"How long shall we stay here?"

Qian Yuyang asked again.

"Don't stop. We'll leave tomorrow. We'll go to Changshan City, the main city of Changshan Xinjiang to have a look!"

The equation thought about it and said.

"Do you want to see the chieftain of Changshan?"


He looked at Qian Yuyang and shook his head.

"Don't disturb them. At that time, I'll make a fuss about some scenes. I don't want to deal with them. They may be bored. Let each other go!"

The equation is a little bit of a joke.

"Well, let's... It's like a private visit. We'll come all the way and see what's wrong, and take them all one by one!"

Li Zhaowen exaggerates.

"Come on! Don't be poor. It's getting late. Go back to sleep! We'll start tomorrow morning. I just asked the sophomore in the front hall that it will take about two days to arrive from here to the main city without food, drink or stay. Tomorrow we may have to spend a night outdoors and get up early in the morning and prepare some things! "

I think things are always comprehensive.

"Yes, continue camping tomorrow!"

Li Zhaowen nodded and said to the equation with a smile.

The next day was the whole day's driving time. Fortunately, each of them was nimble and didn't feel much. The horse was tired. Think about what it would be like to run! If ordinary people, ah, to catch up with this day's road, it is estimated that the body will have to be flabby.

"It's getting dark. Let's find a place to rest in front of us."

Li Zhaowen saw that there was a shelter at the foot of a stone mountain, which was very suitable for camping, so he asked the coachman to drive the carriage there! Several men set up tents directly on the ground. Two girls sleep in the carriage at night. It's warmer and won't get sick because of the cold wave on the ground.

At night, the cold wind on the Gobi Desert howls. Fortunately, the rocks here block most of the strong wind for them. It's a night that they may freeze to death if they don't use Aura! The rickshaw puller was a common man. The equation put him on the pony cart pulling the goods, and he was surrounded by aura. Only then did he sleep well and not be awakened by the cold wind at night!

A good night's sleep!

The next morning, everyone woke up, washed, cleaned up the tent, and prepared to leave. After everything was finished, he looked at Xiaoqi."Xiaoqi, where's Zhaowen..."

"Ah? I don't see. Didn't you ask him to do something? "

Hearing the equation, Xiao Qi looks around strangely, but doesn't see Li Zhaowen.

"Well? Did any of you get up in the morning and see Zhaowen? "

She turned her head and looked at Yuan Yue, Qian Yuyang and the driver who had just come out of the carriage drowsily. They all shook their heads and looked at Xiao Qi strangely.

"Well? What about the man? "

Xiaoqi also looks strange and doesn't know where he is.

"It's all right. The child is so playful that he can't tell where he's going! Let's look around! "

Yuan Yue pointed around.

"Yes! Let's look separately. If we don't find it in a quarter of an hour, we'll come back here! Brother coachman, just wait here and look at our things by the way! "

Qian Yuyang said.


Everybody spread out.

A quarter of an hour later, all of them went back to the original place.

"It's surrounded by Gobi sand and stone. There's nothing!"

Yuan Yue frowned at Xiao Qi.

"Where's the boy

At the moment, the expression on his face has begun to become heavy. Now he suddenly realized that he seemed to have a deep sleep last night. He had not slept so dead for a long time. Why did he sleep so soundly last night? It's not normal

With this in mind, he turned around and looked at the situation around him. Then he closed his eyes and began his long unused and extremely spiritual life.

Equation see: dark night, Li Zhaowen from the tent gently drill out, you can see that he is obviously deliberately light his action. Then he walked as like as two peas in the direction of the long mountain city. He walked on without any extra action, even though he walked by and without any unnecessary action.


He suddenly opened his eyes and said, breathing heavily.


Everyone was stunned at his words!

"Here... I'm afraid it's magic!"

Yuan Yue then said.


Qian Yuyang is puzzled. Just now the equation said hypnosis, he did not understand, but now yuan Yue said magic, Qian Yuyang immediately understood!

"There are too few people practicing magic in the Pantheon world. It's a sect, but... It hasn't appeared for a long time! Now... Do you mean Zhaowen's disappearance is related to magic

Qian Yuyang asked in surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!