Chapter 1653

Silver Gu looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't help showing a little smile. She looked at seven uncle and Xiao Bo, and then nodded slightly.

"Since Mr. Fang asked you to sit down, please sit down."

She nodded in agreement.

But even so, seven uncles and small Bo are still hesitating, looking at the chair in front of them, they dare not move! Then they looked at the equation, the party and silver aunt were looking at themselves with a kind of sincere eyes, which suddenly looked at each other, and then carefully opened the chair to sit down!

After they sat down, they were also very nervous. They put their hands on their legs all the time, and they seemed at a loss. Aunt Yin looked at them and couldn't help laughing!

"Relax, it's just a meal. If you can't eat well, we'd better not let you sit down and eat at the small table in the back. On the contrary, we're happy. But... Then you can't express your mind!"

Silver Gu said while patting seven uncle's shoulder.

Seven uncle and small Bo heard the boss said such words, quickly nodded, this just reached out to the chopsticks on the table, ready to eat!

"Ah, by the way, boss, won't the young master come back for dinner?"

Xiao Bo just picked up chopsticks, as if suddenly think of something to silver Gu said.

"Oh, he's gone out with his friends. He won't come back today."

Silver Gu smiles to reply a way, small Bo this just understand to nod.

"Young master? The son of the elder? "

When Li Zhaowen heard the young master mentioned by Xiao Bo, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Oh, it's my adopted son, a few years younger than you. If you have a chance, I can introduce you!"

At the mention of the young master, aunt Yin's face was full of the smile of her loving mother.

"Oh, good!"

Li Zhaowen heard her words and nodded with a smile. Then he turned to look at her.

The equation naturally understood the meaning of his glance. This adopted son... Is probably the modern man beside aunt Yin!

Yingu has lived for 300 years, and she can see everything clearly. She saw Li Zhaowen's eyes and equation's eyes looking at each other, and she knew what they were thinking. She could not help but pick the corner of her mouth, and then she pointed to the delicious food on the table to greet everyone!

"Have a taste. These are all the signature dishes of our beast City Inn. They are very popular with the common people. You all have a taste!"

When they heard that, they were not polite. After so long, they were really hungry. Especially Xiaofei, as soon as he heard that he could start eating, he picked up his chopsticks and gobbled up his rice bowl in front of him!

However, they just took a general look, and did not think carefully about what these dishes were. When they began to eat, they were stunned!

"Fish fin for rice? Baked shrimp? Taoyuan chicken? Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish? Roasted river crab? Steamed eggs with sea urchins... "

Shuqing was a little confused. She suddenly felt that she was not eating in the main hall of the beast City Inn, but in a Michelin restaurant in Shanghai, another world. After she had this feeling, she turned her head and looked at Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi. Their expressions were similar to her own!


Qian Yuyang felt that he had never seen the dishes in front of him. Some of them didn't know where to start!

"These are the dishes designed by our young master! Since our young master came to our Grand Inn five years ago, our inn has changed a lot. It has become a famous Grand Inn in the world of trapped animals and even in the world of gods

Seeing that everyone seemed to be very interested in the dishes on the table, uncle Qi said to them with pride. He seemed to worship the adopted son of aunt Yin!

"There are so many things that our young master knows. They are all interesting things that we have never seen before."

Hear seven uncle say so, small Bo also boldly praised own small young master a.

Silver Gu looked at his hands with a smile, did not speak, but put her eyes on the body next to him.

Seeing equation listen to seven uncle and small Bo's words, complexion slightly some doubts of stare at those dishes for a long time, then slowly raise head to see to silver aunt!

"Where are you from?"

Realizing that Aunt Yin didn't seem to have any intention of concealing him, she asked directly.

"Where are you from? Naturally, it's the people of the beast city

She put a piece of shrimp in her mouth and chewed it gently!

"And... Before we came to the city of beasts?"

The equation goes on.


When she heard about the equation, aunt Yin couldn't help laughing. Then she put down her chopsticks, swallowed what she had in her mouth, and looked up at the equation.

"Before... I was far away, far away!"

Hearing this, the equation and Li Zhaowen and others suddenly moved in their hearts, and then we all looked at the silver aunt!

Seeing their reaction, aunt Yin couldn't help laughing. Then she waved and pointed to the dishes on the table. Her face was not very surprised.

"Eat vegetables, we eat and talk! These dishes... You young people should like them very much! "

Seeing that Aunt Yin didn't seem to be in a hurry to say these things, she didn't continue to ask. Instead, she listened to Aunt Yin's words and began to eat these dishes in front of her! Indeed, it's delicious. It's the taste of these young people!

"Young master is very good. These dishes are very delicious!"

While eating, he nodded in praise of the young master he had never met!


Aunt Yin nodded.

"It's fate to take him as an adopted son! One day five years ago, I helped the owner of the ten thousand escort agency to transport the goods. I found the boy in the forest! At that time, he had been seriously injured, and his body was full of traces of evil beasts. However, he was very lucky to be able to survive in that terrible forest without spiritual power! Maybe... Thanks to the burning torch in his hand... "

Silver aunt's eyes floated up, as if in memory!

"Then I rescued him to my Inn and took care of him until he recovered completely! At that time, I knew that he had no relatives or friends, and I didn't know why he came here. When I woke up, I was in the woods for no reason, so... I thought of myself more than 200 years ago... "

The words hear here, the equation can't help a Zheng, immediately reaction come over!

"Master, you... You came here for no reason?"

He asked excitedly. Originally, he thought that these things should be made by the adopted son of aunt Yin, so he thought that the adopted son should have come here from that world just like himself, but he didn't expect that Aunt Yin was also from that world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!