Chapter 1776

Li Chou slowly went to the seat next to the equation and sat down. Then he picked up the tip of his eyes and looked at the equation next to him. His meaning is obvious, that is, let the equation stand up, and he will speak about everything!

But he looked at the sadness of separation with a smile and shook his head helplessly.

"Chief Li Chou, it seems... You haven't figured out what's going on! If you want to talk, I'll listen reluctantly. If you don't talk, I don't care. Anyway... It doesn't affect me! "

There is nothing wrong with the equation. Up to now, the equation has always been the passive one. In fact, if there are these things and people to make trouble, his life will be very good, but with these people, he doesn't seem to be so bad! The equation is now clear that they need to do something by themselves, so for him, he has no psychological burden, the only need... Is that he wants to know who is behind the scenes and what he wants to do!


Li Chou was stunned by the words of the equation. He had been the leader of the ghost clan for more than 100 years. He had not met a person who didn't enter the oil and salt like the equation, so he didn't believe that he couldn't make him soft!

So with a wave of parting sorrow's hand, all the environment around him has undergone earth shaking changes!

Equation's eyes changed slightly. He knew that the sorrow of separation began to show an illusion to them again, so he immediately flew up from his chair.

"Zhaowen, I'll leave the sorrow of separation to you! You've stumbled on him twice. If you do it again... I really despise you! "

He called to Li Zhaowen with a smile, but there was no joke in his tone!

"Brother, if I get his move again, I'll jump directly into the great lake and be company with the candle dragon. I won't come out in my life!"

Li Zhaowen also jumped up and responded to the equation loudly. Then he turned his head and looked at Xiao Qi beside him!

"Xiao Qi, give me some Qilin blood!"

Hearing that Li Zhaowen wanted Qilin's blood, Xiao Qi knew that he was of great use, so she immediately bit off her fingertips and threw it directly at Li Zhaowen!

"Fresh blood, stronger ability!"

Li Zhaowen was stunned, but then he reached out to catch the blood thrown by Xiao Qi, and immediately dropped it in his eyes. Then he closed his eyes and adapted for a while. When he opened his eyes again, the illusion in front of him had disappeared.

"It worked! Hum, see how I deal with you... "

Li Zhaowen snorted with a sneer, then said something about her blood vessels to Xiao Qi, and then rushed directly to Li Chou, who was still performing magic tricks not far away!

At this time, Xiao Qi, who had fallen into the illusion, suddenly heard Li Zhaowen tell her that his Qilin blood was useful for lifting the illusion, so he immediately raised his bloody fingertip and dropped it into his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, the illusion really disappeared!

But when she wanted to give equation and Qian Yuyang their illusion, they had already had enemies rushing towards them, and they immediately became a regiment!

Qian Yuyang carries Xiaofei on his back. He wants to break through the siege and leave the building. He will send Xiaofei outside and then come back here to help! But when he ran down the second floor with the ghost steps that dark guards were good at, he found that everything in front of him had changed dramatically! He knew in his heart that this was the illusion of separation, but he didn't know how to go out!

Qian Yuyang held up Xiaofei on his back again, and then he freed up one hand to attack the surrounding illusion, but with the fist style of spiritual power, he hit out one by one, but he didn't respond as if he was beating a dog with meat buns, and the surrounding illusion didn't change at all!

Qian Yuyang shook his head reluctantly and thought about all kinds of ways to leave here quickly in his brain. Then... He seemed to think of some feasible way. Then he slowly closed his eyes and desperately recalled the structure and pattern of the house when he just entered the first floor of the small building. After thinking about it, he held Xiaofei behind him and walked in the direction he thought the gate might be located, with his eyes closed!

Because he knew in his heart that this illusion was reflected to the brain through his eyes. He knew that what he saw was false, but because the illusion seen by his eyes provided false information to the brain, he would move forward along the false road. Now he closes his eyes and doesn't look at these false illusions. He just looks like a blind man, remembering the road he remembered when he came here, he may get out of this small building!

Qian Yuyang closed his eyes and walked forward for a few steps, but he heard a sharp fist attack in his right ear. He quickly turned his head and hid, but he felt another gust of wind coming from the left. He just avoided the attack on the right. He had no time to withdraw his body, so he had to bend his head and avoid the punch, but the small fly on his back affected his agility and nearly fell to the ground, Xiaofei on his back almost fell down. He suddenly helped the ground with one hand, and then his eyes subconsciously opened some!

But this opening almost scared Qian Yuyang's heart out.

There was an abyss under his feet. At the moment he opened his eyes, he really felt that he was falling from the abyss. Because of the instant panic, his spiritual power was in a mess, and then he really fell into the darkness as if he had fallen into the abyss


"Brother Yuyang, close your eyes..."

While Qian Yuyang gave a low roar, Xiaofei on his back also gave a scream with great effort. It was this scream that pulled Qian Yuyang's thoughts back in an instant. He fiercely closed his eyes and let the feeling of dizziness and falling echo in his big brain

Slowly, slowly, the dizziness and falling feeling all disappeared. Qian Yuyang couldn't help but rejoice. But just when he wanted to say thank you to the Xiaofei Road, a palm with spiritual power hit him hard on the chest!


Qian Yuyang immediately vomited a big mouthful of blood, and then his whole body flew out and fell to the ground!

"Brother Yuyang..."

Xiaofei, who was thrown far away, didn't dare to open his eyes. He had to touch the ground everywhere to find the location of Qian Yuyang. The corners of his mouth were still bleeding. His previous injury had been very serious. He had just been thrown hard, but now he was still worried about Qian Yuyang with severe pain!

"Brother Yuyang, go alone and leave me alone..."

Xiao Fei shouted!, the fastest update of the webnovel!