Chapter 1786

Regardless of his ability, the words of the world leader make the equation think he is indeed a good world leader. At least under his command for so many years, the people live and work in peace and happiness. This is the best proof of the political achievements of any world leader! The rest is empty talk no matter how much they say!

After listening to the impassioned words of the Lord of the world, Pingyi couldn't help laughing and disdaining, full of ridicule and contempt!

"You want to protect the Pantheon? Hahaha, with your ability, you can't protect yourself. What Pantheon do you want to protect? It's ridiculous. It seems... As a leader of the world with a high status, you don't know the meaning of the idiom" overestimate your strength? "

Screen Yi looked up and down at the Lord, and his disdain was exposed!

But even if he was ridiculed by the screen, the Lord didn't care at all, but looked at him! Although the eyes are with a little fear, but more is a kind of perseverance and persistence!

"Sure enough, what childe Fang said about you just now is right!"

His tone was even full of ridicule at Pingyi, which made Pingyi very unhappy and surprised the equation on one side!

"In your eyes, ability is equal to spiritual power, that is, your force value. A smart brain, a plan to lead a war and the ability to govern the country are not abilities in your eyes. Only your body that can fight is ability?"

The Lord's words stunned Pingyi. It seems that he didn't expect people like the Lord to say such words!

The equation was stunned for a moment, thinking that no wonder this man can be the Lord of the upper world. His thought is very decent and the pattern is also very big! Indeed, since ancient times, no one has only regarded the ability to play as the standard to judge a person's ability. Stratagem, the use of art of war, and so on, all reflect whether a person is capable or not!

"In my opinion, you can't even compare with the small gods of one or two levels in our pantheon. Do you know why?"

The Lord of the world is still talking. He continues to judge Pingyi!


The screen is about to explode now. Where can I ask again! The one who opened his mouth was watching Li Zhaowen while playing. He was also very curious when he heard the Lord ask!

The Lord smiled and looked down on the screen!

"Because... The spiritual power of our Pantheon needs everyone to practice by themselves. The spiritual power in your body rises bit by bit through their hard work! But the spiritual power in your body is innate and innate. Can you say how powerful, hard-working and powerful you are? No, we can only say that you are lucky You have a good spirit and a good origin, but you just don't say how powerful you are! You got the ability we can't reach in your life without a little effort. Then you beat us and tell us that your ability is better than everyone here. We lost, but we are not convinced! "

The Lord's words not only made them agree, but also made those high-level gods who had betrayed him feel very reasonable, and they couldn't help nodding!

"You never use your mind because you are powerful enough. You think that even if others miss your head, they still can't beat you. That's really wrong! Have you ever heard such words? Why if you are brave and resourceless? It's because no matter how powerful you are, you can't use your mind A loser! "

The LORD said confidently!

"I said Lord, if I wasn't fighting, I really have to applaud you!"

Li Zhaowen didn't forget to join the fun when he was fighting!

Equation was on one side, staring at the screen in front of him, for fear that he would do it unexpectedly! At the same time, he nodded to the Lord of the world. He also felt that the Lord of the world was really reasonable and a wise gentleman!


Before Pingyi was ridiculed by the equation and couldn't use his mind, he was already suffocated. Now the world leader scolded him, which made him even more unhappy! If we despise him with the degree of equation, and Pingyi can barely hold back his anger, the Lord's ridicule will completely ignite Pingyi's anger!

"Trick? Brain? Well, I don't have any of these. You have all of them. Now I'll show you how I can kill you, a particularly clever man, who has no brain!"

With that, Pingyi rushed straight to the Lord!

The world Master was not flustered when he saw this scene, but immediately turned his head to the equation and approached his ear!

"Childe Fang, your Highness the Lord of the world has something to help you leave here. You..."

But before these words were finished, the screen was already in front of me and pulled out the Lord! After all, the Lord of the world is also a ninth order God. Before, many people besieged him and captured him. At this time, although he is still defeated by the screen, he can fight with each other for a while!

The equation suddenly heard what the LORD had just said to himself, and was stunned for a moment!

"Your Highness..."

He gently repeated the words of the Lord in his heart until he heard a scream of the Lord in his ear. He suddenly came to his senses. He hurriedly looked at Pingyi and the Lord. He saw the Lord's hand covering his chest. Blood "gurgled" from his fingers. It seemed that he had been hurt!

I know the equation too well. This screen... If you really kill your heart, you won't be merciful!


Equation immediately came forward and stopped in front of the Lord, staring at the screen like a torch!

"Pingyi, this is the realm of the gods, not our world! Why do you have to force the palace? What's the benefit of changing the Lord here? It's absolutely impossible for you to catch me as promised by the sadness of separation! Even if you catch me, what can you do to me? Do you want me to be with you or want my life? It's impossible to be with you, want my life That's even more difficult! So the so-called equivalent exchange between you and the departed sorrow is not fair. So do you want to help him sit as the Lord of the world of gods? Why do you have to do such things that harm others and do not benefit yourself? "

Equation looked at the screen with reddish eyes and obviously angry, and loudly analyzed the interests of this matter for him, but the other party smiled!

"I didn't kill him for any unequal exchange, nor did it have anything to do with the position of world leader! I just wanted to prove that even a mob without brains like me could easily kill a guy with brains but insufficient ability!", the fastest update of the webnovel!