"I can't even manage my own soldiers. Major general Lin is a good general..."

It's obvious that people are joking. Idiots can hear it, but yunche takes it seriously directly. He doesn't know how to bury more people in the face of shaking his head. Sitting next to him, ye Xingchen laughs and says, "excuse me, brother Chul of our family likes to tell the truth. He means that Lin Shao will not even bring his own soldiers well, so he is definitely not suitable for leading. We have a choice Major general Mo and Major General Wang are the only ones. We must be more inclined to major general Mo at the peak. "

Before ye Xingchen's death, he was a big star at the palace level. What kind of role hasn't been mastered? Even in this group of base backbone, he is still standing out from the crowd. His words are not stopped by yunche, that is to say, his meaning is yunche.

It's just that he explains it more irritatingly?

"As far as I know, Mr. Ye is an ordinary player at the top, isn't he? If you spoke directly over the cloud team, would you also understand that the cloud team can't hold you down? "

Even though he was angry with yunche, now even the actors before the end of the world dare to jump out to make trouble. The smile on Lin Xian's face disappears, and instead it is undisguised gloom.

"Ha ha It seems that major general Lin has made a wrong comparison. Our peak is a team, but also a family. The team leader is a person I respect and admire. At the same time, it's also our family. It doesn't matter who presses who. As long as it's reasonable, any one of us can represent the peak. Brother Che, am I right to say that? "

In the face of his deliberate difficulties, ye Xingchen just smiled and turned to yunche. If the latter nodded as if he didn't, "well, there's no need to care about so much between family members. You can only play the stars. What's wrong? I'm not the only one?"

As soon as he said this, the whole audience was shocked. The power that yunche delegated to the team members was not small. Let alone the military, even the leader of any power team who was sitting dare not be like him.

"Ha ha..."

Ye Xingchen smiled more brilliantly without any accident. When he turned to Lin Xian, his face was restrained: "at the end of the day, no matter how strong the peak is, it's only a private team. Wei family army is a serious armed force of the country. You can't take soldiers as your family members, or you'll be in a mess. Lin Shao general compares yourself with our family members. It's just like lowering your price. Our peak is OK I dare not compare with the armed forces of our country. It is true that on the day when we can compare, there is no need for you to exist. "

He can understand Lin Xian's mood. He can't stand to be played by yunche again and again. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong way to deal with it. He either objected to it seriously or accepted it honestly. It's only because he was greedy. He wanted to oppose it and get the favor of the powers. How could there be such a good thing in the world?


Lin Xian's hidden eyes behind the lenses are burning substantive sparks. Staring at his eyes is like swallowing him alive. If the people around him didn't hold him in time, I'm afraid he would explode.

"I'm sorry, the chief is only joking, but it's not appropriate for him to lead the three forces. I think it's better to have a leader from each of the three forces and discuss everything. What do you think?"

In this case, they can't be weak without showing their weakness. Lin Xian's deputy, who holds the rank of Colonel, timely suggested that it's impossible for them to show their weakness and watch Mo's army grow bigger and stronger.

"You think it's appropriate for such a major action to have no leader with absolute voice?"

Xing Feng's face sank, and tiger's eyes sharply locked the colonel. He could see that his back was cold and sweaty. The king of the first army did not blow it out. Even though he had been away from the army for nearly five years, his momentum was still powerful.

"Feng Shao is right. There should be a leader, but it's said that most of them are water system powers. Although they have been upgraded to level three, we all know that water system powers have little combat power. Their greatest use is to provide clean water resources for everyone. It's a general task instead. It doesn't matter. But this task is extremely difficult and dangerous It doesn't seem appropriate to be few. If you are a leader, I personally think you need to have the fighting ability. "

Wang Guoan, who rarely spoke, suddenly said that he knew that he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity created by Xing fengyunche and Mo Wenyang to squeeze out Mo Wenyang to replace him. It was a typical Mantis catching cicada, Huang que, who was behind.

However, what he said really shakes many people. After all, it is true that the water system is not suitable for fighting, and the task is really difficult. The stronger the strength of the people who go, the more chance they have to come back alive.

"I didn't expect major general Wang to care about me so much. Even if my ability has been upgraded to three levels, do I thank Major General Wang for stopping me from going to die?"

No way, this is indeed his only recognized weakness, but will Wang Guoan be too naive to pick up the leak?

"We are all colleagues. You are welcome, but I am more worried about this task and your life safety."

In the face of his ridicule, Wang Guoan was expressionless, holding the banner of justice to suppress Mo Wenyang, and secretly raised his image."Is it? If I don't give in, it seems that I don't care about the task and everyone's safety. It's really a heavy hat, but... "

Speaking of this, Mo Wenyang suddenly stopped to hold his head on the table with one hand and looked at him. The other hand snapped a loud finger, and a small flame was burning and jumping at his fingertip: "who told you that I was just a water wizard?"

It's really a God turn. Wang Guoan's eyes are wide and unbelievable: "you How could it be? "

Mo Wenyang is a water system power. How did he suddenly become a water fire dual system?

"Nothing is impossible. Don't you think I can be easily understood?"

Put away the power, Mo Wenyang finally threw a mocking look at him. Over the years, they thought that no matter how difficult the task was, they could solve it perfectly? In the big family of mojiaxing family, he is destined to be the focus of attention at birth. It's easy to see through. I'm afraid he didn't know how many times he died. In his life of more than 20 years, he only opened himself completely to a person without concealment. Even Xing Feng didn't know him. How old are they? Why do you know him so well?

“…… Even if you are a fire and water power, this is not a rash decision. I will not lose to you if I ask myself. "

After the shock, Wang Guoan gnashed his teeth and said that he really didn't expect that he had eaten a handful of rice instead of stealing chickens. It seems that Mo Wenyang had prepared for it, otherwise he could not deliberately hide that he was a dual system wizard.

It has to be said that Wang Guoan really wants more. Mo Wenyang's hiding himself is just a kind of instinct developed over the years. He is not so idle just to hide himself for a task.

"Who made a hasty decision? Isn't that under discussion? Major General Wang didn't mean that I said you were a bit ugly. At the beginning, no one could fight against you. How can I say that I want to express sincerity on behalf of the military, and you will step out one by one to stop it? I don't know. I don't think you are deliberately targeting me. "

Mo Wenyang has recovered the appearance of dangerlang again, but his words are still sharp. Under his guidance, Wang Guoan has been struggling to establish that kind of good feeling and is tottering.

"I can't help it. I'm a rude man. I can only lead soldiers to fight. I can't help thinking like this. Didn't I expect that at the beginning? And I don't know if it's not only the water system, but also the fire power. Since it's a sincere expression on behalf of the military, it happens to be such a arduous task, and of course, the strong will occupy it. "

It seems that Wang Guoan is deeply hidden, and forcibly changes his image.

"So major general Wang thinks he is better than me?"

"I don't know if it's strong or not. Although it's a dual system power, your water system is basically decoration, and only fire system can be used."

"It's true, but major general Wang is only a single department, isn't he?"

"Yes, I am from the soil Department..."

In order to fight for the right to lead the army, the two men are completely on the line. Let alone the gloomy soldiers of Wei family army, who lost their fighting power ahead of time. For them, no matter who won in the end, it's not good. Only by returning everything to the starting point and sending their own leaders to complete the task through joint consultation, can they continue to maintain the situation of tripartite confrontation.

"Tut tut It's more terrible to have a decisive heart than a zombie. "

It's hard for yunche to bend his one hand and put it on the shoulder of Xing Feng, leaning against his ear and whispering.

"That's terrible?"

Glancing sideways at him, Xing Feng gently hooked his lips and put one hand around his waist. Fortunately, there were not many people they brought. Unlike other people sitting behind, their relationship would be exposed. Although it's almost exposed now, it's estimated that they didn't want to hide at all except in front of Yunyao.

"What do you know? It's called killing without seeing blood. In contrast, I prefer to do a real job. Even if the blood flows into a river and the bones become a mountain, you can see that they both hate to kill each other, but they still pretend to be friendly. It's disgusting."

While other people's attention is on the two people who are tit for tat, yunche Dala pinches the face of Xing Feng. Xing Feng also feels his side waist and pinches it like he is paying back: "don't you like it? So let's do it? "

The reason why they didn't intervene was that they hoped Mo Wenyang would have more opportunities to perform. After all, he was going to take over the Power Association and become a bridge between the military department and the power teams. They were the only ones fighting for him. He didn't show himself at all. Even if he took over the Power Association in the future, I'm afraid most of them would only be dissatisfied.

"You or I?"

Picking eyebrows, yunche said he liked the proposal very much, and he was really tired of it.

"Come on, I think the high cold suits me better."

In fact, he found that he liked watching him wash those people. He was so dazzling!

"All right."

They soon made a decision. Yunche suddenly stood up and stretched himself. Unexpectedly, he successfully got the attention of most of them. Naturally, they also included two people who were fighting against each other. Yunche ruffian smiled and looked at Wang Guoan with one hand on the table smilingly: "who told you that water system can't fight?"Unfortunately, it seems that the water system maniac he met in the past hasn't come to the southwest base, otherwise they won't have such a misunderstanding. Can't the water system fight? What's the international joke? When fighting in the later stage of the water system, it's a fucking bug. It's scary. Of course, it's necessary to master the method. Originally, he wanted to train his sister, but it seems that she enjoyed the way of life. He couldn't bear to force her any more. He only told her not to give up the ability to upgrade, at least to have the ability of self-protection. Unfortunately, Now it's cheaper for Mo Wenyang. Don't think he doesn't know. Mo Wenyang doesn't know how to bury him. If you can choose, you really don't want to teach him.