Chapter 507 - MY BEST FRIEND: PART V

Name:Trial Of Love Author:_AngelGrace_
When Elizabeth arrived, she and Jackson was surprised to see quite a few men in black waiting outside the house. 

"Is something going on?" 

Jackson sighs as he realizes the reason why the men in black are on their front doorstep. 

Elizabeth continues to observe the situation, she notices a group of men escorting someone out. "I presume your friend got caught."

"I guess so." 

*Before Elizabeth and Jackson arrived*

James received information that Cris was invited to his sister's party. When he saw the man standing close to his sister like some guard, he quickly went over to greet the man. 

"B*stard, you only show up when something special is going on." 

"Ouch, do you and your brother have to call me like that." 

"Brother, don't be like that to Brother Cris." 

"Brother Cris?" 

"He is now my official brother as well, for he takes better care of me and advises me well than you and brother." 

"I guess something happened then." James frowned as he pinched the skin between his brow. To think another problem arose after the other when it hasn't been resolved yet.

"Don't worry, Brother Cris told me how to resolve the situation." 

"Hmm, you sure have changed. Very well, if you don't mind, can I borrow Cris from you for a moment." 

"Sure." Jackie responded as she went back to the front to welcome the guest who have arrived. 

James brought Cris to his private study as he offers him a bottle of whiskey for them to drink. 

"Isn't it too early to be drinking." 

"I have my reasons." James said as he poured a shot for him and the man. 

"Guess, I'll join you."


After they took their one shot, James started the conversation. 

"What happened, where have you been?"

"Your brother asked the same, so just asked him." Cris answered as he didn't really wish to explain himself again. 

"Fine, but, tell me, how are you?"

"Just ask Jackson, you both have asked the same question." 

"Fine, just tell me, anything…"

Cris knew from the man's expression how concerned he was for him. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"You say that, but you lost a lot of weight." 

"Well, I've been sick, but don't worry too much."

"Fine, I won't ask. But, thank you, for taking care of my sister." 

"Hmm, seems you have your hands full with all these snakes running loose in your house."

James chuckled as he didn't have any words to describe how he felt at the moment. He's been so stressed with his father's ridiculous decision, which has greatly affected his sister. Plus, with his mother, who despises the idea of their father remarrying the women, since the women want nothing but their status in life. 

"Just a word of advice thought, you better keep a close eye on those snakes. They're up to no good which can affect your sister's marriage."

"What do you mean? Did you hear them plan do something?"

"Well, it's not really a plan since that elder snake is quite vicious that she planned ahead. What's worse, it's that Steven's mom caught them." 

"F*ck, I shouldn't have invited them."

Cris went over to the man and patted him on the shoulder, "Man, you can't predict everything. I mean, the best you can do is prevent it from happening again. But, no worries, your sister are tough and she'll be able to handle it. I did tell her if she needs help to look for me."

"Hmm, seem like you and my sister is getting quite along with each other." 

"Well, she and Jackson are planning to set me up with her best friend."

"What, they did?" James' face looked devastated as ever. He didn't expect so many things to have happened behind his back that he's unaware of. What's worse, his stupid brother dare involved the man's daughter. "Cris, don't get me wrong. But, it's best to not meet her. I mean, aren't you already in love with someone."

"Wow, this is a first."

"Cris, please, anyone but her…" James begged as he fears, their life will not only be on the line once but twice now. 

"Now you put it that way, I'm now even more eager to meet this girl."

"Cris, please…" 

But before they could continue conversing with each other, someone knocked on the door. 

"Come in." James said as he calmed himself down.

"Master, there's someone who wishes to meet you." 

"Who is it."

The man walked in dressed in black. He had a few man's following him from behind. Seeing the familiar man, James already knew who he was and why he was here.

"Ah, Uncle Ben, why are you here?"

"Young Master James, it's good to see you too. If you don't mind, would it be alright if I speak with my Young Master?" 

"Ah-" James turned to Cris for some answers. 

"Go on, I'll be out soon." Cris responded as he continued to gaze seriously at the man standing in front of him. 

Once James and the butler left, Cris's attitude changed from being friendly to cold and fearsome. 

"So Uncle Ben, who sent you, my old man or the other one?" 

Ben was a family servant, who had a great position in Cris's family. Not only is he a servant, but he comes from a very powerful family from the other side. 

"It was your father who asked me to pick you up, Young Master." 

"What does he want now?" Cris continues to act indifferent towards the old man. When he used to be close and friendly towards him when he was a child. 

Ben looked at the boy, who is now a man. He was one of the many people who have raised the boy into who he is now. He is proud of the boy, but pity him a lot. "That I cannot answer, I was only asked to bring you home." 

"What if I oppose?" Cris watched as the two men behind Ben made a move. He already knows that it won't be easy to escape them. 

"Young Master, please don't make things hard on us. Plus, this is your friend's house. Aren't you worried about what might happen?" 

Cris didn't really care, but things changed when someone started knocking on the door and calling out for him.

"Brother Cris, is everything alright?" 

It was Jackie who started knocking on the door and was being told off by James. 

"Jackie, don't get involved."

"But, Big Brother, Brother Cris could be in trouble." 

"I know, I know, but we must not get involved."

Cris sighs as he had no choice but to follow the old man. He really didn't want to worry the girl further since she is currently experiencing quite some drama already. 

"Fine, I'll follow you. But, prepare something for Miss Goldsmith and Steven as a token for ruining the night." 

"I can arrange that, Young Master." 

Cris walked ahead, leaving Ben and the rest of the men followed from behind, as he opened the door. He was first greeted by Jackie's who looked worriedly at him. 

"Don't worry, I'm fine. But, I'm sorry I can't stay and meet your friend. Maybe some other time." 

Jackie had a teary face as she responded, "At least, promise me you'll attend my wedding." 

"Hmm, I promise." 

"Young Master." 

Cris turned to them and glared at him, "What's the hurry, it's not like the old man is dying or anything." 

"Please, Young Master, don't say stuff like that." 

"James, take care of your sister."

James embraced the man as if he won't be seeing him again, "Take care you b*stard. Make sure you'll be at my sister's wedding."

"Hmm, didn't I say I'll come."

Cris release the man as he started walking out of the house. Since Ben and the rest were following him, it soon caught everyone's attention. 

"Sister, I told you he's from a powerful family. Didn't you see even James had no choice but to step out of his office?" 

Mrs. Peyton too was surprised, "I should have not acted rude towards him earlier. It's that brats fault I wasn't able to control myself."

"Mother, don't worry, I was able to talk to him earlier." 

"My, my, is my baby in love with the man." 

Brooklyn was annoyed that her mother is now proud of his sister, "Come on, you talked to him, but I bet he didn't say anything interesting to you. He didn't even say goodbye to you."

"Shush now, there are guests around us." Mrs. Peyton calmed his two daughters before they made a scene in front of everyone. 

Outside, there were a couple of cars waiting to pick up Cris. 

"You came prepared Uncle Ben." He humorously said as he frowned seeing all the trouble they caused. 

"I had no choice, since you'll never cooperate with me." 


"Young Master, please, this way." One of the men said as he opened the door for him. 

As the man was about to get inside his car, he took a last glance at the place as he felt he'll be missing out on something important. 

At the same time, Jackson and Elizabeth have arrived as well. 

Jackson got out of the car as he tried to call the man's attention. But, seeing the amount of guards covering him, he was unsure if the man would even notice him. 

"B*stard, where are you going?" 

At that moment, Elizabeth stepped out of the car as well to get a clear vision of the situation. And in that very moment, even though it was brief, she saw the image of the man and both their eyes met. 

"Young Master," 

Cris was still taken aback by the person he just saw, as he tried to get a clear view of the person, the guards obstructed his way.

"Young Master, please." 

Cris cursed as he obediently followed them. He got inside the car with great regret, not being able to clearly see the girl. He was sure that the girl was exactly the girl in his dream.

'Could it be possible, that the girl I've been looking for is Jackie's best friend?' Cris wonders as he tried to look for her through the car window.