Chapter 3: Arriving at the Capital

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Chapter 3: Arriving at the Capital

The magically powered carriage made its way across the frozen roads with little problem. After only a short few hours of travel, the walls of the capital city already came into view.

Ezekiel and his friends climbed to the foremost part of the vehicle, taking up a position just behind the driver. The man looked back at them for a moment, but didn't tell them to leave. Ezekiel imagined that it would get pretty boring up here alone for hours. He was certain the man was happy to have some company.

As the metropolis started to come into view, the boy recalled what he had learned about the city. He knew that the capital of the empire of Arkanheim was called Magusburg. The city was known for its grand magical academy and powerful mage guild.

Many of the greatest mages in the empire called the capital their home, and it was said that the city's very air was infused with magic. The imperial palace, where the ruling Emperor resided, was located in the center of Magusburg. From what Ezekiel had heard, it was a sight to behold, with its intricate architecture and magical defenses. It was known as the safest and at the same time one of the most beautiful places in the empire.

The capital was also home to the most influential noble houses. The city was the political center of power, with the four great factions, all gathered in one place. The reason why all the powerful families had their seats in the city was obvious. All the noble heirs and scions hoped to get accepted into the renowned Magical Academy. The Elementium had a reputation for producing the best combat mages in the empire.

Ezekiel didn't know anything about the inner workings of the noble families. His knowledge was limited to what he had heard from gossip and rumors. All he knew for certain was that at the top of the nobility stood the four Great Families. Which consisted of the strongest mages of the four elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. As well as the fifth family, which was often left out because of its unique position.

The fifth family was known for producing great generals, as well as being the emperor's family. They were apparently masters of Mind Magic. These noble houses held a significant amount of power and influence. Many of the heroic tales he had heard growing up featured members of the four great noble houses. A lot of them were admired by the populace. Ezekiel didn't have any experience with nobles himself. All he knew was according to what he had heard from wandering bards.

In his hometown of Feldstadt, there was no resident noble family. The Mages who governed the territory had visited only a few times in Ezekiel's memory. And they never stayed for long. From their brief appearances, Ezekiel gathered that the nobles found the rural area unpleasant. They seemed to prefer the excitement of the city.

When he asked his father about them, the man shrugged and said, "Who knows, nobles are strange."

His mother offered a more cautious opinion, warning him, "You should keep your distance from them, Zeke. Most nobles don't see commoners like us as their equals. Be mindful of how you act around them."

Despite his mother's warnings, Ezekiel's experiences with the nobles of Feldstadt were uneventful. His initially raised guard against them had relaxed again over the years.

As the carriage made its way toward the gate, Ezekiel's excitement grew. He couldn't wait to meet the other young mages and to see how he compared to them.

The capital was home to the Elementium, the best magical academy in the empire. Ezekiel was eager to prove himself there. Furthermore, he hoped to make friends with some of the young talents from the powerful Feuerkranz family. Especially if he ended up being confirmed as a Fire mage. The prospect of joining the ranks of one of the great families was both daunting and thrilling. The boy couldn't wait to see what the future held. He had heard that almost all Mages who were exceptionally talented would join a noble family during their four years at the academy.

"How are you holding up, Lilly?" He asked in a soft voice. The girl grabbed onto his hand like it was her only port in a storm. She managed a small smile as she responded.

"I am fine, Zeke. Just a little nervous with so many people around. I think I will manage to calm down before we reach the academy." The girl replied. Ezekiel could tell that she was trying to force herself to act calmly. With another squeeze of his hand, he tried to soothe her further.

"It will be fine, Lilly. Markus and I will be by your side every step of the way. You don't have to talk to anybody if you don't want to." He said with a gentle tone. In the next instant, however, his face turned slightly teasing as he said. "If you are too afraid, you can hold onto my hand for the rest of the day!"

Lilly nodded and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She smiled weakly at him, grateful for his support. The carriage came to a stop in front of the entrance to the academic district. Ezekiel and his friends gathered their things and prepared to disembark. The carriages were apparently not allowed inside. Only faculty members, shop owners, and students had permission to enter. Ezekiel waved at the carriage driver as he made his way into the district with his friends. They had been given temporary access tokens for today only.

The academic district was teeming with activity. The area was crammed with students of all ages rushing to and fro. Ezekiel realized that the carriage would not have been able to move around at all in this district. The streets were lined with shops selling all sorts of magical supplies. From enchanted ink and quills to rare ingredients for potion-making, everything could be found here.

The district was completely different from every other part of the city. The houses were constructed in various random styles. They were neither fitting in with the architecture of the city, nor with each other. Some buildings were even towering high up in the sky, making him wonder how they could remain standing. He could even see forested areas in the distance. The boy felt like he had entered a whimsical wonderland where the rules of the mundane world did not apply.

At the center of the district stood the main building of the mighty Elementium. A grandiose, castle-like structure with tall towers and gleaming spires. It was here that the empire's most talented young mages came to study. To hone their skills and unlock the full potential of their magical abilities. Ezekiel couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the thought of all the knowledge and power that lay within its walls.

Ezekiel and his friends stepped through the gate, into the district. They were immediately overwhelmed by the sights and sounds around them. As they made their way deeper into the academy, a man called out the names of different villages. The man was demanding people from the same villages stand together. Ezekiel saw Martin and his friends were already standing in the indicated spot. They were huddled together, gossiping about the surrounding kids. As usual, they were looking smug and arrogant. Ezekiel narrowed his eyes slightly at the sight of them. But after he remembered his promise to Lilly, he still forced a polite smile and approached the group.

"Hey, Martin," he said, trying to keep the tension out of his voice. "How's it going?"

Martin gave him a haughty look and crossed his arms. "What do you want, Zeke?" he said, deliberately using the nickname that Ezekiel only allowed his friends to use.

"I just thought we could bury the hatchet for today," Ezekiel replied, gritting his teeth upon seeing Martin roll his eyes. "We're going to be in the same group, after all."

Martin just scoffed before turning away, clearly not interested in talking to Ezekiel. The other members of his group frowned and gave Ezekiel sympathetic looks, they didn't seem to disagree with his proposal. Still, they didn't dare go against Martin's lead.

Ezekiel sighed and stood a little ways off with Lilly and Markus. He was feeling frustrated and defeated. He knew that he would have to put up with Martin's attitude for the rest of the evaluation, and he was not looking forward to it. Finally, when all the groups were assembled, they were led into the main building. It was time to begin the evaluations that would determine the course of their journeys as Mages or end their dreams on the spot.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.