Chapter 34: The Baumgarten Underground Empire IV.

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Chapter 34: The Baumgarten Underground Empire IV.

Viola looked at Zeke with confusion etched on her face. "Didn't you just see how that gold adventurer got his ass kicked by that guardian? Rudolf was stronger than both of us together, and he had no chance. How could we pass the test?" Zeke smirked, his confidence unwavering. He told her to trust him and to follow his lead. Viola seemed hesitant, but she trusted Zeke, and so the two of them made their way back to the location of the fight.

Zeke knew that they shouldn't allow the people to watch them take the test, so they had to wait for the crowd to clear out. He turned to Viola, his eyes alight with confidence. "Trust me," he said. "We can do this." And with that, they waited for the crowd to disperse, the people none the wiser to the spectacle they would miss here.

After several hours, the location was completely deserted of people. There was nothing around, aside from the guardian, who stood in front of the only passage that led through the wall that separated the outer district from the inner district. Once Zeke and Viola were sure that nobody was watching, they stepped up to the gate, and the guardian said the same thing he had said to Rudolf earlier.

But Zeke didn't get ready to fight. Instead, he bowed to the guardian and said something in the Bue language. The guardian remained silent for a while and then, after a short answer, simply stepped aside, letting them through. Viola was flabbergasted. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. She turned to Zeke with a look of confusion and wonder.

After passing through the gate, Viola immediately turned to Zeke and asked him how he managed to trick the guardian. Zeke just smirked at her, reveling in his feeling of superiority, but after Viola started to get a little annoyed, he began to explain. "The people outside were all wrong! They assumed that the second test was to beat the guardian, but that could not be further from the truth. The guardian told Rudolf earlier that only authorized personnel can enter the inner district and that Rudolf had to identify himself. After which, Rudolf pointed his sword at the guardian. The guardian then told him to lower his weapon, or it would remove him from the gate by force. You see, the fight that Rudolf had with the guardian was not the test, he had a fight because he already failed the test by not responding correctly."

Viola couldn't believe her ears, was it really this easy? She couldn't believe that all this time, the test was not to defeat the guardian but to answer correctly. She felt foolish for not realizing it sooner. Zeke could see the realization dawning on her face, and he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it," he said with a smug smile. "We all make mistakes, but it's important to learn from them."

Viola nodded, she was irked by Zeke's smug behavior, but she couldn't argue against the wisdom of these words. But then something occurred to her, "Wait a moment! You are not on the list for allowed personnel as well, why did it let us in?" Zeke smirked and took out a book from his pocket. "I might not be on the list, but Mr. Olenzo here is on the list," he said, looking incredibly self-satisfied as he pointed to the name of the author on the back of the book.

Viola was too impressed to get mad at him for his ostentatious behavior, so she asked him what the guardian had said as they passed. Zeke couldn't help but laugh, then translated the last words of the guardian to her: "Welcome back, Dr. Olenzo. Your last visit was 4723 years ago. Have a nice stay." They both looked at each other before both burst out laughing.

Zeke thought for a moment through all their options before replying, "We should move towards the center of this place while staying out of sight as much as we can. Olenzo described in his book that there is a research facility in the middle of the inner district. It's in that facility that they keep their most valuable treasures. Apparently, even one of the three holy artifacts is stored there."

Viola's eyes shone at the mention of a holy artifact. "Is it 'the heart' that we have heard so much about?" "No, whatever they had planned to do with the heart, they never finished that project," Zeke responded, "the three holy artifacts are something different."

Viola just kept looking right at him and after a while of silent staring he sighed and motioned her over to a storage shed where they were out of sight and began to explain, "The three holy artifacts are the three greatest technological inventions of the Giger: The energy ball, the magic shield, and the mystery box."

Viola interjected, disappointed: "Why are those names so lame?"

Zeke gave her a look and then paused for dramatic effect before continuing his explanation, "The energy ball is buried deep in the earth and can harness the very energy from the ground. All the energy for the entire city and all the larger machines was provided by this one artifact. The holy shield is connected to the energy ball, and it creates a Mana shield around the entire inner district. If Olenzo's words can be believed, it would take the entire empire's army years to break through it."

Viola's eyes were shining at this point. Zeke could see that the talk of those treasures had excited her greatly. He wanted to turn around and continue towards the center when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and Viola pulled him back. She seemed annoyed, "Where are you going? You didn't tell me about the mystery box yet!" Zeke was surprised at first, but then he made a bitter smile, "I told you all I know about it. Olenzo never saw it either, apparently, no Giger alive in Olenzos time knew what the mystery box contained anymore. But among their people, there was a rumor that one day the mystery box would open when it found a worthy owner."

Viola was intrigued. She had never heard of such a thing before. She asked, "What does that mean? How does it choose a worthy owner?" Zeke shrugged, "I have no idea, it's just a rumor. But it's said that whoever opens the mystery box will be granted great power and knowledge. It's also said that the mystery box will only open for someone who has proven themselves to be true and just. It's a mystery that may never be solved."

Zeke expected Viola to be disappointed, but it was the exact opposite of what happened. She almost sprinted towards the center of the region. Zeke had to catch her and remind her to be careful. After she calmed down, she looked at him with a smug look in her eyes and said, "Wanna bet that box is gonna open the moment I walk up to it?" Zeke didn't know if he should laugh or cry. But the girl at least had confidence in herself, so he just patted her head and told her that he thought so as well.

Before they could even make it a hundred meters towards the next cover, another beast jumped out of the tall wheat stalks that lined the road. Behind them, another three jumped out. Those monsters had waited in ambush and instantly surrounded them; they were clearly intelligent. It seemed that they had to fight their way to the research facility.