Chapter 44: Becoming a True Mage.

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Chapter 44: Becoming a True Mage.

As Zeke stood before his mentor, Maximilian, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He had been training for weeks to master the spell [Perfect Sensory Recall], and now, it was time for his final test.

Maximilian watched with a critical eye as Zeke cast the spell, his magic flowing seamlessly as he reached deep into his mind and pulled forth memories with perfect clarity and detail. Maximilian had provided a tool that made it possible to project one's memories into the world, and Zeke had immediately fallen in love with the object. The older mage nodded in approval as he could feel the spell taking shape, impressed by his student's progress.

Zeke activated the device and a beam of light shot out from the projector, forming a holographic image of a scene from his past. The image was so vivid and lifelike that it seemed as though it were happening right before their eyes. The scene was of a specific moment during his training earlier this week, a memory that he had been tasked to recall with perfect accuracy as part of his final test.

Maximilian watched in amazement as Zeke controlled the holographic image with precise movements, zooming in and out of specific details and even changing the angle of view to show different perspectives. Zeke then began to narrate the scene, pointing out specific details and describing the emotions and sensations he felt at the time.

"Well done, my boy," Maximilian said, a hint of pride in his voice. "You have passed the test. You are now ready to engrave the spell onto your core."

Zeke couldn't contain his excitement as he heard the words. He had worked so hard to master this spell, and now, it was finally within reach. He was ready to take the next step in his journey as a mage.

But just as he was about to celebrate, Maximilian's words brought him back to reality. "But before you do that, there is something you should know. Advancing from apprentice to mage is a big step, and it comes with changes. I won't explain them to you, for you will discover them for yourself soon enough."

Zeke's excitement turned to confusion as he looked at his mentor. "What do you mean? What kind of changes?" he asked, a hint of unease creeping into his voice.

Maximilian simply smiled. "All will be revealed in due time, my boy. Just know that the path of a mage is never easy, but it is always worth it. Now, go prepare yourself. The surprise awaits."

And with that, Maximilian left Zeke to ponder his words, leaving him with a sense of anticipation and uncertainty as he prepared to engrave his core with the spell [Perfect Sensory Recall]. He couldn't help but wonder what the future held, and what kind of changes would come with his advancement as a mage.

As Zeke and Maximilian descended into the cellar one final time, Zeke couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. This was the moment he had been working towards for months, the engraving of his mind core with the spell [Perfect Sensory Recall]. And as he stepped into the engraving chamber, the nerves he had felt before dissipated. He was ready for this.

Maximilian stood by his side, a proud look on his face, as Zeke channeled his spell in the center of the formation of mirrors. The process was not as painful as he had feared, and as he finished channeling his magic, he let out a sigh of relief.

The engraving ceremony took 40 minutes, and as Zeke stood up, he felt a strange sensation from his core shifting. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

And then, everything went black.

When Zeke woke up, he was lying on the bed in his chamber, with Maximilian sitting beside him. The older mage looked down at him with a small smile.

"Welcome to the rank of mages, my boy," Maximilian said. "You've taken the first step."

Zeke sat up, rubbing the back of his head. He couldn't quite remember what had happened, but he knew that the engraving had been successful. Zeke curiously closed his eyes and focused on his core. As he did, he came across a strange sight, there had been a huge change to the shape of his core. Zeke stared at the tiny blood-red figure that now represented his magic core. The figure looked like a miniature version of himself, with a glowing blue brain and a shifting sphere of stars surrounding it. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Teacher, what level have you reached?" Zeke asked, his curiosity piqued.

Maximilian's face grew somber as he replied, "I am at the level of an Arch Mage, my boy."

Zeke's eyes widened in surprise. "An Arch Mage? That's impressive!" he exclaimed. But his admiration was short-lived as he asked, "When will you become an Exarch, Teacher? Surely, with your skills and knowledge, you must be close to reaching that level."

Maximilian let out a bitter laugh. "My dear Zeke, the path to becoming an Exarch is a difficult one, one that I may never reach. You see, the title of Exarch is reserved for only the most powerful and accomplished of mages, and there is only one in the entire empire. The emperor himself holds that title."

Zeke was shocked by this revelation, and exclaimed in surprise. "But you're an Arch Mage! How is that possible?"

Maximilian let out a bitter chuckle. "Just because I have reached the level of Arch Mage years ago does not mean I am anywhere near the level of an Exarch. The Emperor, and only the Emperor, even knows how to advance to that stage."

"How strong is he?" Zeke asked, his curiosity piqued.

Maximilian's expression grew grave. "The Emperor is a true monster. It would take the patriarchs of the four greater families joining forces to even stand a chance against him."

Zeke furrowed his brow. "But why only four families? Why not all five?"

"The fifth family, the Geistreich family, is the Emperor's family," Maximilian explained. "They would not dare to raise arms against him."

Zeke couldn't quite comprehend the power and influence the Emperor must possess to command such loyalty and fear. But Zeke's thoughts were suddenly pulled in a different direction. "Wait, my friend Sophia, her last name is Geistreich. Does that mean she's part of the emperor's family?"

Maximilian looked surprised. "I thought you knew, Zeke. Sophia is indeed a member of the Geistreich family, the emperor's family."

Zeke shook his head, feeling embarrassed that he had not made the connection. "I had no idea," he admitted.

"It's not surprising," Maximilian reassured him. "The emperor is almost a thousand years old, so Sophia is likely his great-great-great-great-great niece or something like that." This latest revelation came as another shock to Zeke, and he was just about to ponder the implications when Maximilian called out to him.

"My dear student," Maximilian began, "we have spent enough time discussing the stages of mage advancement, but now it is time to focus on something far more important, something that will change the course of magic and our understanding of it. We have engraved all three spells onto your core, and it is time to begin the next phase of your training."

Zeke's heart started beating with excitement and anticipation.

"The Trinity Project," Maximilian continued, "are you ready, Zeke?"