Chapter 74: The Tournament IV.

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Chapter 74: The Tournament IV.

"Who was your first opponent, then?" Viola asked, her anger had subsided by now.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Zeke cast a wary look at Lilly, grappling with conflicting emotions about his duel with her. He had sworn to himself that he wouldn't go easy on her, but in the end, he couldn't bring himself to follow through.

Noting Zeke's gaze, Viola asked, "Lilly?"

Zeke didn't attempt to keep it from Viola and nodded. The girl appeared dissatisfied with his response and frowned.

"Why did you thrash that other fellow but let Lilly off the hook, even though she was the one who hurt you the most?" Viola was privy to the entire saga between Zeke and Lilly at the academy. The boy had confided in her over their summer together.

Zeke's mind was grappling with the question as well. Despite his confusion, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important about that moment. Viola, sensing Zeke's inner turmoil, remained silent, allowing him to sort through his thoughts in peace.

"I don't know. It just didn't feel right, I guess," he said finally. His voice had become weary from overthinking the matter. Viola also didn't question him further. She was content with making small talk and telling him about what she had been up to in the last couple of weeks.

When Zeke's name was called for his next match, he entered the arena. He cleared his mind and focused solely on the task at hand. With his full attention on the fight, he was ready to give it his all.

His opponent, Daniel, stood across from him in the arena, already appearing rattled. Despite being one of the weaker fighters in their group, Zeke knew not to underestimate anybody. When their gazes met, Daniel flinched, and Zeke couldn't help but feel a twinge of remorse for instilling such fear in his opponent. But he reminded himself that he couldn't afford to let his guard down and pity his enemies.

The announcer asked if they were ready to begin, and they both nodded in affirmation. The countdown began, and as the final word, "Fight," left the announcer's lips, Zeke prepared to charge.

However, just as he took a step forward, Daniel threw up his hands and cried out.

"I surrender!"

Zeke stopped in his tracks, stunned by the sudden turn of events. He looked at Daniel, who wore a triumphant grin, as if he had outsmarted Zeke in some way.

Zeke's confusion only grew as he witnessed Daniel's jubilant expression. He couldn't understand why the other student was acting so pleased with himself. Especially after having merely surrendered in the arena. Baffled, Zeke walked back to Viola, trying to make sense of the strange events.

As he glanced at Daniel, he saw that several other students were congratulating him as well. This only added to Zeke's puzzlement. But when he caught Daniel's eye, the other boy's smile only grew more self-satisfied.

Zeke was completely perplexed at this point. What was going on here? He heard a soft snickering coming from behind him. He turned to see Viola, barely containing her laughter. Zeke felt a flicker of annoyance as he watched her struggle to keep from collapsing with amusement.

"What could possibly be so funny?" he asked in a testy tone.

After another moment, she broke out in a full-on belly laugh. Viola's laughter was so uncontrolled that Zeke struggled to understand. He scowled, his arms crossed over his chest, as he waited for her to regain her composure. At last, she managed to speak.

"You don't know why the boy surrendered, do you?" she asked, a twinkle in her eye.

Zeke shook his head, still annoyed. Viola chuckled again. But the girl quickly sobered as she explained.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confusion evident in his voice.

Viola took a moment to gather her thoughts before explaining. "I think you're largely unaware of how the other students perceive you. But when you think about it, it's not surprising that they would avoid you after everything you did," she said.

Zeke was still confused, unable to recall any such action on his part. "I don't understand," he said. "What could I have done to make them view me this way?"

Viola regarded Zeke with disbelief as she ticked off the points with her fingers. "One, you're a mysterious Blood Mage with a perfect affinity - that's terrifying. Two, you're a Tri-affinity Mage - the only one in the academy right now. Three, half the first years were there for your first official duel. You didn't exactly leave the boy in one piece back then either."

"And let's not forget!" she continued, cutting off Zeke's attempt at defense, "that the only three people you seem to get along with are me, Sophia, and Leo from your class. And we're all noteworthy figures in the academy in our own right. Do you see how that might be perceived by others?"

Zeke furrowed his brow, considering her words. He had never given much thought to how his actions and associations might appear to his fellow students.

But Viola wasn't finished. "And the most important point of all. Have you forgotten about how you and your mentor led a group of veteran mages to storm the Feuerkranz complex? Leaving only death and destruction in your wake?

"There is even a rumor going around saying that you strong-armed the Feuerkranz family into agreeing to a duel to the death with Alexander. And that your mentor threatened to kill everyone if they refused. Can you even imagine how that looks?" Zeke hung his head in embarrassment. He had not known about the rumor. He couldn't even defend himself as the rumors were true.

Viola's grin faded as she took in Zeke's expression. "Really?" she breathed in shock, covering her mouth with her hand. Amusement sparkled in her eyes as she laughed, but after a moment she regained her composure and patted Zeke on the back.

"Who would have thought old man Maximilian was capable of something like that? I'd bet there are only a handful of people in the entire empire who have the power and audacity to pull off a stunt like that." Zeke nodded, the memory of Maximilian's imposing demeanor on the day they'd stormed the Feuerkranz complex still fresh in his mind. Viola cleared her throat, bringing Zeke back to the present.

"And now you understand why the other students might be a little intimidated by you when you start breaking bones for no apparent reason." Zeke couldn't deny that he felt a twinge of shame for not considering his reputation sooner.

He nodded gratefully at Viola. "Yeah, it's crazy that I never thought about it before. Of course, all the noble students would know about that stuff."

Viola nodded understandingly before tapping Zeke on the shoulder with a confident grin. "Well, there is an upside to all of this."

Zeke arched a single brow, waiting for her explanation. "This is your ticket to the elimination round, Zeke. The only real competition you have left is Samuel."

Zeke processed this. He realized that the fear the other students had of him could actually work in his favor. He didn't care much about their opinions anyway, and if they surrendered immediately, he was all for it. As it turned out, Viola was right; every opponent Zeke faced in the arena immediately gave up.

It wasn't until the eighth fight of the day that Zeke actually had to fight. But when the announcer called out his name and his opponent's, Zeke's heart raced.

"In the next match, we have Ezekiel von Hohenheim against Samuel Luftschloss."

Zeke focused his full attention on Samuel as the latter stepped into the arena. The excitement and nerves in Zeke's chest thrummed like a drum. Every beat reminded him of the day Samuel had bested him in combat class. That entire affair had remained as a wound in Zeke's heart. He never again had a chance for a rematch. Viola had intervened and effectively cornered the Luftschloss family.

His jaw tensed, grinding his teeth together in anticipation. He saw the cocky smirk that had returned to Samuel's face. This fight was long overdue, ever since Samuel had flaunted his engagement to Lilly in front of Zeke. He may have blamed Samuel for losing Lilly back then, but even those reasons no longer mattered.

This fight was about regaining his self-respect and demonstrating his power. He would not hesitate to show all his strength. Whatever it took to beat Samuel.