Chapter 77: Battle Royale I.

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Chapter 77: Battle Royale I.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Jorgel's voice boomed across the arena, drawing the attention of the crowded onlookers. "I know you've all been eagerly anticipating the prizes that the contestants will be vying for. But first, I must address the changes to this year's tournament structure."

With a sly smile, he continued, "You've likely already deduced this from the alterations to the arena. The elimination round will be different from previous years."Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

Jorgel gestured to the expansive field, now filled with various types of terrain.

"All sixty-four contestants will be sent into the arena at once and engage in a Battle Royale! There are no limitations on tactics. Whether it be forming alliances, plotting betrayals, or working together, everything goes. The only rule is that the round will only end when there are sixteen contestants or fewer still standing."

A hush fell over the crowd as they considered the implications of such a unique format. Jorgel's gaze swept over the audience, his eyes alight with excitement. This year's tournament was sure to be one for the ages.

Zeke's mind raced as he processed the new information. He was weighing the implications of the altered tournament structure. Despite the challenges it presented, he was not intimidated. He was confident in his own strength and endurance. Zeke was certain that he could survive, even if he had to flee for the entirety of the event. The only scenario that troubled him was the possibility of being ambushed by multiple strong opponents at once.

He considered the other contestants. All of them were ranked first or second in their respective groups. He realized that he would be facing the strongest fighters of his grade. The average strength of the remaining participants would be much higher than usual. It would not do to underestimate them.

The thought of forming a group crossed his mind briefly. However, he quickly dismissed the idea upon remembering the reaction of his classmates during the group stage.

Zeke knew that he would likely have to rely on himself in this competition. Still, he remained optimistic. He was determined to make the most of this opportunity and emerge victorious, no matter the odds.

Jorgel stood up straighter on his flying disc. He raised his voice again, having decided that the crowd had enough time to consider the changes.

"The final sixteen will compete in an elimination round tomorrow, to determine the champion!"

He paused for effect, before finally revealing the prize for reaching the top sixteen.

"Each participant who reaches this stage will be awarded a medal. This commendation will certify them as one of the finest talents in the empire. This honor can only be obtained in this tournament, and will serve as a symbol of their achievement."

An excited outcry could be heard from the crowd at this announcement. They seemed to think highly of this reward, but Zeke was not impressed. Such a token held little value for him or Maximilian. Neither placed much importance on the opinions of the empire's nobles.

"But wait, there's more! Jorgel added. "From the third place up, there will be extra prizes. The third place will receive one kilogram of essence crystals, according to their affinity. Furthermore, their medal will be adorned with sapphires. This will set them apart from the other winners."

Zeke's eyes lit up at the prospect of such a large amount of essence crystals. One kilogram was even more than he had received for his birthday. That amount had already been enough to keep him going for months. He eagerly awaited the rewards for first and second place.

Jorgel basked in the anticipation of the crowd.

"For second place, three kilograms of essence crystals and a ruby-decorated medal. And for first place..." he began dramatically, causing the crowd to lean forward in excitement.

"...ten kilograms of essence crystals and a gold medal infused with diamonds! And that's not all! The medal will be engraved with the words 'Number One Talent of the Empire'! This prize will be presented personally by a representative of the emperor."

The audience was abuzz with excitement, but there were also murmurs of discontent echoing through the arena. The difference in rewards from first to second place was enormous. Jorgel, the announcer, raised his hand to silence the crowd. His eyes glinted with resolve as he spoke, his voice stern and resolute.

"I understand your concerns," Jorgel began, "but let us not forget the teachings of our beloved emperor." He took a moment to compose himself, then spoke in a voice that resonated with authority.

"As the emperor has famously stated, Second place is simply first among the losers. That is why the rewards for first place are so much higher!" Jorgel declared, his voice ringing through the arena. The audience was left in hushed contemplation, digesting the emperor's words.

He then felt someone approach him from behind with his [Perfect Spatial Awareness]. He prepared for a conflict, but immediately dropped his guard when he recognized the person as Leo. He turned his head in the direction from where he could sense the approaching boy and was met with Leo's surprised face.

"Wow, that is damn creepy," Leo said, surprised by Zeke's unexpected alertness. "It's like you have eyes in the back of your head, man!"

Zeke merely smiled, he had no intention of revealing his spells. After a moment of awkward silence, Leo cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Wanna join my group?" he asked.

Zeke looked beyond Leo and saw the three other individuals standing behind him. He recognized them all from combat class. He was impressed with the group Leo had managed to gather. If Zeke had to make a top ten list of the strongest students in their grade, these individuals would be on it.

However, before Zeke could respond, one of the group members protested.

"What are you doing, Leo? I did not agree to work together with that guy. I don't agree to add him to the team." The young man, Erik, was one of the most talented Fire Mages in their grade. Unsurprisingly, he had been adopted by the Feuerkranz family.

Another member, Lena Wellenrufer, also spoke up. She was probably the strongest water mage in their year and was born into the Wellenrufer family.

As she spoke, it became clear that she agreed with Erik.

"Hmm, I think I have to agree with the hothead on this one. I don't know if we can work together with Ezekiel. His reliance on close combat might throw us off." she said.

She gave Zeke an apologetic smile. He returned the gesture in kind. He could tell that she was merely pointing out tactical flaws and was not against him joining for any other reason. The last member of the team, Edmund Steiner, remained silent, not taking either side.

Leo had not expected his teammates to react like that. He looked between them with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Come on, guys," he said.

He was clearly surprised that this had turned into an argument. Zeke was just as strong as any other member of this team, in Leo's opinion.

"Zeke is just as strong as any of us. Also, as you saw a moment ago, he has eyes in the back of his head. There's no chance of him getting in our way."

Lena appeared to be considering Leo's words. She seemed half-convinced. Erik, on the other hand, crossed his arms in defiance. It was obvious that he would not budge on this.

"It's either him or me. If you insist on this, then I will leave the team."

Leo was visibly confused by Erik's strong opposition. Before the situation could escalate any further, Zeke spoke up.

"Thanks, man. I really appreciate what you're trying to do here, but there is no reason..."

Leo's hand shot up, stopping Zeke from continuing his words. He then turned his gaze to Erik. The group realized that the aura around Leo had changed dramatically. Gone was the amiable young man from moments ago. In his place was the feral beast that Zeke knew from their sparring matches.

"Are you threatening me, Erik?" Leo asked in a low voice

Erik was shocked by the sudden change in Leo's demeanor. He had not expected such a transformation after his ultimatum. He had expected to be the obvious choice. But Erik was too proud to take back his words at this point. After all, he was a member of the Feuerkranz family, while Leo had not yet been adopted by any noble family.