Chapter 110: Betrayal

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Chapter 110: Betrayal

Zeke, are you coming? Leo yelled from in front of the door. We want to go down to the city. Upon receiving no response, Leo entered the room. He found Zeke sitting behind his desk with his eyes closed. One might assume that he was sleeping, but over the past weeks, Leo had learned that was not the case.

He walked over and slightly shook his friends shoulder. Zekes eyes immediately snapped open. He looked around and found an exasperated Leo looking back at him.

Sorry, I was reading, Zeke said sheepishly. Did you need something?

You need to find a way to keep track of time, Leo chide. I bet you have no idea what time it is?

What time is it? Zeke asked innocently.

Its already evening, Leo said. The others want to go out to eat since, you know, this is going to be the last day.

Zeke grimaced. He really wanted to continue reading, but he had not spent a lot of time with his family on this trip. The thousands of books he had managed to collect into his Minds Library had been too much of a temptation. He spent almost every waking minute of the day immersed there.

Over the past weeks, the journey had led them to every important academy in the empire. Maximilian seemed to know all the important people in charge as they were led straight to the library every time. The old man always claimed that he was teaching the brats how to stay humble by showing them the vast amount of knowledge out there. As their journey continued, Zeke spent more and more time in his Minds library. From the use of Nature magic in agriculture to the use of Fire Magic in blacksmithing, he had a vast repertoire of knowledge at his fingertips. There just werent enough hours in the day for him to go through it all.

Fine, lets go, Zeke said with a sigh.

You dont have to act like this is some form of punishment! Leo exclaimed while punching Zekes shoulder.

Alright, alright, I get it, Zeke said while rubbing his arm. The punch had actually hurt. Leo had gained a lot of muscle over the past weeks.

His friend and now adopted brother had begun to eat the same meals as Zeke. At first, Zeke had offered the monster meat to Leo as a dare; most people really disliked the taste. Leo turned out to love the food instead. The two of them had been hard at work demolishing all the meat reserves they had brought on this trip.

Its not like I dont want to go, Zeke defended himself. Its just that I was getting to the good part.

Thats what you say every damn time. There would only be good parts in any book if we left it to your judgment, Leo said while rolling his eyes.

The two of them made their way up the stairway. The Alexandria was a military-grade airship, but Maximilian had remodeled the interior for maximum comfort. The corridors and stairways would not have been out of place in a high-end inn. Zekes room on the ship was a lot more luxurious than the one at the mansion as well. He had not been sure what to pack for the journey, but upon seeing his room, he had brought everything he owned.

He had even brought his resistance suit. Daily physical training was one of the aspects he did not neglect during his reading craze. He also had begun to spar in a purely physical fight against Leo every morning. He had not managed to win a single round so far, but he was not disheartened by this result. He could feel his skill in hand-to-hand combat improving with every match.

How long until we are back home? Zeke asked.

Its a couple of hours flight to the capital from here, Leo replied. I heard that we are going to fly through the night. Should be arriving in the morning.

Zeke merely nodded in reply. He was looking forward to their return. Even though he had enjoyed their journey over the winter break, he was excited to go home again. After spending a pleasant evening at a high-class restaurant in town, Zeke returned to his room. He had been planning to spend the night reading again, but a wave of exhaustion hit him the instant he saw his comfy bed. He was out the moment he touched the mattress. It seemed to be only a moment later that he was awoken by somebody banging at his door.

Zeke, wake up! The city is in sight, Mayas excited voice called from outside his room.

Coming! he yelled back as he quickly got dressed.

The two of them had started a ritual where they would stand on deck and watch as the cities came into view. He enjoyed the time he was able to spend with his sister. Only now that the cheerful girl was back in his life did he realize how much he had missed her.

When he finally arrived on deck, he found his parents waiting for him together with Maya. He gave his mother a kiss on the cheek as he wordlessly joined them at the railing. The sun was in the process of cresting the horizon, bathing the world in a reddish-golden hue.

The first thing one always noticed when approaching the capital were the two structures that towered over everything else: The Elementium and the Imperial Palace. The four of them wordlessly enjoyed the breathtaking view as the airship silently crept closer to the city. Their final destination was in sight.

Upon getting close to the air docks of the Elementium, Zeke spotted a familiar figure. Victor Windtnzer was waiting for them with his arms behind his back. Zeke was just about to wave when he noticed the people behind him. Richard Feuerkranz and Rolf Steiner were there. He also saw another woman standing there that he didnt recognize, but with her blue hair and imposing demeanor, he was pretty certain that he could guess who this was. Zeke took in the stern expression on all of their faces. This was not a good sign.

Bring Maya and Mom inside, Dad, Zeke instructed his father.

Geralt took one look at the people waiting for them before wordlessly retreating with his family. Maximilian emerged from the ship at the same time. His own face was more serious than Zeke had ever seen it before. He stepped up beside Zeke and looked at the three men that were clearly waiting for them.

What does this mean? Zeke asked.

I fear Ive put my trust in somebody I shouldnt have, Maximilian said as the ship finally docked.

Dont tie the ship down, Maximilian instructed quietly, we might have to leave in a hurry.

No, you are not, Victor replied evenly. He is still a student of the academy and we are on school grounds. You have no right to do anything. Furthermore, we both heard the reports, and our source was clear that he has no involvement with any of his mentors research.

Are you really going to fight with me over this? Richard snarled.

The other man merely raised an eyebrow in response. Victor seemed to have not a single hair out of place while Richard was barely able to walk straight. The Feuerkranz Patriarch seemed to realize as well how ridiculous his statement was as he finally relented.

Fine, he said through clenched teeth before glancing at Zeke one more time.

You better be ready, boy! he yelled wildly. You cant hide forever!

Zeke watched with clenched teeth as the patriarch stormed off, gracelessly dragging Maximilians body behind him.

Fucking bastard, Zeke cursed.

Its not how I would have preferred things to go either, said a voice from right beside him.

Zeke started at the words. His head snapped to the side, where he found Victor Windtnzer standing right beside him on the deck of the ship.

The fuck do you want? Zeke spat. I hope you dont expect any gratitude for your help.

I dont expect you to understand why I did what I did, Victor said patiently, but Im not ashamed of my action. I did what I had to.

Yeah, I bet, Zeke said in a sarcastic tone. Thats why you sent Viola off to who-knows-where because you were so proud of yourself.

The old man remained silent. Zeke also elected to use this time to bring his own feelings under control.

She wont ever forgive you for this, you know? Zeke said after a few moments.

Victor gave a curt nod. I know, he said quietly, but I am not going to live too much longer anyway. Id rather leave her in the arms of a strong family than alone in a world of chaos.

Zeke didnt respond. He didnt agree with the old man, but he at least understood his thought process. Why are you here? he asked.

A warning, and an opportunity, Victor said. You can not stay here. You have too many enemies, and without Maximilian, you wont be able to fight back. I cant protect you either.

Zeke merely nodded, waiting to hear the rest of what the old man had to say.

There isnt much I can do to help you here, Victor explained. The only thing I can do is give you a chance to get away.


I can promise you a week, the headmaster said. For a week, no Windtnzer will stop your airship. That should be time enough to get you to Tradespire if you hurry.

Zeke thought about his options for a moment. Dozens of possible futures and scenarios went through his head in an instant. After doing his calculation, he rubbed the tears out of his eyes and addressed the old man for the last time.

Why would you help us?

Victors eyes grew distant. I still owe the old man my life, he said. There is nothing I can do for Maximilian anymore, but I can repay him in this way instead.

Zeke held Victors gaze for a moment before nodding.

He turned to David and ordered, Get everything from the mansion, we are leaving for Tradespire within the hour.

David hesitated for a moment. Only the head of the house could make this decision. Following those orders was as good as recognizing Zeke as such. Their eyes met, and for a tense moment, Zeke feared David would refuse to obey.

As you command, young Lord, David said with a slight bow before leaving promptly.

Victor watched the display impassively. Good luck, was all he said before turning to leave as well.

Zeke didnt respond and merely watched as the man departed. He didnt utter a single word as his gaze bore holes into the old mans retreating back. The flames dancing in his eyes were the only outward sign hitting at his thoughts.