Book 3: Chapter 57: Spirit Summoning Ritual II

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Book 3: Chapter 57: Spirit Summoning Ritual II

Aurelia smiled warmly, a real smile, an expression Zeke had not seen once while talking to her earlier. From this gesture alone, it was clear that the woman doted on her niece quite a bit.

Zeke used this chance to scan the girl with his [Analyse] spell.

First name: Celine. Mage name: None.

Last name: Thorsten. Age: 15.

Gender: Female. Height: 1.52m.

Strength: 13. Constitution: 9.

Agility: 15. Intelligence: 11.

Lightning Magic (Perfect affinity), Rank: Apprentice, Engraved spell: none.

Zeke was shocked. The girl didnt have an engraved spell yet? She was still an apprentice? Then why was she going through the ritual? He had clearly seen that Albert had a spell engraved on his core despite having a summon. Was there an advantage to going through the ritual before engraving a spell? There had to be, otherwise, there would have been no reason to wait. Zeke knew from first-hand experience how painful it was to delay the engraving.

Very well. Let us begin, Aurelia said. With a snap of her finger, a circle of light lit up on the ground. Step inside.

This was it! The Spirit Summoning Ritual! With eager anticipation, Zeke focused completely on his Spatial awareness. He was not willing to miss even a single moment. However, his Spatial mana was unable to even get close to the circle or the girl who had just stepped inside.

This had never happened before and Zeke had no idea what could have caused this phenomenon. Was there some kind of protective barrier? There did not seem to be anything

Frustrated, he inspected the Mana around him to find the reason for this. However, he immediately recoiled in shock.

The entire stage was completely flooded with the most potent Mana he had ever felt. So, that was the reason the matriarch had remained standing in place! She had used her own Life and Death Mana to push out anything else in the vicinity. This was an effective way to protect any spell from taking form.

It was the same principle that prevented Mages from casting spells inside another Mages body. Even Zekes [Perfect Spatial Awareness], which was designed to be unobtrusive to the senses, was repelled. This was akin to draping a blackout curtain over the entire scene. Only somebody with equivalent strength could even attempt to fight her for dominance.

With a sigh, Zeke resigned himself to the fact that his second objective of the day had failed as well. With Aurelia present, there was no way he would be able to use his Trinity Project. It had been naive to assume the Thorsten family wouldnt have a way to deal with magical snooping. Now that Zeke was moving up in the world, he would have to get used to encountering more and more countermeasures to his abilities.

Now, all he could do was use his ordinary senses to observe as well as his Soul Sight. Without a moments delay, Zeke slipped into his new state. As he did so, all his senses were on high alert, and he was ready to discard the extended part of his Soul right away Just as he had practiced.

This was it, the first time he used his Soul Magic publicly and in the company of many of Tradespires most influential Mages no less. This was an absolutely brutal test, but if he managed to remain undetected here, then he would be fine almost everywhere. With bated breath, Zeke waited. He didnt even dare focus on anything with his Soul Sight, merely waiting for any reaction from the crowd

However, even after a long moment, there was nothing. Zekes guard relaxed gradually as he saw nobody even react in the slightest. The only thing that was odd was when both Aether and Nexus, the two crows, simultaneously glanced in his direction. But they had averted their gazes just as quickly, seemingly not finding anything out of the ordinary either.

After catching her breath, Celine rose. Her face was covered in sweat and her blueish hair was a mess. However, belying her bedraggled state, there was a wide, suspiciously smug grin on the girls face. Turning toward Aurelia, she spoke in an excited voice. Ive got a good one, Aunty. Ill catch up to you in no time.

Hearing those words, Aurelia returned the smile. How about you show us what youve got?

Celine nodded. She closed her eyes and focused. The crowd collectively leaned in, curious to see what kind of creature could be tamed with a perfect Lightning affinity. However, even after a long moment, nothing happened.

Several heartbeats later, Celines eyes opened again. A slight blush had crept into her cheeks as she addressed Aurelia. How do I summon it, Aunty?

Aurelias smirk was mirrored by many in the crowd. With this gesture alone, the tense atmosphere had changed to something several shades lighter.

Dont embarrass my niece any further, spirit, the matriarch proclaimed. I know you can hear me. Obey your master, and come out.

Yes, come out! Celine echoed.

A moment later, the same Tiger Zeke had seen earlier emerged from the girls chest with a graceful leap. Compared to its spirit form, it appeared a lot more corporeal now. The summon curiously studied its new surroundings, warily peeking at the Arch Mages that sat in the front row.

Marvelous, Aurelia exclaimed, full of pride. Thats a Thunderclaw. It has only been summoned once in the history of our country. If memory serves me right, this was during our peak, and its summoner went on to become a renowned general. If this cannot be considered a sign, then I dont know what can.

Celine puffed out her chest proudly as she listened to her aunt speak. Meanwhile, the Thunderclaw was circling her protectively, shooting venomous glares at the crowd. Aunty, Aunty! I want to fight!

You can play with your new summon later, dear, we still have guests to entertain, Aurelia chided softly.

Celine considered those words for a moment before a crafty glint entered her eyes. I think it would be interesting for our guests to see the power of the summon as well, dont you think?

The Thorsten matriarch considered the girls words, and after slyly glancing at the impressive figure of the Thunderclaw, she nodded slowly. I had not planned for this, but maybe a little demonstration would not be such a bad thing. Who did you want to fight?

Without a moments delay, she pointed her finger at a certain red-haired young man. Mordred! I want to fight Mordred. He has been bullying me for years. Its time for some payback!

Aurelia looked over at the boy in question. Mordred, for his part, had an awkward expression on his face. It was clear that he didnt want to have anything to do with this situation. He looked to his father for help, but Tristan wasnt even acknowledging his existence, pretending he didnt know him.

Betrayed, Mordred swept his gaze around. However, wherever he turned, only eyes filled with condemnation greeted him. How dare he bully such a sweet young girl! Finally, his eyes met Zekes, and his despairing expression suddenly turned shrewd.

Ahem Even though I would love to fight you, such a pairing would be a little unfair considering our age difference Mordred announced. He quickly continued before anybody could interrupt him. However, may I suggest somebody else? We have the pleasure to be in the presence of Ezekiel von Hohenheim today. The recently crowned number one talent of the empire and also the rising star of Tradespire. I have personally fought him recently and can attest to his skills. I believe a match against him would be far more interesting, dont you all agree?

As one, every pair of eyes turned toward Zeke, including Celine and Aurelia. Even the Thunderclaws bestial eyes fixated on him. It appeared to him as if the beast had just designated him as its next meal.

How did things end up like this?