Book 3: Chapter 72: The Conference III

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Book 3: Chapter 72: The Conference III

A tingle went up Zekes spine as he realized that the entire room was now looking at him. Otto Geistreichs declaration had ended the official part of the meeting, opening up the floor for whatever he had planned.

Ezekiel von Hohenheim, Otto began in a somber voice. You are charged with treason against the empire. You are hereby ordered to return to Magusburg for your trial.

Zekes heart clenched. However, despite the shock, he couldnt say that he was all that surprised by the accusation. Aside from the fact that he was indeed guilty of the crime, the empire would have no problem making up the charge either way. It was what they had done to Maximilian, after all.

Which of my actions were deemed treasonous? Zeke asked.

This was a good chance to investigate how much the empire knew. If Zeke had to guess, they probably knew quite a bit about his activities. He wouldnt be surprised to learn that there were hundreds of spies all over Tradespire. A few of them were undoubtedly observing his every move.

I am not at liberty to say, Otto responded. As usual, his face gave nothing away. But Zeke wasnt too disappointed. Learning anything from the chancellor had been a longshot anyway. However, that doesnt mean there is nothing I can tell you.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Please enlighten me, Zeke said.

In light of the tragic loss of your mentor, the emperor has decided to be lenient, this time. I am authorized to offer you a deal that will get rid of the charges against you and allow you to return to the empire as a free man.

Zeke raised a single brow. What are the conditions of the offer?

Otto raised a single finger. First, the von Hohenheim household will not be allowed to employ or adopt anybody at the Grand Mage level or above.

A second finger straightened. Ezekiel von Hohenheim will have to serve in the empires military for at least half a century as recompense for past transgressions.

A third finger. As a further sign of penance, 90% of the assets owned by the von Hohenheim family will be seized by the empire. This also includes assets outside the empire. If you agree to those three demands, the emperor has agreed to be merciful.

With every new stipulation that was added, his expression sank. After the third and final demand, he could barely hold back the laughter that was threatening to escape his mouth from the sheer anger and disbelief he was feeling.

The complacent grin on Alexander's face was the last straw. The boy was grinning at him with the smug satisfaction of a cat toying with a mouse. It was clear that he gained an inane amount of sick pleasure from this interaction. Zeke wouldnt be surprised to learn that he had begged to come along for this moment alone.

When Zeke saw that expression, coupled with those ridiculous demands, something inside Zeke snapped. His tense posture relaxed, and the fire that had started to burn in his chest evaporated. No, that wasnt quite right, it didnt evaporate it transformed. From a roaring inferno into a simmering flame. Instead of an explosive force driving him to action, it had turned into a chill that pervaded his very being.

Instead of hot, it was cold.

Instead of impulsive, it made him calm.

Instead of anger, it was hatred.

I see, Zeke said in a serene, dispassionate voice as he met Ottos gaze. Lets see if I understood your offer correctly, Mr. Geistreich. You want to take my men, seize my property, and turn me into a slave. Is that the extent of the emperors mercy?

Before Otto could even respond, Lara burst out laughing. It took several moments until she had calmed down enough for Otto to even respond. However, before he could, Zeke raised a hand to stop him.

No need to explain, he said. It was a rhetorical question anyway. I refuse your conditions completely.

Are you sure? Otto asked. There are going to be consequences for making that choice. Not only for you but your entire household. Maybe you want to discuss this with your attendants first.

However, despite the explosive first reaction, nothing happened. It took a moment for Zeke to realize that something was off. People hadnt just paused in their movement, they literally stopped. This was not a natural stillness. It was almost as if time had been frozen

What did I say about breaching the neutrality of Tradespire? Messengers garbled voice asked, cutting through the silence. Zekes head snapped to the shrouded figure. He noticed that he was the only one able to move.

How were they doing this? Zeke could not feel even the slightest stir in the mana. Somehow, the messenger was able to cast spells without using their core. But that was imposs

Exarch! They were an Exarch. The realization hit Zeke like a ton of bricks. It was rumored that Mages of that level were able to attune the mana of the natural world without using their Core. Now that Zeke thought about it, this made sense. Why would the king send somebody to oversee this meeting who didnt have the ability to act?

Messenger waved their hand, and without delay, the previous events played out in reverse. Tristans sword disappeared back into his hand, Laras eyes stopped glowing, and the entire delegation of the empire sat back down. However, there was one notable exception. The two crows didnt seem to be affected at all.

Nexus tilted his head. Can I eat him, Aether?

He seems pretty strong, Nexus. I dont know if you can.

We wont know if I dont try, right?

Please dont, Messenger said. I would be forced to kill your master. It would be best if you returned. I dont mean her any harm. The two birds shared a look before disappearing at the same time. They had apparently decided not to bother with this hassle anymore.

Messenger then turned his attention to Zeke. I would advise you to choose your words more carefully this time, boy.

Without any further explanation, the movement in the room resumed. Zeke was confused at first, but when he saw everyone looking at him, the truth dawned on him. Nobody remembered his earlier words. The Exarch had turned back time. He stealthily glanced at Messenger, and the figure nodded in return.

Are you going to make a declaration or not? Alexander asked, his expression still ugly from his earlier loss.

Despite this curious interruption, the hatred in Zekes heart had not diminished in the slightest. Ever since the enrollment ceremony two years ago, the empire had treated him with nothing but disdain. They had taken so much from him his friends, his mentor, and now even his name and birthplace. Enough was enough, it was time to go on the offensive.

From this very moment, I, formerly known as Ezekiel von Hohenheim, rescind my title and name. I hereby declare Arkanheim to be the enemy of me and my kin, he proclaimed, parroting Ottos earlier words. Furthermore I hereby pledge my support for the war against the empire.

There was a moment of silence before the entire Arkanheim delegation burst out laughing. Even Lara and Tristan were giving Zeke weird looks. The question was clear in their eyes. What good would his support do?

Y-your support? Alexander wheezed out between bouts of laughter. You have us quaking in our boots, mighty True Mage!

Out of the empires group, only Otto remained taciturn. His only reaction had been a slight narrowing of his eyes. Eventually, the merry laughter and jokes came to a stop as the delegation noticed the somber expression of their leader.

Zeke looked around the gathered crowd. Hear me well, as this offer is open to all of you. I will pay 1000 gold for every head brought to me...

Wha Alexander started. But Zeke interrupted him right away. He wasnt even close to being done.

10,000 Gold for every Grand Mage, 100,000 gold for every Arch Mage, and a million gold for every patriarch of the four great families. Furthermore, I will pay a further million gold to the one who brings me Alexander Feuerkranz alive.

The room descended into complete silence. Not even Otto Geistreich knew what to say. This amount of money was more than the empire offered as a reward for their most wanted criminals. Tristan Bloodsword, ranked first on their list, was only worth 100,000 gold. This was now the average price on the heads of any of their Arch Mages. Such a reward was tempting, even to allies

I suggest you take that back, Otto began, slowly finding his voice. Such a declaration will be met with consequences.

And what would those consequences be, exactly? Zeke asked. Are you going to strip me of my name? my title? declare me an enemy? put a bounty on my head? kill my mentor?

His facial expression turned from mocking to ice-cold. What is there even left to threaten me with? You have already taken everything from me. No, not this time. This time, it will be you it will be you and your foul country to suffer the consequences of your actions. And if you think this bit of gold is all that I am willing to give, then you are sorely mistaken. Before the end, you will come to regret your actions today on that, you have my word.