Book 4: Chapter 18: The Ceremony

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Book 4: Chapter 18: The Ceremony

Zeke returned to the Lions Den in silence. He was in no mood to talk. Despite having put on a casual front earlier, he wasnt feeling too good about what happened in the arena. The others seemed to sense his somber mood and stayed away on their own. Even Ripper and Rohan, who surely wanted to ask him many questions, restrained themselves. However, there was somebody who didnt show as much restraint.

Quit your moping, whelp. It is souring my mood, the Dragon said.

Zeke sighed. I am not moping, Its just I find it distasteful to kill people for sport. You could have let him live if you wanted to.

The Dragon snorted. But I didnt. Also, you are dishonoring that warrior with your pity.

Zeke bristled. Warrior? He was a slave. He most likely didnt have a choice but to fight.

So? The Dragon questioned. Weaklings dont have the option to choose their destiny. Or do you think the adults in your hometown dreamt of being farmers growing up? Just because they were forced into their profession doesnt mean they dont have pride in it. You should know this well.

Zeke remained silent for a moment. He could see where the Dragon was going with this, but he disagreed. The people in my hometown werent slaves. They could choose any work they wanted.

The Dragon chuckled. Keep telling yourself that, whelp. But one day, you will learn that there is no freedom for the weak. The best they can hope for is a benevolent master.

Zeke wanted to retort, but the words died in his mouth. He thought about the many secrets he had to hide because he didnt have the strength to protect them. On top of that, he didnt even dare to tell people his real name for fear of being hunted down.

Could this really be called freedom? The Dragon didnt say anything else, leaving Zeke to ponder many things as they made their way back to the Lions Den.

Having the most fighters, their group was the last one to return. When they stepped through the gate, he noticed that something was off. The place was too quiet. Unlike any other day, he couldnt hear the typical noises of clashing weapons or any other indication that people were sparring.

He turned to Rohan with a questioning look, but the old man merely smirked. Youll see.

It wasnt only him, but most of his companions seemed to know what was going on. Zeke decided not to dwell on it too much. Maybe it was some kind of holiday? He mindlessly followed his group into the big training hall. But he was immediately shocked by what awaited him inside.

All the windows had been blocked, leaving the large hall in darkness. The only light came from the candles held by the many figures standing all around. Zeke walked forward but soon noticed that the number of people in front was decreasing as many of his companions joined the crowd on either side, forming a passage. Neither Ripper nor Rohan were anywhere to be found anymore.

Moments later, only Zeke and four others were left. When he tried to join the crowd, somebody pushed him back. The person wasnt aggressive but gently redirected his path. It was then that Zeke noticed who else had remained with him and understood what was going on. They were the other Rana Samrat who made their debut today. Understanding what was happening, he followed the passage toward the center of the hall. Behind him, the crowd closed their ranks, completely encircling him.

Zeke soon found himself standing in front of a small stage. Upon it stood a figure cloaked in a dark hood, with their silhouette illuminated by the bright, flickering light of two braziers. Zeke couldn't discern their face, but even without the aid of his sphere of awareness, he had a good idea of the figure's identity. The potent Mana currents left no doubt that this individual was an Arch Mage, and in this school, there was only one such person Ravi Desai, the master. Despite knowing this, Zeke had no intention of dispelling the aura of mystery and instead chose to play along.

The hooded figure scrutinized the five recruits in turn, lingering just a bit longer on Zeke before speaking up. Brave Lions, today, we have witnessed the prowess of these warriors. They have spilled blood for the first time, their own or their enemies, bringing honor to our school.

Honor! Honor! Honor! The crowd cheered thrice in unison before the hooded figure continued.

The first to prove themselves was Oxtail! he said, pointing at the warrior to Zeke's left. He fought a more experienced fighter to a standstill and eventually won through endurance and sheer grit.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.

Zeke remained silent for a moment as he swept his gaze over the crowd. I can naturally explain my behavior, but I would like to ask a question first if I am allowed?

The figure nodded. What is your question?

Zeke turned toward Ishaan with a serious expression. If you had no idea of my capabilities, why did you agree to the fight with Ironclad? This would have been a death sentence for anybody else.

Ishaan was stunned. He had not expected that his earlier words would come back to bite him right away. Having already admitted to his ignorance, he could not claim to have known about Zekes true power anymore. He had left himself no way out.

Ishaan? The hooded figure prompted. It was clear that he also wanted to hear his reasoning.

Ishaan's throat turned dry as the surrounding eyes became suspicious. Even the other instructors had doubtful expressions especially Rohan. The old man had already suspected something to be off about Zekes paring. In this atmosphere, if he didnt come up with something fast, Ishaan would be found guilty by default.

The man cleared his throat. Naturally, I had my suspicions about your power You could say that todays match was a test. And as you can all see, I was proven right.

Zeke's expression didnt change, but his eyes turned even more mocking. You never asked me, Ishaan. Not even once. But we both know that you would rather send people to their deaths instead of talking to them, isnt that right? You think us all beneath you.

Enough! Ishaan bellowed. I will not be questioned by the likes of you. How about you explain why you have been hiding your powers in the first place?

The crowds attention returned to Zeke, but he didnt mind. After all, he had no problem answering. I dont know what you are talking about. I never had any intention of hiding my powers.

Laughable! Ishaan exclaimed. You fought all week with nothing but your hands and feet. Tell me, why didnt you use your companion if you had no intention of hiding your powers?

Because my partner doesnt need the practice, Zeke said. You clearly dont know much about summoning Magic, but most contracted spirits are ancient monsters. A few days of training wont benefit them. Especially not on this level.

T-That Ishaan stammered, but Zeke wasnt done.

I figured that the most effective way for me to get stronger was to improve my martial prowess. After all, everybody knows that the best way to defeat a summons is to take out the Mage behind it. Many nodded at this. It was common knowledge to be pointless to fight a spirit. After all, it could just be summoned again for as long as the Mage had Mana.

Seeing the anger on Ishaans face, Zeke didnt miss this chance for one last barb. You would know all this, Ishaan, if you had used your mouth instead of your whip even once.

As expected, that last comment was enough to send Ishaan over the edge. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU

Thats enough! the hooded figure said. His voice wasnt loud, but there was a power behind it that demanded obedience. Ishaan, even if you truly intended for todays match to be a test, you still went too far. You not only risked a promising recruit but our very reputation. I would not have expected you to act so carelessly. Quite frankly, I am very disappointed.

There was absolute silence as everybody waited in stunned silence for Ishaans reply. I I am sorry.

The hooded figure nodded slowly. Very well, but if something like this happens again, you wont get away with a simple warning. He then swept his gaze over the crowd and made a proclamation. All of you, forget about Ishaans words. Let me ask one more time: Who has a problem with Blood Dragon joining our ranks?

This time, there were no complaints. Congratulations, Blood Dragon. You have officially joined our Ranks, and I am certain that you will continue to make us proud.

To the thundering applause of the crowd, Zeke inclined his head respectfully. It took a long while until the hooded figure was able to continue. Only when the last of the cheering had died down did he speak again. Five Lions have joined us today. Let us celebrate!