Book 4: Chapter 37: Escaping the Mine

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Book 4: Chapter 37: Escaping the Mine

The very moment Zeke tossed the bottles, the Elementals sprung into action. However, their target wasnt the bottles but the boy who had thrown them. It seemed retrieval was a lower priority than threat removal.

Quite sensible, Zeke thought as he disappeared from his spot when the first Elemental was about to reach him. His [Short Range Teleportation] could take him anywhere inside his sphere of awareness, and Zeke had tasked Akasha with picking out the best location.

He knew that he wouldnt be able to leave the encirclement in a single move. Therefore, it was paramount to pick the best spot possible.

Zeke reappeared at the very edge of his sphere. As expected, she had managed to pick a spot that was relatively sparsely populated. However, that didnt mean that it was safe. In fact, the Elementals shifted their trajectories right away. It seemed they had locked onto him for good.

The closest one was already swinging a scythe-like appendage toward his neck. Zeke cursed as he shifted position. He was already creating the Spellform in his Core, but he wouldnt be in time.

Instead of his neck, the bladed shadow cleaved through his shoulder. Zeke had expected this to an extent, but it still shocked him to see how little resistance his flesh offered. Shadow Mages made for terrifying assassins.

In the next instant, he disappeared. This time, his teleport took him outside the encirclement. And there it was, the passage. He was just in time to see Gravitas catch the three bottles he had tossed. Despite his repeated [Teleportation], they had been faster. This was primarily due to the fact that Gravitas had used her gravity Magic to speed up the bottles flight.

Their gazes interlocked for an instant, but then the moment passed, and she turned and ran.

Zeke, for his part, couldnt afford to waste any time either. He had started running the moment his teleport ended. Thanks to his sphere of awareness, he could literally feel the shadows closing in. After taking just a few steps, his Spellform was completed again, and Zeke vanished a third time.

This time, he appeared inside the narrow entrance to the cave. His feet ground to a halt, and he whirled around. His eyes reflected what seemed to be a tidal wave of shadows hellbent on devouring him.

Zeke gulped. No matter how good his plan was, it hadnt prepared him for such a terrifying sight. Nonetheless, he didnt stop, already working on his next spell. And just before the tidal wave reached him, he was ready.

[Spatial Barrier]!

The tide of shadows collided with the invisible wall. It was a strange sight. Instead of an impact, it was akin to a feather landing on the oceans surface, a clear reminder of how little mass those dark specters had.

However, Zeke harbored no delusions about the effectiveness of this method. This would not hold them for long, and it didnt have to. All he planned to do was buy a few seconds for Gravitas.

As expected, the shadows soon found their way through the small cracks in the cliff surrounding the entrance, easily bypassing his barrier. Zeke abandoned his position when the first of the Elementals emerged on the other side.

Akasha had been preparing another [Teleport], giving Zeke a slight headstart. From then on, he focused on running while she would teleport him just before he would get hit. Of course, their system wasnt perfect, and Zeke suffered a deluge of minor injuries.

He ran so fast that it felt like the air was trying to grab onto him as he raced down the old mining tunnels. He ran faster than he had ever run in his life, the specter of death on his very heels.

Every other moment, a new cut would open somewhere on his body, but it didnt matter. He had no attention to spare for such trivialities. His entire focus was on the tunnel in front of him and the place where his next step would land.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Zeke glimpsed a particular bend in the road. He saw how the air distorted, seemingly without cause. However, he was well aware of the reason for this irregularity.

Just a bit more.

Zekes body screamed. Its voice was the pain he felt from every inch of skin, every fiber of muscles. He ignored its silent plea and instead commanded his feet to run even faster. The chilling sensation at his back served as a constant reminder of the danger he was in.

Even so, a smile spread across his face. He had made it.

Zeke didnt even dream of slowing down as he dove headfirst toward the wall. Mid-air, he turned his head toward the right. His eyes met Vulcanos, who had been waiting for this very moment.

What should he do? What could he do?

However, before he could come up with anything, Vulcanos reached him. Zeke expected the Chimeroi to run past, but that wasnt what he did. Without breaking his stride, Vulcanos grabbed Zeke by the nape of his neck. Like a kitten being picked up by its mother, Vulcanos carried him in one hand. The additional weight didnt seem to slow the giant down in the slightest.

Zeke didnt rejoice. It wouldnt be enough.

Vulcanos seemed to know it, too; Zeke could see the realization dawning on him. His eyes had been anxious just a moment ago, but now they were calm. Instead of the fleeting hope of moments ago, they showed a grim resolve.

Zeke instantly knew what he was going to do. NO!

However, it was too late. He had already left the mans grasp and sailed through the air with tremendous speed. Instead of slowing down, he only accelerated further once he entered Gravitas's reach.

Zeke's eyes never left Vulcanos figure, which was getting smaller and smaller in the distance, not even when a slender pair of arms wrapped around him. He could vaguely feel the warm rays of sunlight on his skin, but it didnt matter.

His eyes remained fixed on that distant shape. Vulcanos was still moving, but it was meaningless. The throw had slowed him down even further. There was no chance for him to make it anymore.

Zeke tried to struggle, but the two arms were gripping him like a vice. He tried to [Teleport], but Akasha destroyed the Spellform before it took shape. It was for the best, and Zeke knew it.

What could he even do?

He had said he was ready to risk their lives, and now the Grim Reaper had come to collect on that promise. All he could do was watch silently as another man died in his place, died to give him the chance to advance a tiny bit faster.

Zeke didnt know what to do so he did nothing. His eyes moistened as he saw the shadows slowly catching up with the running figure. He wanted to look away, but he forced himself not to.

At the very last moment, just before the blades reached Vulcanos's back, Zeke noticed something enter his sphere of awareness. As fast as an arrow, the projectile passed him by. No, this was no projectile. It was a tiny reptile, its wings tucked in, as it flew at a speed so fast that his eyes couldnt follow.

The Dragon had arrived.

However, Zeke didnt think it would make it in time. It was then that the Dragon opened its maw and roared.

The sound that emerged from its throat completely belied its tiny frame. It was a deep, rumbling growl. It was a sound so primal that every single hair on his body stood on end. He had never met a Dragon, but his body instinctively knew to be afraid. This was an apex predator, the pinnacle of hierarchy, the sky above the sky.

This feeling wasnt limited to Zeke. In fact, he seemed to be least affected. Gravitas froze completely; her iron grip slackened, and he felt her shivering against his back.

Vulcano's eyes widened comically, but luckily, his fear only seemed to make him run faster.

Most noticeable, however, was the effect on the shadow Elementals. They had come to a complete halt. Granted, their stupor only lasted for an instant, but it was enough. The Dragon dove into their midst, tearing, biting, and clawing in all directions.

Of course, it was utterly outmatched by the tide of shadow Elementals. A few moments later, the bloody corpse of the tiny reptile hit the floor, and Zeke felt its Soul return to him. However, its sacrifice had been enough.

Vulcanos was finally in range of Gravitas's spell. A moment later, his giant frame came sailing through the air. They tried to catch him, but it was no use. His massive frame knocked them to the ground, but Zeke didnt mind. In fact, he had never been this happy to be sent tumbling.

Zeke patted the big guy's back from his position on the floor while keeping his eyes on the shadow Elementals. As expected, they came to a halt just before touching the beams of sunlight.

He let out a deep sigh. They had made it.