Book 4: Chapter 53: The Hole II

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Book 4: Chapter 53: The Hole II

Ishaan stayed true to his word and only explained the Mana Breathing technique a single time. Zeke was certain that this was just another way to test the Chimeroi, as only the ones with a relatively better talent would be able to pick it up that fast.

What worried him more, however, was the actual Breathing technique itself. It was completely different from the one he had observed in the Lions Den, and even though he couldnt claim to be an expert, something about it felt off. Yet, neither he nor Akasha could pinpoint the exact reason for this feeling. Their simulations even showed that this technique could potentially be many times more effective than what they learned at the Lions Den.

The technique of the Lions Den was known as Cloud Chasing. Apparently, practicing this technique conjured the sensation of being enveloped in a serene rainshower, each successful execution akin to a refreshing cleanse for the body. Yet, the work you had to put in was a long and arduous journey like chasing clouds.

According to Ash, it was one of the worst techniques when looking solely at growth rate. However, what it lacked in speed, it made up for in consistency. Practitioners of the Cloud Chaser techniques would almost never run into bottlenecks or burn out prematurely. It was a gentle method that focused on steady growth instead of explosive improvements.

This new technique, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. This breathing technique revolved around soaking the body in as much Mana as possible, forcing it to adapt. When imagining the Cloud Chasing technique as a gentle downpour, then this could be compared to a flood. You either learned how to swim or drowned.

Zeke couldnt yet say what the side-effects would be if the Chimeroi failed to adapt, yet he feared the worst.


It's time, Ishaan declared.

He approached the sturdy iron grate and, with the assistance of a chain-bound crank, opened it. The metal structure groaned in protest as it was lifted out of its socket, emphasizing its considerable weight. Several Chimeroi audibly gulped, recognizing the inevitable truth that once they entered this hole, there would be no escape.

In contrast to the general unease, not a ripple could be seen in Zekes eyes. This time, he wasnt even pretending. Such a primitive way of imprisonment could pose no hindrance to him and his Space Affinity. After all, he could phase through walls with the ease of a leisurely stroll, rendering those sturdy iron bars an inconsequential obstacle at best. The same wasnt true for the Chimeroi, however.

Even among those with suitable abilities, none were likely able to escape this prison. Only somebody on the level of Ash could develop their proficiency enough to show their true potential, like turning into mist.

Therefore, none of the gathered Slaves was eager to be first. Even when Ishaan gestured for a second time, nobody moved. His face had already started to turn cold when somebody emerged from the crowd. It was a tall figure with a shining bald head and blood-red skin it was Zeke.

Without a moment's hesitation, he confidently approached the opening and peered down. An endless void of darkness was all he found, but that wasnt of much concern to Zeke. Before entering, he glanced at Ishaan one last time, confirming his expression. As predicted, a sly glint of malicious joy lurked behind his friendly facade. Ishaan seemed eager for whatever was about to happen in that hole.

Zeke raised one leg above the opening, but just as he was about to take the plunge, a whimsical idea crossed his mind. He made eye contact with Ishaan and flashed a grin a mocking, disdainful expression that conveyed all of Zeke's true feelings towards the man. With that, he let himself fall, observing how Ishaan's facade started to crack.

Zeke smirked. He wondered what Ishaan was thinking right now. Was he fuming? Did he mark his name on his shit list? It didnt matter much, as they would have a falling out during the next seven days anyway, one way or the other. Right now, Ishaan was far from his highest priority.

The stale air streamed by his face as he fell freely for an extended moment. Yet, the ground came into view all too soon. Zeke, having already been prepared, used his [Teleport] spell the very moment he was about to collide with the floor. Almost simultaneously, he reappeared.

Nothing much seemed to have changed as he emerged at almost the same spot. Yet, there was one notable difference: his momentum was reversed. Zekes body rocketed up a few feet before coming back down. He landed gracefully, the soft earthen floor cushioning the impact even further. On this type of ground, he might have been fine without using his Magic, but there was no point taking the risk. He didnt have the body of a Chimeroi, after all.

Zeke swiftly surveyed his surroundings for potential threats, finding that, at least in this regard, Ishaan had been truthful; there seemed to be no imminent dangers. The space he now occupied was a reasonably roomy chamber with various tunnels branching out in every direction. It appeared to be a sort of maze.

I can, Master, Ash said in his mind.

How are things on your end? Zeke questioned.

I managed to infiltrate their headquarters without much problem, but the residence of their leader is a different matter. I dont think I can get in there.

Zeke nodded inwardly. It was how he had expected. Dont worry about it. I am already inside, and Ive even met with the Archmage.

Are you ok, Master? Ash asked, a hint of panic in his voice.

No need to worry: Im completely fine, Zeke said. He didnt notice me at all. On the other hand, I managed to learn something very interesting.

Whats that?

Didnt you notice something strange while infiltrating this place? Zeke questioned in turn.

Ash remained silent for a moment, undoubtedly combing through his experiences. There are a lot of Slaves here, he said eventually.

Thats it, Zeke confirmed. I think every single one of them is contracted to the same Master.

The Archmage?

Zeke agreed, causing Ash to fall silent for a second time. After an even longer pause, he spoke once more. That makes things easier, even if it is a bit regretful

Zeke nodded in agreement, having thought the very same thing. If they managed to kill the Archmage, all of the Slaves would die with him. This meant that the entire Ember Scar Cartel would fall in an instant if Zeke managed to assassinate the man somehow. On the other hand, it meant that hundreds of innocents would die without even the choice to surrender.

However, in the next instant, he hardened his resolve. Zeke had already decided that he would not hesitate anymore he couldnt afford to. After all, showing mercy to an enemy was the same as showing cruelty to oneself.

I will do what I have to, he sent to Ash in a tone that brooked no argument.

Master, is everything alright? Ash asked hesitantly.

I am fine, Zeke stated with certainty. I'll reach out again once I gather more information. Stay close. With that, he ended the connection before the other man had a chance to reply. He didnt want to talk about the things that had happened in the hall above, and he didnt feel like explaining himself either.

This was a decision he had made for himself, and he felt no obligation to explain it to anyone. Inhaling deeply, Zeke hardened his mind, dreading the task ahead. Nevertheless, procrastination had never been a habit Zeke indulged in, and this time would be no exception.

Akasha, tell me your plan for invading a Soul.