Book 4: Chapter 56: The Hole V

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Book 4: Chapter 56: The Hole V

Zeke opened his eyes and quickly regained his bearings. This marked the third time in a row that he had managed to retreat from the Soul of the Archmage unharmed, and he was starting to feel confident in his ability to remain undetected.

Roughly a day had passed since he had entered this place, and it was finally time to get started on his actual work.

Catch him! somebody yelled. However, the aggressive shouting didnt elicit even the slightest reaction from Zeke. Neither did he go and check what was going on. It was as if he hadnt even heard the cry.

What is the next step, Akasha?


Now that Host has learned to remain undetected, Host should be able to target specific parts of the Soul.

Zeke nodded at that. He had gained a lot of new insights about the inner workings of the Soul over the past day, and the proposition sounded plausible.

Contrary to their earlier hypotheses, the Soul wasnt as volatile as they had assumed. It was only its outermost part that was in constant flux. The further in you went, the more stable it became. At its very core, the Soul was presumed to be almost completely rigid.

Zeke suspected that the core area contained the most crucial memories, the ones that ended up being essential in the formation of ones personality. In comparison, the outermost parts were made up of the memories of routine tasks and idle thoughts that were forgotten almost as fast as they came.

In a weird twist of fate, Akasha had a hard time wrapping her head around the concept, yet it immediately made sense to Zeke. This shift in their dynamic had prompted Akasha only to give vague advice, while Zeke would determine the best way to implement it on his own.

After catching his breath and calming his mind, Zeke immediately entered his Soul Sight again. He quickly located his probe in the distance and penetrated the Soul of the Archmage. By now, this set of steps had become second nature to him.

The first thing he did upon entering the Soul of the Archmage was to attune himself to his surroundings. This step was always a challenge, as he would have to instantly shift his mood to match that of the other person. Right now, the outermost layers of the Soul were moving about in harsh and violent bursts, allowing Zeke to deduce the mans mental state.

He seemed to be angry.

Generally, the Archmage fluctuated between only two states. He was either furious or bored. At least, those were the only emotions he was capable of expressing naturally. Zeke had learned that the man often indulged in one or many substances that influenced his mood greatly. Those were the only times he even approached a state of happiness or relaxation.

After Zeke had taken his customary position in one of the outermost layers, he began his first experiment. He adjusted his timing to match the rapid movements of the Soul and struck right when it came to a stop. The moment his tether came in contact with the substance that made up the outer layers of the Soul, something strange happened. It was like he was being physically pushed away.New novel chapters are published on

Undeterred, Zeke tried again. Yet, the result didnt change. Every time he attempted to approach a specific memory or thought, he would be repelled at the last moment. This was strange. Nothing of the sort had happened when he consumed the memories of the spy. Was this the difference between a Grand Mage and an Archmage?

No, that was unlikely. Even an Archmage shouldnt be able to resist his advancements while completely unaware. But if it wasnt for the difference in strength, then what could have led to this unexpected hurdle?

After another dozen failed attempts, Zeke was getting frustrated with his lack of progress and decided to try something new. He resolved himself to push through the resistance with force. He waited for the right timing and tried once more. This time, he put a little more strength behind the attempt to disastrous results.

Not only did he puncture the resistance of the memory, but it passed through completely. Yet, his bad fortune didnt stop there as his tether penetrated a dozen more memories and ended up fairly close to the next layer.

Zeke watched the scene with a growing sense of dread. It didnt take a genius to know that he had been detected. Without a second thought, he abandoned his probe and retreated like a lizard shedding its tail. He only managed to calm down when he was back in his own body.

Despite regaining his senses, Zeke kept his eyes closed, replaying the events of moments ago. He had only meant to use the slightest bit of force, yet things had ended up like that. Do you know what happened, Akasha?

Despite himself, Zeke chuckled. You can tell?

Zeke easily brushed her off as he disappeared from sight, only to reappear behind her, his momentum intact. With the force of a charging bull, he rammed his shoulder into her back, sending the girl flying. However, before she could get far, her momentum was suddenly halted when she collided with an invisible wall.

The limp body of the Chimeroi girl fell to the floor bonelessly. She had clearly been knocked unconscious. However, this put Zeke in the situation of being forced to make a choice. Should he kill her? Or should he just leave her be? In all likelihood, the others would take advantage of her momentary weakness to get rid of such a strong competitor. But was this really alright?

Even though he had determined that sacrificing these people was necessary, he understood the importance of not treating them recklessly. In his view, there existed a distinction between a man willing to engage in bloodshed and an indiscriminate slaughterer devoid of any regard for life.

Yet, before he could ponder the matter any further, the sound of footsteps from a nearby corridor disturbed his peace. He would have to decide right now.

Zeke looked at the figure that lay at his feet. A trickle of blood ran down her face from an injury to her forehead, mixing with the dirt and grime that covered her face. However, beneath all that soot, Zeke saw the delicate face of a girl, giving him an inkling of what she might look like after a good scrubbing.

Freckles danced across her cheeks, and her naturally tousled chestnut hair fell in carefree waves. A hint of mischief played in the arch of her eyebrows, giving a playful air to the otherwise sharp contours of her face. She wasnt some great beauty but did have a sort of wild charm. However, the one thing that Zeke remembered most vividly was the expression of curiosity on her face when she had looked up at him just now.

It reminded him of the expression of wonder he saw in his sisters eyes whenever she watched him or Leo spar

Before Zeke knew it, he had already heaved the girl onto his shoulders and was stepping on air. He was already back in his hideout by the time the group of Chimeroi arrived. However, now that he was in his cave, he realized the kind of situation he was in.

"Stupid," he chastised himself as he settled the girl into the back of the shelter, easing into his regular spot. He almost expected the Dragon to mock him, yet the reptile remained quiet, leaving him to stew in the aftermath of his reckless choice.

Quietly observing the girl hed rescued, Zeke noted that the wound on her head had already closed, a silent testament to the superior bodies of the Chimeroi. Other than that, nothing had changed. She was still unconscious, still waiting for his ultimate verdict. That was right, it wasnt too late. He could still get rid of her right now.

It was the logical choice.

What was the point of going through any more trouble just to keep her alive for a few more days?

Yet, despite all the reasons he came up with, his hands never moved. Zeke couldnt bring himself to end the life of this girl. Did that mean that he was weak? Was the Dragon disappointed in him? Was that why it remained silent?

Zekes mind was in turmoil as he contemplated his inability to act.

In this moment of uncertainty, the figure of a man appeared in his mind. He was old, yet the frailty of age was absent from his frame. He was powerful, yet his expression had always been gentle when talking to Zeke. It was the figure of his mentor, Maximilian Bombastus von Hohenheim. Zeke gradually calmed down, remembering the old mans face.

What would you have done, Grandpa? Zeke murmured into the darkness of the cave.

There was no response, yet Zeke knew the answer. Maximilian had always been reverent toward life. Despite killing thousands during the war, he had never taken death lightly. Maximilian had been a man who was both feared and respected by allies and enemies alike. There was no way such a man would condone the killing of a girl for the sake of convenience.

Zekes expression slowly grew firm. Even if the fate of these slaves was to die at his hands, that didnt mean that their lives were worthless. This wasnt the type of person he wanted to be. He wanted to be a man who didnt hesitate to do what was necessary. That much was true. At the same time, he didnt want to be a person who would make the easy choice just because it was convenient.

At this moment, the creaking of the grate could be heard, followed by the unpleasant chime of a bell.

Feeding time! Ishaan yelled.