Book 4: Chapter 63: Confronting An Archmage I

Name:Trinity of Magic Author:
Book 4: Chapter 63: Confronting An Archmage I

Zeke sat on the cold stone ground and inspected the wound on his chest, where the flesh was slowly knitting itself together. He had hoped to walk away from this fight in a better state, but there was no use crying over spilled milk.

Judging by the rate at which he was healing, he would only need a couple of minutes before the cut would be closed. All he had to do was remain here and dont move. However, before even a single minute had passed, he heard the sound of footsteps coming down one of the staircases.

For fucks sake, Zeke cursed.

The guards must have been alerted by the noise of the collapsing ceiling. He couldnt afford to be seen here. Cursing once again, he rushed to the stairs at the opposite end of the hall and paused just long enough to confirm that the way was clear before rushing up.

Even though his hurried escape had opened up his wound again, it wasnt too bad. It would take a while until the guards would discover Ishaans body under all that rubble. By then, all of this would already be over.

The staircase led to a long corridor with numerous openings on either side, without even the luxury of doors. There were no carpets or ornamental drapes either, and the sheer stone walls were without a spec of color. It was a sight wholly unbefitting of the majestic exterior of the building.

Zeke didnt pause for even an instant as he immediately crossed the hallway. His steps were unerring, and his gaze directed forward. It almost seemed as if he had been here a hundred times before. And in a way he had.

All those memories he had consumed over the past week had given him a lot of insights into the life of the Archmage. Of course, he had mostly consumed shallow impressions instead of life-altering events. However, that was exactly why he knew this place like the back of his hand. Zeke couldnt count the number of times he had experienced walking these very halls.

He marched up to the end of the corridor and passed through the door. His [Perfect Spatial Awareness] had already informed him that the other side was clear. Once through the door, he turned left, went straight, and then took another left. Fortunately, he didnt run into anybody, not that he had expected he would. It was the middle of the day, after all, and he was in the sleeping quarters for the slaves.

After ascending another stairwell, he arrived at his destination. It was another corridor, identical in length to the one below, but that was where the similarities ended. A plush red carpet stretched from one end to the other, while the walls were painted in a light brown hue. There were significantly fewer rooms, and their doors were made of a dark wood that matched well with the walls.

Zeke approached the first door on the left and tested the handle. It was unlocked. His brows rose in surprise. Quite trusting for a member of the cartel. But who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth? He opened the door a fraction and peered in. Nobody was home.

He strode into the room and made for the closet. After a moment of digging, he emerged from the wardrobe with a bundle of clothes in his hand. Satisfied with his find, he donned the red robe, pleasantly surprised that his wound was already closed. He looked at his reflection in the mirror.

He was wearing the outfit of one of the lieutenants, including the crimson leather gloves and hood that covered his face completely. The jacket also bore a large patch portraying the gang's insignia. The outfit was a little snug around his chest and shoulders but not so much as to draw attention.

A smile emerged on his lips. This had gone a lot smoother than expected. Zeke departed the room with a deliberately casual stroll. Now that he was in disguise, he would only stand out if he were to hurry. He walked the halls of the headquarters as if he didnt have a care in the world as he approached his next destination.

The closer he got, the more often he ran into guards. The trio coming down the hallway was far from the first ones he encountered. Zeke tensed up at first, but when his disguise held, he relaxed significantly.

Have you heard? one of the men asked. There was a collapse near the hole.

Another man nodded eagerly. I heard. Ishaan might actually get in trouble this time.

The last of the three, and the only woman, had a bitter smile on her face. I hope he does, she said. It would be a first, though.

All three fell silent when they noticed Zekes clothing and bowed reverentially as he passed. This was quite fortunate, as their submissive postures made it impossible for them to inspect him closely. Zeke didnt respond or even acknowledge their gesture, just like he had seen all the higher-ups do in the Archmages memories. He turned the corner and found himself in front of his destination.

Four guards protected a reinforced metal door, and compared to the men from earlier, they inspected him with sharp eyes as he drew closer. However, they soon lost interest as he passed them by without stopping. He didnt have a choice, as he wouldnt be able to take them in a fight. The last of the gazes left him as he turned another corner.

Intruder? he asked the woman.

She nodded. Look what he was carrying, she said, pointing at the two Marrow-Shackles on the floor.

His eyes went wide. He quickly strode over and picked them up. Where did you get them? he asked as well.

Once again, Zeke didnt reply, to the obvious displeasure of his captors. Before he could even react, the woman was behind him and restrained his arm and neck. If you dare to resist or cast any Spells, I will kill you. Do you understand?

Zeke nodded, and they marched him out of the room.

The library led into a spacious hall decorated with silken curtains and elegant furniture. The moment he emerged, a few dozen eyes gathered on him. They belonged to a bevy of beautiful women who eyed him with curiosity. Zeke knew who they were. The Archmage called them his haremhis wives, but that wasnt what they truly were. After all, not one of them didnt wear a collar.

There was Maliah, the favorite; Nisha, the youngest; and Meera, the only one who had ever tried to run away. The long scar marring her face was the only thing she had to show for the attempt. Zeke knew them all. As a matter of fact, he knew them far more intimately than he would have liked. Zeke gave them a smile as he was marched down the hall.

Just before he exited the room, his eyes found a group he didnt recognize. Three identical-looking women were huddled together in a corner. Unlike the members of the harem, they were nervously looking around, the fear and uncertainty evident in their gazes. Each had a set of furry, orange ears and a bushy tail.

Zeke instantly realized who they were. These must be the triplets the Archmage had managed to purchase recently at great cost. They were lucky that he had decided to enjoy them only after his victory over the Lions Den. However, he wasnt allowed more than a glimpse as he was pushed out of the room by his impatient captor.

From his memories, Zeke realized where the two were taking him. A moment later, he was in front of a lavish door, guarded on either side by Chimeroi, who looked just as intimidating as the two-horned siblings. How many peak Grand Mage level combatants did the Archmage command?

Halt! one of the guards commanded. What are you two up to?

He eyed the Marrow-Shackles the man was carrying with obvious nervousness. It was no wonder. The tools were even more effective against Chimeroi, after all.

We caught an intruder, the man carrying the weapons responded. He was carrying these when we caught them.

The guard relaxed upon hearing the explanation, but his tone didnt lose its edge. Why bring him here while the Master is unwell? Throw him into the dungeon.

The man shook his head. I dont think thats a good idea.

Why? the guard questioned.

Think about it, the man said. We have no idea how he got in here. There could be others. Also, dont you find it suspicious that an assassin showed up the moment the Master got unwell? The two must be linked, and I am certain that Master would like to interrogate him in person.

The guard slowly nodded, seemingly convinced by the argument. I will ask.

He entered the room, and all the noise disappeared the moment he closed the door. The room must have had some kind of Enchantment to block Sound and Magic as even his [Perfect Spatial Awareness] couldnt penetrate. However, he remerged a mere moment later, nodding at the two.

Bring him in.