Chapter 55 - Chapter 55: Chapter 52:1 have money, I can support you and your younger brothers and sisters

Chapter 55: Chapter 52:1 have money, I can support you and your younger brothers and sisters

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Richelle Dunn returned home, and the two children went to take a bath first. She then went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the children the next day.

Now that they had Mrs. Walker at home, she took over many of the household chores.

But when it came to breakfast and meals for the children, Richelle would try her best to cook for them whenever she had time.

It’s not that she didn’t trust Mrs. Walker’s cooking skills; rather, she always believed that food can bring people closer together.

Even though it might sound a bit mystical, she had always believed that food could also convey emotions.

The love she had for her children could be transmitted to them little by little through every dumpling and every mouthful of soup they ate.

Over time, these little things became the bond between her and her children, and she was confident that her children would remember her love for them even many years later.

Just like how she still remembered the taste of the soft and tender rice porridge her mother used to cook for her, as well as the refreshing taste of the Osmanthus cake her mother made specifically for her…

“Mommy, 1 found this in my pocket!”

After taking a bath, Tifanny came into the kitchen smelling fresh, holding a black bank card in her hand.

Richelle took the black card and carefully identified the information on it, sensing a faint understanding.

She patted Tifanny’s head, “This should belong to your big brother. Mommy will keep it for now and give it back to him tomorrow!”

“Okay!” Tifanny said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and happily running away.

Richelle placed the black card in her bedroom and went back to the kitchen to finish preparing breakfast for the next day before taking a bath.

When she came out of the bath, Timothy and Tifanny were already lying in their bedroom, waiting for her to tell them bedtime stories.

Perhaps they were really exhausted from playing all day, as the siblings, who usually took more than ten minutes to fall asleep, closed their eyes and started snoring after listening to just a few minutes of the story.

Richelle tucked them in, kissed them on their faces, and then returned to her bedroom and turned on her computer.

By this time, it was almost ten thirty.

As soon as she logged in, an instant message popped up.

“I want to receive the corresponding progress report before midnight!”

This sponsor really didn’t know how to be considerate of the people’s difficulties.

Richelle complained in her heart, but immediately comforted herself.

After all, money talks in this world!

“Please wait, I will send part of it at eleven o’clock.”

Richelle used to be quite overbearing and arrogant in her industry, and if anyone dared to give her attitude, she would not hesitate to quit on the spot.

But things were different now.

Not only was this sponsor unexpectedly generous, but she also needed the information obtained from this task to deal with the Dunns.

As a result, even if the sponsor didn’t rush her, she was anxious herself and wanted to work overtime to complete the task as soon as possible.

Richelle blocked all incoming information for the moment and focused on her work.

At ten forty-five, she finally completed the remaining progress from noon and compressed it, sending it to the rich daddy.

He was apparently waiting at the computer as well, and a few minutes later sent her a few words.

“One more hour left!”

This person was really unlikable!

Would it kill him to encourage someone or offer praise?

Either he was deliberately showing off that he was the boss or he was just an old-fashioned and uninteresting old man.

Richelle continued working while complaining, finishing the task at eleven forty-five.

She then compressed the enormous data and sent it to the rich old man.

At eleven fifty-five, he sent her four words: “Barely passed.”

Damn, this guy was really asking for it!


She replied with two words, then sent another line of text after typing ‘#’

“Kindly prepay the deposit for tomorrow’s progress, Mr. Sponsor!”

Since he wanted to be so particular, she wasn’t going to let anything slip either!

After sending the message, there was no response for a long time.

Until Richelle went to brush her teeth and laid down in bed, there was still no money deposited into her account.

Alright, she could take a break tomorrow!

Early the next morning, Richelle woke up as usual.

After breakfast, she gave Timothy and Tifanny their usual instructions, then took the black card Tifanny gave her and left the house.

When her car reached the Lewis’s gate, another car was just leaving.

As usual, the gatekeeper opened the gate immediately when he saw Richelie’s car, but today, she had to wait in the car for two to three minutes before the gate was finally opened.

When she entered, the gatekeeper hurriedly ran over and knocked on her window.

Richelle lowered the car window, and the gatekeeper apologized with a guilty expression.

“Dr. Dunn, I’m so sorry. There was a suspicious car just now, and 1 waited until he drove away before opening the gate for you. I’m sorry for the delay!”

Richelle recalled the car just now, which seemed to be a quite high-end car. As for the license plate number, she didn’t pay too much attention.

Richelle instinctively thought it was trouble caused by Roy Lewis’s business disputes and couldn’t help but worry about her eldest son’s safety.

It seemed that she really had to consider moving to a residential area with a higher security system.

With this in mind, upon seeing Roy Lewis after entering the house, she asked him directly.

“Mr. Lewis, do you know of any residential areas with higher security systems where 1 live?”

Roy Lewis, sitting on the sofa with his young son, raised his eyebrows in surprise at her question.

“Ready to move to a new house?”

He asked.

While driving in earlier, Richelle had calculated her available funds and although buying a new place seemed unlikely, renting one should be fine.

If necessary, she could work overtime to complete her current big task and take on a few more tasks.

“I’ll check if there’s any suitable place first. Timothy and Tifanny are growing up and with more children, there isn’t enough space for them to move around.”

When Richelle said this, she looked at her eldest son’s face.

Little Timmy turned his face expressionlessly, but deep down, he was thrilled.

His mommy must have received the black card, so she decided to use the money to move into a bigger house!

However, Little Timmy’s joy would prove to be short-lived.

Taking advantage of the moment when his father went to answer the phone, Richelle took him to wash his hands. Seeing that no one else was around, she quickly stuffed the black card that she had secretly given to Tifanny the day before back into his pocket.

“Timmy, this is your card, isn’t it? Put it away properly and don’t lose it again!”

Lil’ Timmy’s face darkened, and he pulled the black card out and shoved it back into her hand, grumbling.

“This is not my card! Give it back to you!”

Richelle was stunned by his strong reaction. She then unlocked her phone and handed the screen to him, pointing at her bank account balance containing a long string of zeros.

“Auntie knows that you care about me and want your siblings to live in a big house and enjoy a good life, but it’s the parents’ responsibility to earn money and raise children. All you need to do is be happy and healthy like your brothers and sisters.. Don’t worry, Auntie has money and can afford to raise all of you!”