Why hasn't the alarm clock gone off yet?

Li Chuxi felt that he had slept for a long time without hearing the sound of the alarm clock. Gradually felt that something was wrong, and vaguely opened his eyes——

When I saw the watch on the wall, I suddenly woke up.

It's already eight o'clock! The competition will begin at 8:30. Now there is less than half an hour!

What's going on? She set the alarm clock at seven!

Li Chuxi subconsciously touched the mobile phone beside his pillow, but it was empty.

Where's the cell phone? She clearly remembers that she put her mobile phone by the bed before going to bed last night?

Time is pressing, and Li Chu can't care much.

I hurried to get dressed and was about to go out when I found that the door of my room was locked from the outside.

At this time, she found that Li Yueyi was not in the room, and she was the only one in the room.

Li Chu Xi's heart suddenly floated an ominous foreboding.

"Anybody? Anybody?"

He shouted in a high voice, but there was no response outside.

Obviously, the contestants have left.

Li Chuxi's heart sank suddenly.


When Li Yueyi came to the competition venue, everyone else had already arrived.

Liaowenbai looks behind her.

"What about Xiaoxi? Why didn't she come with you?"

Liyueyi looked at him at a loss as she made that delicate appearance.

"When I left, I called my sister, but she didn't want to come. She said something like 'lose and disgrace'... Because it was too late, I was afraid of delaying the game, so I came first."

Hearing the speech, Molly shouted.

"Isn't it? Li Chuxi is going to be a shrinking turtle and run away? No, I have to drag her over!"

With that, he angrily rolled up his sleeves and was about to go in the direction of the dormitory.

How can liyueyi let Molly pass?

He stopped her at once.

"Lili, if my sister doesn't want to come, don't force her. After making that bet, I can see that she also regrets..."

Molly shouted, "then don't bet! She played the bet. Why didn't she come and let us lose face for her?"

When the two argued, Zhang Wei's strange voice floated over.

"Oh, what's the matter? Some people become deserters after playing fat? Are the people in DIDU high school so seedless?"

Hearing this, the people in DIDU high school were very angry.

However, they could not refute Zhang Wei and complained about Li Chu.

"What does Li Chuxi mean? He made a bet in our name, and now he is running away, so he won't play at all?"

"A fake daughter is a fake daughter. She only cares about herself. She has no responsibility or responsibility! Now that she is hiding, it is obvious that we will lose face for her! Such a person does not deserve to stay in DIDU high school. Bah!"

In the midst of the discussion, Li Yueyi often opened her mouth to "explain" Li Chuxi. However, each time, the students' anger towards Li Chuxi increased.

Other people can not see the angle, Li Yueyi's lips proudly hooked up.

Liaowenbai's face was also very ugly.

"Now the time is coming. Let's go first. When the game is over, we'll ask Xiaoxi what's going on."

That's all we can do now.

When the crowd was about to enter, I don't know who shouted——

"God, how handsome!"

Hearing the sound, Li Yueyi turned back. His eyes lit up when he saw the man not far away.