Under the gaze of countless eyes, the scores on the big screen are rolling rapidly. Players from 72 countries have their names fluctuating up and down as their scores change.

However, by the time the competition was half-way through, the top few had basically stabilized.

The five-star red flag of China, the Star Spangled Banner of the United States, and the meter shaped flag of England are far ahead of other countries, chasing each other, and their scores are equal.

In the viewing area of the Olympic Organizing Committees of various countries, the president of the United States looked at the big screen in surprise. It was totally unexpected that the Chinese contestants could even share the same score with them.

Looking at his face, the Chinese President proudly straightened his back and silently cheered for Sheng Chu Xi.

As it is the last subject, the contestants in the waiting area are very enthusiastic about the competition.

"Wow, China, the United States and England are all great! Especially the two champions of China and the United States. I was in a hurry when I finished a course, but after they finished physics with the second difficulty, they took part in mathematics with the first difficulty!"

"I am not surprised by the United States. After all, their strengths are physics and mathematics. But this time, China was really unexpected. Physics entered the finals with the second place, and mathematics also performed so well!"

As time went by, scores began to stop scrolling on the big screen, and the end of the competition was displayed behind.

Then, more and more people finished, and more than half of them stopped answering questions.

"Eh? How come so many people finished ahead of time?"

"That's not surprising. The following questions are so difficult. Although you can add points if you do it right, what if you do it wrong? You have to deduct points! If you don't have full confidence, stopping the loss in time is the wisest choice. Don't forget that in the previous disciplines, several contestants' scores were directly deducted to negative because they made too many mistakes! It's better to give up!"

"Obviously, these people chose to give up after weighing the pros and cons. Now there are less than ten people... The United States, China and England are still there! Moreover, the score is still very tight! Who can get the first place in the preliminary round?"

"I think the hope of the United States is great. The United States has always been very strong in physics and mathematics. Just now, when the physics competition was held, the United States was ahead of China."

"Next, let's see who will give up and who can solve the problems later."

There was a lot of discussion outside.

At the moment, Sheng Chuxi in the competition area can't hear, and his attention is all on the topic at hand.

The previous questions are still relatively simple. At the back, the difficulty suddenly increases in geometric multiples, and each one is a bald degree.

Now the one in front of her is very complicated. She has been thinking for five minutes without finding any ideas. Although you can add 10 points if you do this question correctly, 15 points will be deducted if you do it wrong.

She has got a good score, more than enough to advance.

The wisest choice seems to be to give up.

However, her goal is not just promotion! China's performance in physics and mathematics has been unsatisfactory. As a new generation of Chinese youth, she wants to prove to the world that China is strong! China can do it!

This is not only her personal honor, but also an honor belonging to China!

She can't give up!

Take a deep breath, and Sheng Chuxi's mind becomes more and more calm. I will not let go of every condition in the topic and think about it carefully.

For a moment, I suddenly had an idea in my mind!

Sheng Chuxi was in high spirits. He was about to continue his hard-earned work when he caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his eye.