The contestants in the waiting area, while cheering for their national teammates, talked about Annabella and Sheng Chuxi, who were the most concerned in the audience.

"China's little sister is so awesome that she took the physics champion from the United States! Maybe she can really win this bet!"

"I don't think so. In the preliminaries the day before yesterday, there was no big gap between the American players and the Chinese players in physics, but the mathematics was different. The Chinese player chose to give up without finishing the question, while the American player did the last and won the first place. It can be seen that the gap between the two players in mathematics is still very large."

"I think so. Although China won the championship in physics, it is more likely that the champion in mathematics will still be the United States."

Jenny, the only one who knew what had happened that day, could not help but look at Sheng Chuxi while cheering Christina on.

At the preliminary round the day before yesterday, although Sheng Chuxi left the game early because of her sister, can she compare with Annabella even if she stays?

Can she win the bet?

Andre looked at the beautiful figure in the field quietly.

From the first time he met Sheng Chuxi, he was deeply attracted by this unusual girl. Her beauty and charm, her calmness and self-confidence are all the places that fascinate him.

Just like the physics just now, almost everyone didn't think highly of her, but she made a big splash and won the championship.

I believe this time, she will also bring surprise.

At this moment, Annabella on the court is full of confidence.

Although physics fluke let this annoying Chinese win, she still has confidence in mathematics.

The international champion of mathematics must be her!

After a quick reading of the topic, Annabella quickly found a breakthrough and had a way to solve the problem.

This question is too simple for her. She is really a genius! Chinese people must not even understand the topic now!

Thinking about it, Annabella became more and more proud and picked up the electronic pen to "brush" and write.

Just then——


At the sound, Annabella froze and looked up incredulously.

Sheng Chuxi has stopped writing next to him. On the big screen, China's five-star red flag lights up. He is the first one to advance!

The whole audience was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop clearly.

It took more than ten seconds for the voice of discussion to ring out from all directions.

"Am I right? Is the Chinese player the first to finish the title?"

"Oh, my God, that's too fast! It's only one minute past! Some contestants haven't picked up their pens yet!"

Christina and Kathleen have just picked up their pens to write. They are surprised to see that Sheng Chuxi has done it right.

Annabella's face was as white as paper.

How is this possible? During the preliminary contest of Mingming, the Chinese was not as good as her No, she must be lucky. She happened to be right!

Yes, it must be! Next question, she won't be so lucky!

With a deep breath, Annabella finished this topic and successfully promoted.

At the beginning of the second question, Annabella was full of energy. After a quick look at the topic, I determined my thinking.

Just picked up the pen and wrote two words——


On the big screen, the five-star red flag lights up again!

Sheng Chuxi, the Chinese player, killed the whole audience again!