Zouhan's handsome face was full of shock.

"When Xiaoxi helped Maman with her luggage, I just felt that she was a little stronger than an ordinary girl. Unexpectedly, the actual situation was completely beyond my imagination... I could not carry the two big boxes just now. Xiaoxi was more than a little stronger???"

Zhang Dao swallowed: "just now, Chu Xi said that she was strong. It turned out that there was no exaggeration..."

Cao cencen's orchid fingers were frozen in the air, and he was shocked to speechless.

Looking at the back of Xianli, who was carrying a large box but still walking fast, the people bit their teeth.

"How can we, as men, lose to girls in this kind of manual work?"

Each one of them is more energetic than before. Finally, more than half an hour earlier than expected, the work of moving materials was completed.

The people were so tired that they were panting and sweating that they could not speak.

Sheng Chu Xi still looks the same.

During her two years at Shengqiao University, although she did not participate in community activities, she also practiced the fighting taught by her second brother shengzhengting during the gap between experiments. She relaxed and exercised at the same time, and her physical fitness was greatly improved.

Facing the admiring eyes around her, she cleared her throat.

"It's not that you are too spicy, but that I am too powerful. Therefore, you don't have to feel inferior."

People: "...."

How is it that I really want to hit people???


The setting sun has sunk down the hill, and the twilight is gradually closing in.

Led by the village head, they came to the mountain village.

As director Zhang said before, this mountain village is very small, and only 20 families live in it. Among these families, only oneortwo were built with slightly stronger red brick houses, and the rest were simple earth houses, which looked as if they could be washed away by a rainstorm.

There is no stone road built in the village. It is dusty and choking to walk.

Sheng Chuxi went to his hometown of songran.

It is also a remote mountain village, but here is far poorer than there.

"Village head, what is the source of economic income in the village?"

Facing the problem of Sheng Chu Xi, the village head sighed.

"When you came here just now, you saw that the terrain here is complex, it is difficult to build roads, and the traffic is very inconvenient. People outside don't like to come, and it's inconvenient for us to go down the mountain. Most men who can go out have gone out to work. The rest of the old, weak, women and children have no other skills, and just make a living by planting a few acres of thin fields..."

"The land here is already barren. In addition, due to the lack of rain this year, the harvest is not good, and every household is about to run out of steam."

Sheng Chuxi listened to the village head quietly and looked at the scene of the village in silence.

Before coming here, she also thought about the situation here. But when I saw it with my own eyes, my heart was undoubtedly more shocked

The cameraman noticed the scene.

Just about to focus the camera on Sheng Chuxi and the village head, suddenly a figure came forward and just blocked Sheng Chuxi.

LAN Jiaxin looked at the village head with red eyes and choked.

"God, it's really unfortunate that this should happen... Village head, please don't worry. Our crew has brought a lot of food and food this time. I'm sure it can help you."

Then he turned to the camera.

"My parents taught me to have a kind heart when I was young. If I have the ability, I must help others more. That's why I came here with the crew..."