After Sheng Chuxi's black material was clarified, milkshakes took advantage of various Amway. In addition, at the press conference, Tangtang Jishao and jiqingzhan personally admitted that they were pursuing her, which attracted the curiosity and attention of many passers-by. The name "Chu Xi" is known by more and more people.

At the same time, fans have also increased a lot.

In addition, there are also people who use the CP of Sheng Chu Xi and Ji Qingzhan.

[purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr pur

[in fact, when the picture of the princess holding her arms came out, I ate them both. But you were all scolding Chu Xi, so I didn't dare say it. I ate it alone... Now, there are many more sisters! Ji Shao's head touching killing at the press conference was so sweet! It made me lie at the bottom of the pit!]

[Ji Shao, as an honorable person, actually admitted that he was chasing a little star at the press conference in order to help the little star clear up the black material. What kind of idol drama plot is this? I have a lot of girlish hearts, and I'm crying!]

However, some people scoff at it.

[is it crazy that someone is really using the CP of these two people? What is Ji Shao's identity? He is the only heir to the imperial super rich family Ji family, and will eventually marry the daughter of the same family. Chu Xi is just a powerless little star. Ji Shao is playing at most, and it is impossible to be with her!]

[yes! Chu Xi is just a little beautiful. What else? How can he be worthy of the honorable Ji Shao? I suggest fans not to lick. Your idol is not worthy of the Ji Shao!]

[when you play a young lady, you really think you are the golden lady? I Pooh! The whole emperor deserves less than last season, so there is only Sheng family's golden daughter. Compared with Sheng family's golden daughter, what does Chu Xi, an n-line star, count for?]

Despite some disputes, Sheng Chuxi was at least not hacked by the whole network as before. He also gained a lot of fans and made further progress in his career.

And LAN Jiaxin was completely overturned.

The topic \chu Xi gets out of the entertainment circle \becomes \lan Jiaxin gets out of the entertainment circle \.

An apartment.

Looking at the comments on the Internet, LAN Jia was so angry that her chest went up and down. After a scream, he angrily swept everything on the table to the ground.

"Why is it like this? Why is it like this? Why in the end, Chu Xi became famous, but I was hacked by the whole network? Ah ah ah!!!"

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

The agent came in.

Seeing the agent, LAN Jiaxin raised her eyebrows and began to scold: "you waste! Why has the public opinion on the Internet been like this for so many days? Aren't you a senior agent? What about your public relations methods? I tell you, I'm confused, and you can't feel better!"

The agent is not as careful as usual.

He looked at LAN Jiaxin without expression: "no matter how senior the agent is, he can't save the artists who often die."

LAN Jiaxin sneered: "waste is waste. What excuse? You are waste, waste!"

Agent: "then you won't have to put up with me anymore."

Hearing the speech, LAN Jia was stunned.

"What do you mean by that?"