The heart that the green shirt originally hung was completely put down.

He listened attentively to the footsteps around him, and judged the general position and distance of Sheng Chu Xi at the moment.


"Whew, whew, whew!"

"Chu Xi" was written on the customized match clothes of the game characters opposite. After being accurately hit by the bullet he shot, he was stunned for a second before turning around and hiding.

In this second, he was shot several times.

Chu Xi is really a spicy chicken!

The green shirt is smug.

It was a pity that she almost died!

In the next few days, Chu Xi appeared several times to try to hit him, but each time he beat him to the punch. However, each time, it was only a little short, and did not completely turn Chu Xi into a small box symbolizing out.

Chu Xi, although his level is not good, his luck is very good!

The green shirt itched with hate.

Now, more than ten minutes have passed. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of others.

At that time, Chu Xi will die. It will be bad if he is implicated.

Therefore, it is better to solve it quickly.

Just now, he had thoroughly understood Chu Xi's level. Even if he went out of the bunker, he could not do anything to him with Chu Xi's rotten shooting skills. What's more, he just hit her, and she certainly didn't dare to come out in a short time.

Thinking so, the green shirt swaggered out directly.

Sure enough, there was no movement.

Chu Xi must be hiding in the building!

The green shirt quickly came to the bottom of the opposite building and stood close to the wall. It seemed that I heard his movement, and there was a panic sound of footsteps in the building, as if I didn't know what to do.

He smiled scornfully.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he took out the grenade in his backpack. After pulling it open, he aimed at the window and threw it——

He has made a plan.

After the grenade blasted Chu Xi into blood, he rushed upstairs and took his head with his gun.

Chu Xi, go to hell!

Just fall under his gun and let the audience and friends all over the country see who is strong and who is weak! How dare you provoke him? It's really not worth counting!

Waiting for the grenade to land, the green shirt suddenly heard a crisp "Dang".

I was wondering what was happening when I saw a dark thing flying out of the window. After rolling on the ground for a few circles, he stopped in front of him.

Eh, isn't this the grenade he just threw out?

Before the green shirt could react, he heard a loud bang, and the grenade exploded in front of him. After the smoke cleared, there was only a little bit of blood left.

Although the green shirt didn't understand what had just happened, it intuitively smelled the danger.

When he realized that he wanted to run away, he saw the black muzzle of the gun aimed at him.

It's a heavy sniper gun.

This kind of sniper is the most common sniper gun. It's easy to pick up. It can be seen almost everywhere, but accessories are very difficult to find. Without accessories, the gun has great recoil and poor stability, making it difficult to aim.

Even game anchors and professional players are reluctant to choose this kind of gun.

The one in Chu Xi's hand seems to have no accessories. Can you hit him? With her spicy chicken level, she can't do it?

The green shirt thought so, and the tension in his heart dissipated.