Cao cencen's voice sounded over the dark maple trees. It sounded gloomy and made people feel creepy.

Youjiani asked in a trembling voice, "but then?"

Cao cencen: "then he saw his girlfriend's cracked brain, grinning at him. Then he opened his mouth and said to him, I said I would come back to find you."

It was quiet around.

Only the howling wind could be heard clearly.

Just then, a voice of doubt came from the darkness——


Then, Zou Han's unknown voice rang out.

"Why do you see your girlfriend's head? Isn't this man hiding under the bed?"

Sheng Chuxi explained, "because his girlfriend committed suicide by jumping off a building and landing on her head first. Therefore, after her death, she turned into a ghost and walked backwards. The sound of 'Dong Dong Dong' he heard every night was made by his girlfriend walking with her head. Those white things on the ground were his girlfriend's brains... Zouhan, do you understand now?"

The voice fell. Zou Han didn't speak. Cheng songran hissed instead.

When he spoke, there was a trace of patience in his voice.

"Mr. Zou... He grabbed my arm."

"Coward, let go of Miss Cheng!"

Although I can't see his expression, I can tell from his voice that he must be rolling his eyes now.

"The first story has been told. Who will tell the second one?"

"Otherwise, I will come," said the camera brother weakly

Everyone agreed.

"Well, a long time ago..."

Cao cencen: "

Cao cencen: "elder brother, please keep your originality and don't copy, OK?"

The camera brother smiled twice.

"Don't I want to learn from Mr. Cao's excellent experience?"

Cao cencen said seriously, "that's not OK!"

"Well, I'll correct my mistakes."

The camera brother continued: "there was a couple who had a very bad relationship and always quarreled. Once, they quarreled again. This time, the quarrel was more fierce than ever before. The husband was in a rage and killed his wife. After waking up, he buried his wife's body in the yard for fear that things would be revealed."

"The couple gave birth to a child. They are usually very clingy to their mother. However, in the days after killing their wife, the child didn't even ask. His performance was the same as usual. The man felt very strange. Finally, he couldn't help asking him, why aren't you in a hurry these days when his mother is not at home?"

"Guess what the child said?"

I have to say that the camera brother is also very good at telling stories. Cadence, to the key, but also know the card point.

Everyone guesses anything.

"Did the child see his father kill his mother?"

"I think so. The child smiled strangely and said," who says I'm not here? I've been with you these days! "

Finally, the camera brother solved the mystery.

"You guessed all wrong. The child said, mom is at home! Dad has been carrying mom behind his back these days!"

This story is much shorter than that told by Cao cencen.

But after that, it was more silent than before.

In the dark, there was a rustle of cloth friction, and I don't know who was rubbing the goose bumps on his arm.

For a moment, Cao cencen's confused voice sounded.

"Zou Han, there seems to be something on your back..."