Sheng Chuxi was wrapped by the breath of Ji Qingzhan. He felt like he was drunk and his mind was dizzy.

She wanted to answer.

However, I feel unwilling.

Why is it that every time she is led by the nose? No, that won't work. She wants to take the lead!

Sheng Chu Xi pinched the palm of his hand quietly to make himself sober.

Then she cleared her throat.

"Sheng Chuxi's boyfriend, this title is very precious. There is only one in the world. The limited edition of the limited edition... If you want to get it, you have to make a lot of efforts."

Hearing the speech, Ji Qingzhan's eyes lit up with a simple smile: "well, excuse me, miss shengchuxi, what efforts do I have to make?"

Sheng Chuxi thought seriously for a while.

Just as she was about to speak, Ji Qingzhan suddenly reached out and grabbed her shoulder. After the twists and turns, people are surrounded in their arms.

Sheng Chu Xi blinked.

Before she asked, footsteps came from her ears.

It turned out that a few passers-by had just passed here.

Ji Qingzhan's fingers gently brushed her face. Her eyes were slightly dark and her voice was deep: "sorry, I don't want others to see you blush."

Sheng Chuxi wanted to be tight.

However, still very unpromising face more red.

At this time, the voices of those people came faintly.

"... Chu Xi is very beautiful, soft and cute. He is my favorite type."

Although the number of times he has been praised cannot be counted, Sheng Chuxi still feels happy every time he hears it.

Of course she is beautiful!

however...... When was her character soft and lovely?

The boy's voice fell, and another boy screamed.

"What, did I hear you right? Soft personality? Come on, she's a powerful woman Sheng Chuxi. It's no big deal to carry a suitcase or catch a mouse! However, beauty is really beautiful. I dare say that there are no more beautiful female stars in the whole entertainment circle than her."

"Oh, I'm not talking about Sheng Chu, I'm talking about Zhen Chu!"

"Zhen Chuxi? Who is Zhen Chuxi? I only know Sheng Chuxi."

"Zhen Chuxi is a newcomer who has recently made his debut. Speaking, he looks like Sheng Chuxi."

Hearing this, Sheng Chu Xi was stunned.

Looks like her?

Is it the girl I saw on the set that day?

Sheng Chuxi took out his mobile phone and searched for the words "Zhen Chuxi".

Soon, she saw the familiar face, which was the girl she met on the set that day.

This girl should be making her debut now. There are many publicity manuscripts. She hasn't paid much attention to this news these days, so it's her first time to see it.

Ji Qingzhan notices something wrong with her and asks.

"Xiaoxi, what's the matter?"

Sheng Chuxi talked about the set.

"Zhen Chuxi really looks like me. If it's just like this, it might be a coincidence. But she also looks like me. Her name is almost the same... Sister Yu Yun asked me to be careful. I also think it's weird."

Ji Qingzhan frowned slightly.

"I see. I'll ask Li Rong to investigate this matter. I'll let you know as soon as I have the results."

Shengchuxi: "thank you, brother Qingzhan."

Ji Qingzhan chuckles and pinches her cheek.

"Thank you for what? I have to work hard to get the limited edition title as soon as possible. If I am robbed by others, I will have no place to cry."

Looking at the man in front of him, Sheng Chuxi couldn't help smiling.

Brother shaqing Zhan, you are the only one qualified for this limited edition.