"Choose it... Choose it... Or choose nothing?"

Looking at the two scripts in front of him, Sheng Chu Xi was painfully entangled.

These two plays were both recently invited by her, a film and a TV play.

The film is a science fiction theme in the future. The setting of the background and characters are very novel. There is no need to worry about the 50 cents special effect, because the investors behind it have strong financial resources. TV dramas are the traditional theme of house fighting. The group portrait plays are very well written. They are not idol dramas that the protagonists hang up.

These two invitations, both director and screenwriter, are first-class in the industry, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

Affected by the Zhen Chuxi incident and the cosmetic surgery storm, her public opinion is not very good at present. She has experienced this kind of thing many times, and this time is not the most serious, so she is very calm.

Besides, she is different now from before.

In the past, even if someone who liked her stood up to speak for her and had friends and family around to comfort her, there were always more people who stood on the opposite side. Now, more and more people like her. Even if there are skeptical and malicious voices, there will be the same or even more goodwill voices to compete with them.

Milkshakes are more active than usual. They often post Amway's microblog, explain to those passers-by who do not know, and speak to her fans to comfort her. Even, many people who are not her fans will leave messages to cheer her up through Weibo.

[Xiaoxi, milkshakes will always stand by you and support you forever! The current storm is only temporary, and it will soon clear up! Xiaoxi, who has both beauty and strength, will continue to walk the flower path and become the best actor in the world!]

[that's right! Xiaoxi Xiaoxi, the future can be expected! Xiaoxi Xiaoxi, the future can be expected! Xiaoxi Xiaoxi, the future can be expected! Say important things three times!]

[Sheng Chuxi, come on! Although I'm not a fan of you, I believe in your character. Because I think people who have made such great contributions to the world and mankind are broad-minded. They are definitely not the kind of people that keyboard men say. The truth will come out. I look forward to that day.]

In the face of those storms, Sheng Chu Xi didn't even frown. But when I saw these warm messages, my defense was broken.

She was so lucky to meet so many people who loved her.

However, because of those public opinions, even if there are people who like her and support her, her resources have been affected to a certain extent.

However, the overall impact is not too serious.

At this time, many directors who wanted to make friends with Sheng Jia sent her invitations, but she remained unmoved and took the quality of the script and the ability of the director as the standard. From those olive branches, thousands of people chose the two scripts in front of them.

Her last film was "being a sworn enemy and becoming a brother and sister". It has been a long time since then.

During this gap period, the scripts she came into contact with were not very ideal, and it was not easy to pick the two satisfactory ones.

However, the shooting time of the two groups coincided. If you want to shoot, you can only choose one of two.

When Sheng Chu was struggling, her mobile phone rang.

"Hello, third brother?"