C20 – Wang Xiao Who Was Misunderstood

“Dad, I truly like Tong Waner. I desire her.”

With a grave countenance, Chen Jie asserted.

“Jie, you should know that Tong Waner is the daughter of a competitor’s business.”

Chen Peng remarked to Chen Jie, an insinuating grin adorning his face.

“Father, are you implying I shouldn’t pursue her?”

Chen Jie’s expression shifted subtly as he processed Chen Peng’s statement, then he queried apprehensively.

“On the contrary, not only am I not against your pursuit of Tong Waner, but I actually endorse it!”

Chen Peng chuckled, reassuringly placing a hand on Chen Jie’s shoulder.

“Thank you, Dad!” A wave of happiness swept over Chen Jie, but it was swiftly overshadowed by gloom. “Yet, Tong Waner is now with that Wang Xiao. How can I possibly win her over, let alone make her mine?”

Unperturbed, Chen Peng nonchalantly responded, an impish grin emerging, “Jie, sometimes one needn’t await the lady’s consent. If it’s Tong Waner you want, there are always other means.”

“Father, do you have a strategy in mind?”

Chen Jie’s curiosity was piqued by Chen Peng’s hints. He fixed an expectant gaze on him.

“Indeed, I have a plan. The real question is, do you have the guts to execute it?”

Chen Peng intimated, smirking.

“Father, if it means having Tong Waner, I’ll brave any challenge.”

Chen Jie voiced with conviction, considering Tong Waner his destined partner. The mere thought of Wang Xiao near her was unbearable. He’d spare no expense to claim her.

“That’s the spirit! True to my lineage!”

Chen Jie’s firm resolve and evident determination gratified Chen Peng.

“Then, without further ado, extend an invitation to Tong Waner. Regardless of the approach...”

Chen Peng divulged his elaborate plan to his son. As he unveiled the crucial aspects, his eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Absorbing his father’s words, Chen Jie’s expression mirrored equal enthusiasm, occasionally flashing a fierce determination.

“Father, are you sure this will work?”

Though exhilarated by the plan, Chen Jie couldn’t suppress his reservations.

“Rest assured. Execute this flawlessly, and Tong Waner will undoubtedly be devoted to you. Our adversaries will have no choice but to align with us. As for Wang Xiao, he will be out of the picture.”

Chen Peng asserted with a sinister smirk.

Observing Chen Jie’s slight hesitation, he gestured towards the bald man, “He will be at your side to assist.”

“That’s reassuring. I feel much more confident now.”

Through their time together, Wang Xiao had grown profoundly fond of Tong Waner. He’d be deeply troubled if someone claimed she wasn’t akin to his spouse.

Should the “old Wang Xiao” who deserted Tong Waner ever resurface and attempt to reclaim her, he’d confront him fiercely.

On his way to Forest City University’s main campus in the northern part, Wang Xiao forwent a taxi, choosing the bus as a cost-saving option. Despite having a considerable sum from Tong Waner, he was hesitant to squander it.

As the bus trundled along, a medley of scents pervaded the atmosphere – the tang of sweat, aroma of breakfast, and rich perfumes.

Reflecting on the experience, Wang Xiao, trying public transport for the first time, internally lamented his choice.


At that juncture, Wang Xiao’s gaze settled on a young woman nearby, seemingly a fellow student.

Her features were refined with starry eyes, crescent-like brows, a prominent nose, and vibrant lips. Dressed in a checkered shirt, short black skirt, and complemented by knee-high stockings and leather shoes.

She was just like a young girl in a manga.

Yet, it wasn’t her captivating appearance that caught Wang Xiao’s attention. Rather, a suspicious hand stealthily reaching for her waist bag.

A pickpocket?

The temperature in Wang Xiao’s gaze dropped noticeably. Out of his peripheral vision, he spotted a shifty man eyeing a young girl’s purse. Despite there being many bystanders, the majority seemed to adopt an indifferent stance.

“You’re stunning. May I have your contact details?”

Wang Xiao interjected, casting a playful grin towards the young lady.

Caught off guard by the sudden interruption, the thief was startled and swiftly pulled his hand back.

The thief’s initial surprise at Wang Xiao’s intervention quickly morphed into anger. He snapped, “Mind your own business, kid!”

Wang Xiao dismissed him with a glance and smirked at the young girl.

Taken aback by Wang Xiao, the girl clutched her bag tightly, stepped back, and eyed him with suspicion.

Offended by Wang Xiao’s teasing smirk, she responded with a slap, exclaiming, “Creep! Don’t dream about getting my number!”

The sting from the slap left Wang Xiao momentarily stunned, struggling to process what had just happened.

“You’ve got it wrong. I’m no creep. I was simply trying to befriend you.”

After pausing, Wang Xiao voiced his sentiments to the girl, his expression now tinged with regret.

He felt a pang of injustice. His initial intent was just to strike a conversation with the girl to deter the thief. Yet, in trying to shield her, he got slapped instead.

The onlookers regarded Wang Xiao with evident disapproval, although none directly confronted him.

“Men like you are dime a dozen. I won’t associate with someone who blatantly hits on girls!”

Disgusted, the girl clung to her bag and, with the aid of some passengers, distanced herself from Wang Xiao.

“Oh well, at least I don’t have to worry about her money getting pinched now.”

Despite feeling misunderstood, Wang Xiao felt a weight lift off his chest as he saw the widening gap between the thief and the girl, grateful that her belongings were now safe.