Chapter 71: Defenders Assemble!

Name:Tunnel Rat Author:
Chapter 71: Defenders Assemble!

The huge mechanical monstrosity whined to a halt, the drill slowing, and front tracks ceasing their forward movement. Milo noticed the back tracks didn't seem to be moving at all. Steam blew out of several vents, and a large panel was kicked loose from inside. As Boom-Boom jumped from the top hatch, another dozen Engineers tumbled laughing from the machine, each sporting a version of their magi-tech armor, equipped with complex tools and weapons.

Throttlecog was embracing and slapping the back of The Engineer. "Damn me for a snotling! You got the old thing working?! I thought the boiler was shot and the rear tracks totally rusted out?"

The Engineer put his nose in the air and twirled his bushy mustache. "When one is The Engineer, one must know secrets of the trade."

Throttlecog crossed his arms and tapped a toe on the rock. "Such as what, you old walrus? You barely know how to crosswire a warpstone spark generator let alone fix an XV77-Excavator."

The Engineer laughed hard. "But I'm great at stealing ideas from the rest of the brotherhood and repurposing them. Had you looked at the boiler the lads made to power the Puke-and-Twirl? Their design was 56% smaller and 17% more powerful than the one in the XV77. That gave the driller added torque and allowed for more passengers."

Throttlecog fought down the urge to go see the new boiler. 56% smaller?! "And what about the rear track propulsion? Looks shot to me."

The Engineer pointed in the direction of the hole. "Oh, easy. We found and installed an auxiliary engine."

Two massive grey hands grabbed the edge of the hole and struggled to heave the rest of their body out of the hole. Finally, a very tired troll crawled out and stood, causing a bit of panic in any non-engineers nearby. Huge mechanical excavators were one thing, but a thirty-foot tall troll was scary as hell!

"And this engine is tired! I pushed your infernal metal beast for miles, and it was all up-hill!!"

Harry sat down next to the excavator and leaned back against it. One hand reached into a pouch and came out with a handful of mushrooms and grubs that he stuffed into his mouth.

All thoughts of the explosive they had been building were put aside as Milo ran to greet his friends, over-joyed at their unexpected arrival. Boom-Boom however, only had eyes for the assortment of black powder and mining explosives.

"You were building a bomb and didn't wait for me!? For shame! And you're doing it all wrong! This is a weedy little thing with barely any snap, crackle or pop!"

Two-Screws put his hand on Boom-Booms armored shoulder and looked serious. "You are absolutely right. It's horrible! This project needs the touch of a master demolitions expert."

Boom-Boom smiled. "Ooooh! Wait, I know this one! That's ME!" He ran to the excavator to gather tools and ingredients as Two-Screws smiled. "Now we just have to make sure he doesn't destroy the city all by himself!"

Vary ran up, looking for Milo, but could barely talk as he took in the assembled Engineers. The Engineer took notice and walked up to him. "This is one of the new recruits? Nice to see the younger generation still has some spunk. What's your report, lad?"

Vary shook off his jitters. "The raid leader, Belinda, needs to know if we have a plan other than Milo getting himself killed. We have more fighters coming in all the time, and things are getting a little chaotic. She needs your input."

Milo listened to Vary's report, and then paused to think, running scenarios through his head. The reenforcements that had arrived gave him so many ideas. After a few seconds he suddenly leaped to the top of XV77 and slammed his spanner on the metal hull to get everyone's attention.

"Here's the Project. We have a slowly moving world-boss creeping up on the city. It has enough seismic power to crack open a fissure that will wreck the city and drown us all in sea-water. It eats rock, spits out baby stone lurkers, and one hit will most likely kill anyone not in armor. The stone can be broken, but we're going to need a big bomb to crack its crystalline core."

"I'm off to co-ordinate the adventurers that are slowing it up. Let's get a bomb built and any other truly dangerous ideas of how to kill the thing are on the table. We have a reputation for pulling off miracles. Let's prove the legends don't exaggerate."

Milo leaped off the machine, doing a double flip as he landed near the bomb. After a few seconds, a large crate appeared out of thin air. "There's stuff in here. Use it if you need it, Boom-Boom." The curious dwarf immediately investigated the magic crate. "Yep. Good stuff. The deep iron ingots will work for the casing, you've got some nice cables, and I smell some interesting myconic solutions I can use as accelerants." He began rummaging through the crate, piling stuff up.

Boom-Boom paused, then pulled out a few items. A ring, a staff, a large round shield, and a quiver of arrows. "No use to me, but might help out those adventurers." Milo had totally forgotten about the loot from the various chests that he'd opened after killing The Pudding and The Snake. He'd been looking for cheese at the time, and tossed the rest of the stuff into his stash. He took the armload of items from Boom-Boom and passed half to Vary to carry.

As the Engineers cheered and got to work, he and Vary raced off to find Belinda.

The Engineer watched him go. "Smart lad. Nothing gets this crew going like daring them to do the dangerously impossible before breakfast."

Belinda looked at the items. Those were major magical items, and he was just giving them away? "...uh, Milo,"

"Oh, silly me. Almost forgot. And this is for you." Belinda watched as Milo pulled a beautiful, shiny, copper ring from his pocket, took her hand, and placed it on her finger. "Thought of you when I first got it, but I've been really busy lately. Hope you like it."

The healer stared at her hand, and then at Milo, at a loss for words. Milo grew a bit embarrassed, but didn't know why. "Got to run, have a bomb to deliver."

As he ran off, Belinda continued to stare at the ring. It was made of many strands of braided copper that shown with a deep light. On one part, a circle of seven small emeralds were inset into an etched outline of a crown. As soon as she put it on, she knew what it was.

Vengeful Spiral of the Empress (Unique)

There must always be an Empress. Piss her off at your peril!

+500 mana.

Font of Power - Mana Regeneration is increased 50%.

Poison Immunity - Bearer is immune all poisons under Tier 5.

Spell Enhancement - Bearer may choose one type of spell to bind to the Spiral. That type will have double the normal effect when cast on others. Choose from: Poison, Acid, Rending, Burning, Trauma, Slashing, Piercing, Necromantic, Wildrot, Soultearing, Windshear, Frostburn, Disease,

and maybe some others no one cares about.

Frowning at the ring, Belinda said, "I choose Healing."

Healing is a sub-optimal way to crush you enemies. How about: Poison, Acid, Rending, Burning, Trauma, Slashing, Piercing, Necromantic, Wildrot, Soultearing, Windshear, Frostburn, or Disease?

"Bullshit. If I get to be the Empress, then I get to rule the way I want to. I choose Healing!"

...sigh...we'll talk about this when you get a bit older, maybe.

Merciful Spiral of the Empress (Unique)

There must always be an Empress. She will righteously heal you until you submit to her rule!

+500 mana.

Font of Power - Mana Regeneration is increased 50%.

Poison Immunity - Bearer is immune all poisons under Tier 5.

Spell Enhancement - Healing spells have twice normal effect.

"Better." Belinda couldn't wait to show her dad. He was going to turn green with envy.

Alessandra had noticed the exchange and smiled. "Looks like someone got engaged just now. Look at that smile on the girl's face."

Malka was pleased. "Engaged in the middle of a battle! It's so nice to see young people doing things the old-fashioned way."