Chapter 93: Fire and Flood

Name:Tunnel Rat Author:
Chapter 93: Fire and Flood

Shadowport was in chaos. Not the chaos that would have happened if a giant crystalline monster had cracked the earth and brought down the cavern roof, but still not in good shape.

The rich had fled first. Those with their own airships or sea-going vessels had taken trusted retainers and portable wealth. Also the best food and wine, since long voyages could be tedious. They left behind many retainers who had served them for years, and mercenary guards who wondered about getting paid.

It wasn't long after the richest citizens had fled that many of the hanging palaces and wealthy estates had changes of ownership. Gangs joined with mercenaries under strong leaders and new territory was staked out. Half the hanging palaces were taken over, and half were looted of everything of value. There would be fights if the old owners returned. That was just to be expected

Below in the city, everyone was either busy fleeing, busy guarding their homes, or busy looting. As people fled, gangs and looters moved through buildings, stealing what they could. Even in these perilous times, there were people ready to buy. Shadowport was home to many pirates, smugglers, and outcasts from the empire. Taking advantage of chaos was second nature to them.Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

The gangs and thieves had no place to store this windfall of loot, so they gladly took a little coin from the fences and merchants (not much difference between them, actually.) Many a fortune was made by those with the guts to stick around, the coin to buy up what they could, and the swords to protect their warehouses.

Fights started, ranging from small skirmishes in alleyways to battles with dozens of combatants fighting over warehouses stuffed with goods. The fighting was worst in the warehouse district by the docks. That was where the first fire started.

Fire was a nightmare for Shadowport. The buildings were mostly of wood that burned fiercely. In other cities a Storm Mage would bring rain to smother the flames. It was hard to do that when the sky was made of stone. Several large warehouses and a swath of the shanty town near the docks burned to the ground before the fires could be cut off and dealt with. One Sea Mage had stayed behind, not wanting to abandon his extended family. Tobias had been born a fisherman's son, and he wasn't leaving the city. It was the large waves that he conjured from the bay that finally smothered the flames. Ironically, he couldn't save the block of homes where his family had lived.

Sitting near the charred remains of his father's house, his mana exhausted and his spirits low, he didn't notice the gang of ruffians until they surrounded him. One nudged his boot. "Hey, wake up. Are you the Sea Mage that did this? Boss needs to know!"

Tobias looked down at his soot blackened blue robe, trimmed with a design of white waves. There was certainly no chance of denying it. "Yes. The other mages left, using Mage Winds to speed the boats out of the harbor, I'm the only Sea Mage left. Don't expect much out of me. I won't have mana to fight another fire for at least a day."

Tobias got himself free of his grandmother's arms just as two aunts came rushing in the room. "Come look. Come look! The kitchen is huge! And Tobias's friend left all the copper pans and cooking oil for us."

His mother was the next family member to find him, she pulled him into another room. "I'm not ungrateful, but what debt does the family now owe? I don't for a minute think that Kanelos is letting you use his estate for free."

Tobias wondered what stories they had been told. "I don't think he had much choice. Squint caught him breaking rules and looting. He...uh...won't be back. Ever."

His mother pondered that. "I see. And in return, you work for this Squint now? Is he a good man or an evil man?"

Tobias answered truthfully. "I have no clue. I don't even know if he knows. But I'm the only water mage if another fire breaks out. He wants me resting and ready to deal with it, and not worried about where my family is sleeping."

She nodded. Fair enough. "Our family will take this gift. And there is room here for more people. Can we offer the use of 'your house' to other families? Many don't have a roof over their heads. The church is full and food is getting scarce."

Tobias was pretty sure a lot of other families were already here, based on the number of children already exploring the rooms and setting up bedding in the courtyard. "Of course, mother. They are our neighbors and friends."

He would have said more, but he heard his name being yelled from downstairs, and from a window he could see the glow of flames from several blocks over. He raced downstairs to find the Kulag lord sitting in his new living room, his grandmother forcing a plate of food on him. Squint caught his eye, and motioned to the door, setting his plate on the floor where the cats licked it clean in seconds.

He followed Squint out the door and they raced to where flames were just starting to lick up the side of a warehouse. People were fighting out front. Tobias concentrated on summoning waves, ignoring the blood flowing near him as Squint waded into the fight.