People follow their father to get on the car, but Taotao's face is tight, his eyes are only staring at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

Taotao's expression was obviously carried by his father.

"Cough -" even Zhan Qing, who always cherished words like gold, could not help but sigh, "can't you not be so like your father?"

Although a person is small, he has a great heart. He doesn't even put his father in his eyes. He can grow up a little bit.

"Hum!" Taotao's little head is more inclined to the outside of the window.

Different from the awkward Taotao, Tingting and Taotao are happy and carefree.

Tingting, in particular, can't be quiet at all.

Taotao glances at Qu Yihong from time to time. It's hard for Xiaozheng to hide the respect in his eyes.

"Little Susu, they are so bad." Tingting said vividly, "they will bully my aunt. When you come, they are as good as a ball

Qu Yihong slowly holds Tingting's small hand dancing in the air: "is it?"

"Of course it is!" Tingting's eyes are bright.

Reaching for the pigtail, little Lori grabbed it for a long time and found it didn't, then she put down her little hand again.

He said to himself carefully: "I guess the second uncle will not appear again, and the second aunt will clean them up with her fist!"

Tingting nods her head violently, her eyes narrowed with laughter: "actually, I want to see my aunt clean them up

Tingting's eyes are shining.

"Mmm." To speak weakly of approval.

In the conversation between Tingting and Taotao, she quickly returned to banshanyuan.

Qu Yihong didn't get out of the car. He said in a deep voice, "Zhan Qing, take them in."

Zhan qingyiling holds Tingting and Taotao first.

When he came back to Taotao, Taotao quickly avoided Zhan Qing's hand: "I will go down myself."

In his mouth, Taotao didn't move, but his eyes glanced at Qu Yihong.

After a little meditation, Qu Yihong made a gesture to Zhan Qing.

As soon as Zhan Qing saw it, he understood: "I'll send them back first, and let Uncle Wang come to take Taotao."

Seeing Taotao and Tingting go further and further with Zhan Qing, Taotao's face finally turns to Qu Yihong.

"What?" Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "still angry with me?"

Taotao bit his lips and said angrily: "I was bullied by others. Why are you not angry at all? That's my mommy. "

Qu Yihong squinted at his son and said, "I remember you clapped your chest and promised that you could protect your mommy."

“……” Taotao choked. After a while, he stared back at his father. "I know you don't like mommy. Well, I support mommy in making a new boyfriend. "

"If you want a stepfather, you can do it." Quyihong's cloud is light and the wind is clear.

Taotao flat mouth, eyes red: "who said I want a stepfather?"

Qu Yihong silently aims at her son and keeps silent.

Naughty and naughty stare at his father, can't bear: "I just don't want my father, will deliberately hit him on the nose, let the teacher invite mommy to school."

"Oh?" Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows. "Is that true?"

"That's it." Taotao sniffed, "but I let mommy be bullied. I will never do that again."

Said, always strong small is too tears flash.

The little guy's bitter eyes passed Qu Yihong's face, and he was ready to get out of the car. He mumbled, "Dad, you've let me down."

Congealing Taotao's tight little face, Qu yihonglue reaches out and pulls Taotao to face himself.

"I'm getting off." Taotao said with a small face, "I want to call Mommy, I want to apologize to Mommy..."

The voice of Taotao suddenly stuck.

Little Zhengtai looks at his father in amazement - he actually hugs him, even if he hugs Tingting.

Taotao didn't expect that his father would hold him like this, and he was stunned.

He is used to fighting wisdom and courage with his father, but he is not used to his father suddenly becoming so warm

In that sense of ceremony, Qu Yihong released Taotao: "the idea is good, the method is not right."

When Uncle Wang followed Zhan Qing to lead Taotao, Xiao Zhengtai was depressed.

Taotao doesn't understand - is his method swollen?

Qu Yihong stares at the depressed little guy outside the car, slowly closes the window glass: "let's go --"

Zhan Qing stares at the father and son curiously, shakes his head, and drives away as expected.

Uncle Wang led Taotao back: "how naughty? It's just the beginning of today. It seems that it's urgent to invite a nanny... "

"And grandma Yun." Taotao subconscious tunnel.

"That cloud grandma can manage your three meals just fine." Uncle Wang shook his head. "I'll call your mommy to see if she can ask for leave."

As soon as Taotao's eyes brightened, he raised his small hand and looked at the phone watch on his wrist. The cerebellar pocket melon started rapidly -

if he called Mommy now, Mommy would come back to accompany the three of them


From the taxi, Tong Tong almost rushed back to the office with the most impressive speed in his life.

The air in the office is a little condensed.

Xiao Lan and Xiao Bai look at Tong Tong's pupil and move their eyes one after another.

Tong Tong can understand it as soon as he sees it. It's so big. These two enthusiastic colleagues dare not touch each other at this time

Take a deep breath. Tong Tong Tong tries to cheer himself up and comes to Mozi Chen.

"What else can I do?" Mozi Chen seemed to have eyes on his head, and said without lifting his head. His voice was stiff.

“……” The child's pupil choked, and it took a while to find his voice. "Boss, I'm so sorry, but all of a sudden --"

"there's no need to explain that much." Mo Zichen's tone was cold, and he no longer had the patience to be critical of children's pupils. You choose. "

"I --" Tong Tong Tong's voice came back to his stomach.

"If you can't choose, go back and think about it before you tell me." Mozi Chen looks alienated, "otherwise, I will be left if I am stuck in your pit several times."

Tong Tong was worried and blurted out, "today is just a sudden incident, it's totally accidental."

"Is it?" Mozi Chen finally looked up at Tong Tong and said, "you promise?"

"I promise!" Tong Tong's tone is firm.

Mo Zichen's brows were locked tightly and he pondered for a few seconds before saying, "in this case, I'll investigate again..."

He just said half, Tong Tong's cell phone rang happily.

Tong Tong quickly takes out his mobile phone, looks at the incoming call, and immediately feels nervous.

But looking at Mo Zichen, who looks unhappy, she can only bear not to answer the phone so urgently.

"Home phone?" Mo Zichen understood as soon as he saw it, "take it, I'll listen to it, if it's a sudden incident."

Tong Tong couldn't help but answer the phone in front of Mo Zichen. "Mommy." Taotao's stuffy voice came, "Dad let the three of us go home. Both Taotao and Tingting miss you very much. Can you come back to accompany us? "