Chapter 39: 39 Dungeon rewards

Chapter 39: 39 Dungeon rewards

[El's POV: ]

That slime was definitely cute but saying it loud ticks this darling of mine so I didn't say much when it died.

But now that it was dead... it would have been nice if we could have kept them as we did with those beautiful flower slimes with teeth.

'Ah~! They look adorable too~'

They all were cute and my creation made them so I was technically their grandma.

'Hehe. Me, a grandma... hahaha~.'

It was a dream to actually have kids and see their kids but I only wanted kids with him. Beautiful kids with pure hearts like him, and maybe with the understanding of 'beauty' like mine.

'Hmm~. I know I'm not being too greedy and it's possible this time so let's look forward to the future~!'

I was happily giggling as I lay down beside him and he was drained from that long fight.

'I wanna drain him too. Ugh!'

He had worked hard and it was time for us to receive our very first treasure.

It wasn't something grand and as it was a basic reward to clear this dungeon for the first time, all three of us were going to get it. n0VElusb.c0m

It was the first but after this one, there were two more treasures we were going to get before the time to go back comes.

'come... cum... haaaa...'

This very first treasure was called . A very good material that had versatile uses.

It was a bound item and will be bound to us, the receivers, so selling it was not possible to begin with.

It was a good thing that could be used as a weapon, armor, or even a material to ride with an artifact and bind the item to oneself. It was a multipurpose tool that we can use in any way our imagination and its limits allow it.

'And yes, it was a multi-purpose-tool. You get what I mean, right? We... I can use it a lot many ways than just to use it the way everyone can think of.'

You readers are smart, and down bed for many things so I know you know what I mean. Lucy might deny, but fuck him. Literally, I mean.

It was something worth calling treasure and no one in this game story had something similar to it till the middle parts so having something cool like this was definitely a good thing.

The second treasure was something this bastard found all by herself in the past.

It was surprising how something so valuable could be just sitting on top of a tree but it was good that we knew its location. Just that it's so far away that a brief time skip will be a must.

'He's a weirdo to search for things on top of a giant tree but that's the cool thing about him. He knows how to climb.'

So, there was this very rare material called on top of a giant tree and Raz could help us retrieve it.

Lucy was going to use it in the fusion process we will have as the last little event before going back to the city so I was hoping we could get something good from the treasure chest we will get as the third treasure which was located deep inside a troll village.

And it was a silver treasure chest, one rank higher than the very basic bronze one so there could be some really amazing things we can get from it.

The goal was to get something good from that chest, sell it to Raz and purchase a .

Then we can mix our slimes with those crystals and the new crystals with our amazing red weapons.

It was a long process but thankfully, we had some good time on our hands.

So, exhausted from the long battle, the two of us waited for the reward calculations to get finished as Eva also sat beside us.

"I hope we get a treasure chest."

It would be amazing if we did but getting a treasure chest from a low-level dungeon was quite unheard of. He knew it too but he was the one saying it. The possibilities increased exponentially just from his mere words and as he said...

[Reward calculations are complete.]

A small treasure chest, entirely made of bronze by the looks, started materializing before our eyes.

"Say that every time we clear a dungeon."

He had to say it. Fucking lucky bastard!

"Aye aye, ma'am."

He was exhausted enough to not even shout those words as he usually does. My poor little darling. I should give him a hand later... a hand full of warm energy you dirty-minded fools.

[As a base reward, all party members receive 5000 Oz.]

[Party member Lucifer receives 2000 Oz for dealing the final blow to the dungeon boss.]

[MVP Auriel receives 2000 Oz for her outstanding contribution to the raid.]

[The unharmed member Evaline receives 3000 Oz for not receiving a single wound throughout the special dungeon run. ]

[As a special clear reward, all the raid members receive the Best quality material .]

[The reward calculations are complete and the reward has been given. ]

[Congratulations! You have obtained the best reward: a bronze treasure chest, for clearing the ranked (Enhanced) dungeon for the first time!]

[As an achievement of receiving the best reward, as an additional reward: 5000 Oz and 30 skill points are given to all party members.]

"Khahahahahaha! Thank you all fucking piece of shits! Thanks! Muhahahahaha!"

It was called the best reward because it was some of the best things one can receive from clearing a dungeon. But it was somewhat because of these bastards' involvement that we got it. Fucker bastards! Hahahaha!

'I really want to see those dead shocked faces. Just imagining it is gorgeously funny~! Hahaha!'

What rewards one gets after each dungeon clear was all actually depended on luck and things one had to do after receiving an extremely precious treasure chest of any rank was a little complicated.

You just receive a treasure chest, not the key to open the chest so you would either have to have a high-grade lock opening innate skill, craftsman skills to produce a perfect key, or enough money to purchase the very rare universal keys that mostly only have limited uses.

It was absurd but it was what it was so those who receive it had to invest a lot of money into actually opening the thing.

"Thankfully, we have one master key that can be used a few times too~! Khahahaha! But Lucy, we should get that thing as soon as possible."

My sudden shift from laughing to seriousness was nothing new to him so he just answered while laying there alone... he should lay on me, bastard.

"Yes... but increasing our favorability with that person will be quite difficult. It usually took me at least a year. But it is always worth it."

It definitely was worth investing that much time if it meant we could get a permanent master key. A relic even those bastard gods, angels, and demons didn't have.

And having the favor of an offspring even if that bastard was a jerk was a good thing. Raz knew it the best after the two of us.

'I'm his grandma anyway. Things will work out.'


I looked into my Lucy's gorgeous blue eyes, wanting to do many things to him, and he looked into mine, not trying to think anything weird as the bronze treasure chest finished materializing in front of us.

The main message was still not up so we didn't rush to open the treasure chest and waited for a moment and after a while...

[You have cleared the dungeon: slime village. It is a permanent dungeon so you have received a choice.]

Another window opened before the two of us asking if we wanted the dungeon rights or the reward for it instead.

And the answer to it was obvious and clear.

"Dungeon rights. Owning a dungeon is quite profitable if you have the initial investment funds. And we have Raz so getting a manager would be a piece of cake."

So, we nodded and clicked yes together as a unique, old parchment appeared before our eyes.


"Our first dungeon..."

It was a good feeling. Owning a dungeon meant having a source of passive income so it was truly nice.

"Okay then. Let's open the treasure chest and call Raz~. My little cutie must be dying to receive my hand too. Huhu."

Raz was a cute fellow and he was definitely in for a surprise. Dungeons, especially permanent ones, were rare so just being in one was a unique thing but owning that dungeon meant many more unique things.

You could partially change the structure and positions of the creatures that appear inside it. Modify it and even upgrade it going forward.

We can add traps and even decide the type of reward one receives after clearing it. And the type of 'payments' we receive as the dungeon owners.

So, we only had to invest in a good manager and some workers to change the dungeon and that would be it.

'Of course, things would be a lot more difficult when making a deal with my little Raz but, we were prepared to spend a little more this time.'

Yes, there would be a salary we would have to give to the manager but that was fine too. It wouldn't be that much anyway.

We would still get something at the end so it was just the profit.

And adventurers would be the ones to recover the dungeon materials and sell them to the manager so we wouldn't need the additional workers for that.

'Dungeons produce some very good resources so not harvesting them would be dumb and funny.'

Even right now as we sat in this place, there were many Mana herbs, stones, some low-quality crystals, and flowers that could be good for one's growth.

These purple crystals coming out of the ground were also worth something with the small amount of pure Mana it contains so a dungeon was always worth it if you have enough investment funds.


"Let's open it~!"

I was excited, he was excited, and Eva was disappointed that she couldn't be of much help but we were excited so she was smiling.

So, I took out the weird-looking old key we got after killing that bastard and inserted it inside the treasure chest.

It was strange how the key with a triangular end went inside a circular lock but that was the weirdness of a master key.

So, the key was inside and he opened the lock of the treasure chest as it opened with a clicking sound.

"Open it, Lucy."

He was the luckiest person among us so my baby obviously smiled happily and came forward.

And, bending down before me but not daring to show me his perfect ass, he opened the box-sized lowest-grade treasure chest as a bright bronze light escaped from the box...