Chapter 72 72 Stat test

Chapter 72 72 Stat test

[Lucy's POV: ]

"Alright, mister. Time's up."

"And I'm done too. Here."

Handing the question paper to our elf examiner Leviathan, son of a secretly outcasted member of the royal house of Vanraya, the elven kingdom, I finally sighed with relief.

It sure was difficult to write all those questions in that little time but I finished it, and without using tricks like El so she had no excuse to come to me and boast how she finished first and I would have to give her a wish.

I was writing by my very own hands even though I could have done something like her, but I knew I would lose to her anyway and she would have an excuse that she defeated me in a 'fair' competition.

"Phew... finally."

I was relieved now, but, this examiner of ours was even more relieved.

El had teased him enough that he already went out three times to calm down and he had no reason or permission to do anything to an examinee that had already finished their test so he was in an even worse position before my bad girl.

'Poor guy...'

He took the papers from me and directly went out without looking at anyone else.

And Eva and Nes had already finished their exam so they were already sitting there freely, chatting and waiting for me to finish.

So, when I finished and Levi went out for a moment to hand out all the papers to the authorities, all three of them looked at me at the back left corner of the room.

"Took you long enough." El gave me a look of annoyance. The look she only had when she didn't like something specifically about me.

Eva had a look that was, well, kind of loving? Maybe it was a look of surprise but I couldn't grasp it properly because of Nes's question.

"Brother Lucy, did you write everything like El too?"

She mostly calls me brother Lucy, sometimes Lucifer, and rarely Lucy. And though I dunno the reason, hearing brother from her is a million times better than hearing 'brother' from my dear El.

'It only brings difficulties and fatigue, as anyone might understand.'

"Yes, I wrote all the answers. Though I believe they are a little more simple to understand for the people who would check them."

My answers were simple, while El's were too technical that they would have to request the branch manager and head of the magic department to actually grade them.

'And I have no doubts that some of the things in there are so revolutionary that even they would fail to fully grasp them and would have to call in experts from all over the world to understand the things in there.'

If we consider my answer sheet a well-crafted research paper one could put at some of the top positions of different categories, El's answer sheet... was a divine blessing from the gods.

'Or at least something like that.'

"Ohhh~. So you both at least answered everything right? I could only do seventy of them and two from the last ten.

Most of them were too weird for me to understand..."

Nes was smart enough to answer more than seventy questions. Ninety-nine percent of the people giving this written test aren't even smart enough to do half of it.

And our Eva was one of those common people.

Still, she answered exactly fifty questions even though she could have done more, and I knew for a fact that all fifty of them were perfectly correct.

"Yes. But we both-"

"Alright, everyone. Let's get started with the stat test."

Levi came in, and without even looking at us, he open the door on the front right side and walked in.

"Hmmm? Is something wrong with mister examiner?"

Nes had no idea what things had happened to him at the time she was writing her test, but from all the things I had felt through our connection, I knew El had a good piece of fun playing with that 'cute' person.

"Perhaps he has other things he has to attend to?" El questioned, with a smirk that Nes found normal, but Eva already knew something had happened with him that involved her El, and when it involved El... well, she also had a pitiful look when she looked in the direction he had walked into.

"Right... since you mentioned he is the best here, he must be a busy person, right?"

Nes stood up and stood before the door to the next room.

"Then we shouldn't delay. Let's finish this so that he can do his work~."

"Yes~. Let's do what we are here for~."

Nes meant what she said in a good way, and this time, El also meant what she said, but of course, in a not-so-good manner...

The written test was over so we walked into the room with multiple unique pieces of equipment that the association used to measure one's stats.

'And though they could only measure the Strength, Agility, Stamina, Intelligence, Luck, charm, and Mana, that much was good enough for a rough estimation of one's strength.'

They couldn't measure unique stats other than Mana, so there was no way for them to accurately measure the true strength of someone like Nes that had another unique stat.

"Alright. We will start with the strength test." n0veluSb.c0M

This room was far bigger than the small square one we were in a moment before. There was unique-looking equipment that El and I were already familiar with but all of this was certainly new for both Eva and Nes.

And the way Levi was just standing there professionally with no great expression, with only a unique magic slate in his hand to record the results of our tests, it was clear he did not want anything like the last test again.

'But the poor person had no choice but to endure her threats until all of this is over... and probably forever after that too.'

"Miss Evaline. Please stand here and hit this crystal as strongly as you can."

They used a unique artifact that absorbed the force from the attack and graded the strength of one's stat based on that, which appeared on the display standing by its side.

'And this is a very sturdy thing that can certainly endure attack from someone in 200 to 300 level.'

Stats were numerical representations of one's aspects related to that specific stat, but the criteria these stats were calculated were the same for everyone.

That's why the purity of one's stat, or the strength of that specific stat, varies greatly from person to person.

Someone with the same stats can have a very different level of strengths regarding that stat so it was best to measure the stats individually instead of just asking one about the number they can see on their screen.

"Alright. Can I use a weapon?"

Eva stood before the transparent crystal and asked the examiner and he simply nodded and pointed to his left side.

"Use anything you like from there."

One could use a weapon they are the most familiar with to bring out all of their strength but, the use of artifacts and skills was obviously prohibited during at least the stat test.


Eva took a good sword from the side, stood before the transparent crystal, and took a stance.

[ "What do you think?" ]

Eva was preparing herself when El asked that question.

She was asking what rank of strength she would get. And since these stat's rankings were the same as the energy beasts and artifacts going from <F> to <SSS>, from what I knew about that crystal and Eva...

[ "I think B or probably A. She is level eighty right now so that much is right." ]

That was a calculated answer from my side since I knew Eva's current level of abilities more than enough and this time, El had the same opinion as mine.

[ "She will get an A. And then that little Levi will be shocked~. Hehehe." ]

'This girl...'

She was still looking for ways to tease that poor guy. But, that was not important right now. Eva was ready.


She wielded the sword in one hand, supported the end of the handle with the open palm of the other hand, and after focusing her strength in both her hands, she thrust the sword into the crystal with a great force...


Her attack had created a strong gust of wind and when her sword hit the crystal, the unbreakable crystal was left with a little dent as the crystal itself glowed with a green light and a letter appeared on the screen beside it.

"A. See, I was right."

"Oyyy. I was the one that said she would get that rank."

"No! You said 'probably'. I was sure she would get an <A>~!"

Well... that was true too. I was unsure, and she just got lucky.

Still, as she wanted, there was an astonished expression on his face.

"<A> rank strength... that's pretty strong, miss."

He looked at Eva up and down, looked at her pretty face, looked at how she looked hot and perfect, but <A> rank strength?

He must have only seen muscular people with visible buffed muscles getting a <A> rank in strength so this was certainly surprising for him.

'Well, few people actually know how to develop proper useful muscles and use what they have to extract all the strength they could.'

When I taught Eva how to wield a sword, I started with the most basic aspects as how to use her body perfectly to get the most out of what she already had.

And though it was the most difficult task, she only took a little over a year to master it. Which just showed how talented she was.

"A-alright. Next is Miss Agnes."


Eva put back the sword and came back, we gave her an approving nod telling her she did well, and she nodded at both of us with a smile.

She could get a higher rank if she uses her Mana or skills but this much was perfect for that certain role we wanted her to take.

But it was Nes's turn now. And since she was mainly a supporter that didn't use any weapon, Levi instructed her to punch the crystal which... was probably a bad idea.

"Give it your all Nes~!" And to make things worse, El shouted just when Nes was uncertainly standing before the transparent crystal. And her cheerful voice relieved Nes's worries.



El had her signature evil smirk, I tried to stop her, but the relieved Nes had already gathered a pink light on her fist involuntarily and punched the crystal.


And, when her fist touched the crystal, though the impact that was absorbed showed an <B> on the screen beside it, the pink energy that flowed into the crystal afterward was so strong that, the strength measurement crystal of the association that hardly ever gets damaged... was shattered to pieces.

"Hahaha~! Good work Nes~!"

And El was laughing at this scene...

Nes was worried that she had made some kind of mistake, while our instructor was staring at the destroyed crystal with an open mouth and stunned expression.

He had dropped his pen, Eva was shaking her head in disbelief at El's mischievous actions, and I couldn't help but sigh at this moment...

Something was destroyed for the first time in this testing room. But I knew very well that this was just the start of that destruction.

Many things were going get trashed here today, and though a few of them would be an involuntary action, it was El's sworn mission to cause as much destruction here as possible...

'Oh, man...'