Chapter 106 106 Clashing swords

Chapter 106 106 Clashing swords

[OP: ]

Lucy and Ras both were excellent swordsmen with a world full of experience and talent. They both knew what a sword was, how to use it, how it should be handled, and how it should be used in a way that one can have the best possible results of their actions from it.

They knew the sword and wielded it perfectly even at this moment when neither of them or what they were doing was visible to the naked eye.

-Clang! Clash! Clung!

There were only the sparks of strange lights all around the wide area of this labyrinth with the sounds of two metallic blades clashing with each other.

They were fighting at a speed the eyes couldn't perceive, but looking at the two sword-wielders closely, one could see how they were smiling and clashing their blades with the intent to kill, not holding their strengths back.

They were having fun, but this fun of theirs was not something that should be taken for granted.


Lucy was using his better stats and senses to attack and his sword or Mana shields to defend against his opponent's attacks while his opponent was using his battle senses and better mobility to avoid Lucy's attacks, counter-attacking with his Qi-covered blade.

This unique power was a little different from the atmospheric Mana that Lucy was using and was closer to the Aura but wasn't exactly it at the same time.

Qi is the martial energy or vital energy of a person that comes from inside like aura but isn't same in the nature as the atmospheric Mana.

It is a kind of Mana if seen from the Worldline's perspective but like how Aura is a highly dense form of Mana, Qi is a Mana that is constantly gathered, cultivated, and stored inside a person's body. And depending on one's understanding of their body and the world, the power of this energy increases, just like how Aura becomes stronger after going through the process of awakening.

Still, Qi is a relatively stronger force than the natural Mana and Lucy knew that too, so the advantage of better stats he had was nullified against it.

The only thing that remained now was their senses, experience, techniques... and skills too, but neither of them seemed to be wanting to use much of their skills.


The clash of Qi and Mana with a rock on the ceiling of the cave caused a great exploitation, destroying it from its joint.

It was a way to create some distance between them from Lucy's side but Ras ended up using this opportunity to create an opening in Lucy's unshakable defenses.

But Lucy had already figured out his intentions so, just after the rock on the ceiling fell to the ground creating a small crater and a fog of dust, he took this opportunity and used footwork to close in on him, successfully managing to land a hit on his thigh area.


But he failed to cut through those traditional-looking clothes that possessed hardness greater than a strong armor even after looking so thin.

Those clothes... just like Nes's clothing, were an artifact of multiple functions, one of which being defensive properties that not even Dawn could cut through.

He expected that, but this failed attempt at least confirmed his thoughts. He now knew he would have to aim for the areas visible out of those clothes, namely the head, hands, and neck.

"Kekeke, you took the first time."

The red light in his crazy eyes seemed to have intensified after that very first successful hit, and the smile he had was deepened further so, he first channeled more Qi in his sword and vanished from the place he had crashed into.

'Light walk...!'

Lucy knew an attack he had to dodge was going to follow as soon as he saw him vanish from his place so he tried using the footwork skill, but, even before he could move from his position, Ras appeared right before his face and slashed at Lucy's abdomen.



It was a critical attack and Lucy knew he couldn't use a Mana shield in that short of a time, so he turned Dawn into a shield that covered half of his body and the successful attack from Ras threw him to the left, crushing him into the wall, almost causing him to lose his footing.

"Ohhhh! A weapon that can change forms!"




Ras was smiling down at him with excitement and Lucy was looking up at him with his glowing blue eyes, also smiling with excitement.

He wasn't expecting Ras to be this strong already. Only his first restriction should have been lifted so he should have been around level hundred only.

But from this force, it seems like he had already crossed level one hundred and ten. Not only that, from how he could use so much of his Qi, it seemed like he had been preparing for this entrance exam, expecting some strong opponents, something that had rarely ever happened during the time Lucy had met him in the game.

Ras was a strong person, crazy too. But, he was also a little arrogant at the start of the game, meaning he shouldn't have taken the people of the academy so seriously that he would prepare for a battle against someone strong.

But this unexpected attack that Lucy believed was not something he would be capable of just yet, opened his eyes and reminded him why the two of them called this bastard the 'Eternal variable'.

He was unpredictable, his actions sometimes were just too different from what they had been the last time in the exact same scenario, and every time they would have to deal with him, they knew they had to expect all the unexpecteds'.

'I forgot that for a moment.'

When Ras used his footwork to attack the fallen Lucy, he also used his Light walk to match his timing and got exactly behind him, attacking his neck at that precise moment... but Ras was familiar with this classic technique so he took a step forward instinctively when his sword failed to hit the target, used the force generated by that rotation, and turned to the side with the support of the wall.



He mumbled as soon as he turned around afterward and looked as Lucy created a considerable gap between the two of them.

He was looking Lucy straight in the eyes, the smile on his face vanished, a new seriousness had overtaken the glowing red eyes, and he was observing him, attacking him with imaginary attacks through his eyes, the micro-movements of his body, and subtle movements of his sword.

It was a technique that the sword masters or highly experienced masters used when assessing an opponent as strong as them.

Lucy knew this, actually, he was a master when it came to this specific kind of martial battle.

He used his own subtle movements to not only counterattack all the imaginary attacks but he answered the opponent with his own deadly attacks, something that even he could barely block after using all of the Qi he currently had. n0VeLusb.c0m

In that split second, the two of them fought a battle longer than they actually had and this imaginary battle told them many things about each other.

Lucy now perfectly knew what Ras was currently capable of and Ras knew he stood no chance against this person at least during their current imaginary battle.

His battle senses were too sharp. Even sharper than him, someone who once stood on the pinnacle of mortality.

It was like he was facing someone who had seen beyond human capabilities, beyond the sky that few could even dream to reach, the sky that he was now too far away from.

The way he blocked his attacks with immense precision, the way he counterattacked so perfectly that even he sensed a kind of dread he had not in a very long time made his heart skip a beat.

It was strange and he couldn't believe it himself, but it was true. The fact that his opponent was an extraordinary existence, perhaps even more special than his own self, was true, and it made his soul shiver with joy.


It was only a brief moment but as if the time had stopped in this place, everything including the two of them was still.

Ras attacked first but not only his attacks were blocked, his opponent counterattacked and almost killed him too. Confirming some of his suspicions, and helping him reach the end of his evaluation.

"I was not expecting to meet someone like you, mister. Please forgive my ignorance."

He bowed to Lucy, a rare sight for both of them.

But he knew what it meant when this bastard did that.

"Can I know your name, mister swordsman?"

He was bowing sincerely so one would think he was wide open for a frontal attack, and it looked like that as well, but, as someone who knew him, Lucy knew he was sharper than ever at this specific moment.

This was how he judged the opponents he considered his rivals, and from his experience with him, Lucy knew this was no small thing.

"Lucifer. But please don't use honorifics. I'm younger than you perhaps, and you are a great swordsman yourself. I would like it if you could address me comfortably."

Lucy answered his question with a calm tone without hesitation and bowed sincerely as well, showing the courtesy that a great swordsman like he deserved.

"The name that was given to me, at least how I remember it, is Ragasage. However, you can call me Ras."

Lucy had learned many things from him and they were still not all of what he could obtain from this person so, he respected him as a swordsman and he revered the art he created as the master of that heavenly sword.

He knew just how extraordinary Ras was in this world they had created themselves. Ras knew the opponent he was facing was no normal person. They had introduced themselves as well, so...

"Let us begin round two then, Ras."

An icy-cold bright red flame covered Lucy's sword filling the atmosphere with a strange chill that induced negativity, and, with a new smile on his face, Ras also covered his sword in a pure white flame exuding heat stronger than a midday sun of the hottest summer afternoon. A flame of passion that could ignite hope in the hearts of anyone nearby.

"It is my honor, Lucifer. Kekeke."

Two swords covered by unique Auras. Two people crazy for swords and battles. Smiling faces excited for the next phase of their fun battle... and then there was El, laying in a pool of thick blood, bored after making a mess out of the creatures of this labyrinth that weren't even available for the students taking their entrance exam.